- New postcranial elements of mesonychid mammals from the Ypresian of France: New hypotheses for the radiation and evolution of the mesonychids in Europe
Vertebrae of Hyaenodictis raslanloubatieri from La Borie (≈MP8 + 9). a-d. MHNT.PAL.2019.1.2, lumbar vertebra, in: a. anterior view; b. posterior view; c. lateral (left) view; d. dorsal view. e–h. MHNT.PAL.2019.1.3, caudal vertebra, in: e. anterior view; f. posterior view; g. lateral (left) view; h. dorsal view. i-l. MHNT.PAL.2019.1.4, caudal vertebra, in: i. anterior view; j. posterior view; k. lateral (left) view; l. dorsal view. m-p. MHNT.PAL.2019.1.5, caudal vertebra, in: m. anterior view; n. posterior view; o. lateral (left) view; p. dorsal view. Abbreviations: b, vertebral body; hp, hemal process; mp, mammillary process; prz, prezygapophysis; psz, postzygapophysis; sp, spinous process; tp, transverse process; veb, ventral edge of the vertebral body; vf, vertebral foramen. Scale bars equal 1 cm
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