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Variation in the effort level per métier under each management scenario (Sc1–Sc5) at the end of the simulation (2005–2030). IUU, Illegal, unregulated and unreported catches

Variation in the effort level per métier under each management scenario (Sc1–Sc5) at the end of the simulation (2005–2030). IUU, Illegal, unregulated and unreported catches

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In this paper we consider what may happen to the marine ecosystem of Gran Canaria Island within the 2030 horizon, if fishing strategies different from those currently in place were implemented and we evaluate the effect of, for example, reduction of recreational–artisanal fishing, limitation of catches (e.g. total allowable catches, TAC), or spatia...

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Coastal sharks are challenging to manage in the United States due to their slow life history, limited data availability, history of overexploitation, and competing stakeholder interests. Furthermore, species like the sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus) are subjected to international exploitation unmanaged by the US. We conducted a management stra...


... Specifically, we used the assessment package (Sraplus -Catch-only SIR model) developed in Ovando et al. (2021). Production (P/B) and consumption (Q/B) rates were estimated using empirical equations taken from Fish-Base (Froese and Pauly 2010) or other ecological models previously developed for the Canary Islands (Couce- Montero et al., 2015Montero et al., , 2019Mendoza et al., 2020). The diet matrix composition (Table S2) was assembled from published feeding habit studies in the archipelago or other Atlantic regions. ...
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This paper examines various fishery management scenarios based on the recovery of small-scale fisheries (SSF) following a submarine volcanic eruption in 2011 in El Hierro Island (Canary Islands, Spain). After this catastrophic event, the SSF composition of La Restinga fishing community was affected by socio-economic and demographic changes. The uncertainty derived from this situation provides an opportunity to evaluate the fisheries’ sustainability and advice on different management options under an ecosystem-based approach. The Ecopath with Ecosim modeling framework was used to build a model of El Hierro Island, where the versatile and traditional multispecies small-scale fleet of La Restinga operates. Our main goal is to improve traditional fisheries, based on the relevance of key local fisheries and multi-specific fishery strategies in the light of scientific knowledge. Temporal simulations for the next decade were analyzed by creating scenarios of alternative fishing effort distributions based on the fishing trends observed in El Hierro small-scale community of La Restinga after a natural hazard. The outcomes of this modeling prototype show the vulnerability of some littoral and demersal species, the resilience of migratory species, and the sustainability of SSF diversification practices. These results could develop an adaptive and co-management strategy with the local fishing community to preserve the small-scale fishing system and marine resources.
... At present, island study areas are divided into square grids [31], administrative regions [32], landscapes [33][34][35], and land use types [36]. These do not fully consider fundamental factors, such as an island's actual development and utilization status and an island's environmental characteristics of both land and sea. ...
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Although island tourism is vital to the economy of developing countries, many islands with great potential for tourism development do not plan for it adequately. The objective of this paper is to establish an island tourism value mining and promotion model from the tourist perspective by selecting the status value indicators of basic conditions, vacation tourism resources, and sightseeing tourism resources, as well as the promotion indicators of five types of recreational fisheries, including beach activities, recreational fishing, marine sports, rock climbing, and sightseeing platforms. Then, we evaluate the whole island and develop suitable areas by using an analytic hierarchy process. This study took Tianheng Island as an example and divided the study area into grids and land use types. The results indicate that the basic conditions and tourism resources of Tianheng Island are in a general level, and the vacation tourism resources are in high quality, while there is further room to improve them. We identified that the island has four areas which are suitable for scenic development, two sandy beaches, two recreation fishing areas, one marine sports area, and one island rock climbing area. Our findings are consistent with the actual situation in Tianheng Island, demonstrating that the model is practical and can provide an essential reference for the scientific protection and utilization of island tourism resources.
... Para el análisis de idoneidad, se recopilaron datos sobre hábitats bentónicos (procedentes de Datos Marinos y de los estudios Ecocartográficos de las Islas Canarias y de EMODnet -Red Europea de Observación) que se armonizaron aplicando el modelo de datos Habitats & Biotopes, de la Directiva INSPIRE 2007/2/EC (elaboración propia de los investigadores del IU-ECOAQUA); datos sobre distribución de especies sensibles como aves y mamíferos marinos (aplicando las bases de datos EUNIS, NA-TURA 2000 de Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente); datos sobre grupos tróficos y distribución de poblaciones de peces (modelos de distribución desarrollados aplicando el ECOPATH y ECOSIM desarrollados por GMR & IU-ECOAQUA) (Couce Montero et al. 2019); evaluación sobre impacto de ruidos, presión de especies no autóctonas y acumulación de desechos marinos (desarrollado por el Ministerio competente en medio ambiente del Gobierno de España durante el primer ciclo de implementación de la Directiva Marco de Estrategia Marina 2008/56/EC), integridad del fondo marino (producto EMODnet del portal Habitats); incluyendo información sobre la extensión y el tipo de áreas marinas protegidas (Base de datos de la red Natura 2000 y la "Common Database on Designated Areas" de Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente). Las interacciones tierra-mar y las actividades humanas en la costa se analizaron utilizando el conjunto de datos CORINE (producto del servicio de monitoreo terrestre Copernicus); y las actividades marítimas se recopilaron a partir de iniciativas de datos regionales canarias (como GRAFCAN), nacionales (como el Instituto Español de Oceanografía) e internacionales (como el portal de actividades humanas de EMODnet). ...
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Dentro de la transición energética hacia fuentes renovables, la energía eólica marítima se presenta como una importante alternativa por lo que identificar las áreas marinas con mayor potencial para su desarrollo es crucial. Para ello, hemos aplicado una metodología a lo largo de 1.583 km de costa y un área marina de más de 50.000 Km2 en las Islas Canarias valorando el potencial oceanográfico, la sensibilidad medioambiental, las restricciones asociadas a la existencia de áreas marinas protegidas, interacciones tierra-mar, y la previsión de conflictos con otras actividades costeras y marítimas. Los análisis de idoneidad se realizaron utilizando el recientemente desarrollado sistema de apoyo a las decisiones INDIMAR, que recopila una extensa colección de datos de iniciativas de datos europeas e infraestructuras de datos espaciales locales y regionales. Así, las islas orientales (Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura y Lanzarote) presentan mayor potencial para el desarrollo de la eólica marina. Esta herramienta ha resultado de gran utilidad para identificar aquellas zonas más aptas para el desarrollo de la eólica marina tanto desde el punto de vista de las necesidades logísticas, como del emplazamiento físico del sector, o de la conservación de las áreas de mayor valor ecológico.
... Globally, commercial and professional fishing have been responsible for a significant reduction in stocks of various fish and invertebrate species (Swartz et al., 2010;Couce Montero et al., 2019). FAO (2018) estimated that in 2015, 93% of the fish stocks were either fully exploited or overexploited, which represents an increase compared with data from 1974. ...
... Globally, commercial and professional fishing have been responsible for a significant reduction in stocks of various fish and invertebrate species (Swartz et al., 2010;Couce Montero et al., 2019). FAO (2018) estimated that in 2015, 93% of the fish stocks were either fully exploited or overexploited, which represents an increase compared with data from 1974. ...
Recreational fishing shows a growing number of followers, but at the same time it is a difficult fishery to assess, due to the lack of records of the activity and captures. In the present work it has been analysed the information collected from 118 spearfishing tournaments held in the Canary Islands between 2007 and 2017. The number of recreational anglers in the archipelago has increased over 50% in this decade, passing from 57,000 in 2007 to 114,000 in 2011. Currently the number of recreational fishing licences is about 90,000, 6.8% of which are spearfishermen. The levels of catches vary between islands and years analysed, with a catch per unit of effort that oscillated between 0.06 and 2.11 Kg/spearfisher/hour (X=0.62, SD=0.34), and between 0.2 and 2.1 fishes/spearfisher/hour (between 15 and 343 fishes per tournament). Moreover, spearfishers show a great selectivity toward a few species, highlighting the seabreams and parrotfish. This makes the evaluation of the fishing tournaments a useful tool to know the impact of this activity and better understanding of their role on the status of fish stocks in the Archipelago.
... Non-commercial fishing, including sport fishing, represents an important source of both food and income for many people throughout the world as well as providing relaxation and enjoyment. The actual size of the recreational sector is often unreported, and the scale of the removals from fish stocks has only recently been appreciated (Radford et al., 2018;Cooke et al., 2019;Couce et al., 2019). Although some countries have a long history of managing their recreational fisheries, elsewhere monitoring is patchy or has been confined to specific sectorsoften under private ownership. ...
... This included fisheries based around oceanic islands, often for large predatory fishes, e.g. around Ascension, Saint Helena, Tristan da Cunha and the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic, and the Azores, Canary Islands and Madeira further north in the Atlantic (Couce et al., 2019;Santos et al., 2019), but also from the Pacific (Chang et al., 2019), and the Baltic (Sendek & Bogdanov, 2019). This Special Issue includes papers on what sustainable exploitation means for elasmobranchs (Silva & Ellis, 2019) and on deep-sea or bathypelagic fisheries (Santos et al., 2019;Vieira et al., 2019); one question here is, can deep-sea fisheries ever be considered sustainable, given the longevity and particular life-history traits of the species targeted (Vieira et al., 2019)? ...
... Globally, commercial and professional fishing have been responsible for a significant reduction in stocks of various fish and invertebrate species (Swartz et al., 2010;Couce Montero et al., 2019). FAO (2018) estimated that in 2015, 93% of the fish stocks were either fully exploited or overexploited, which represents an increase compared with data from 1974. ...
Spatial fisheries management is widely used to reduce overfishing, rebuild stocks, and protect biodiversity. However, the effectiveness and optimization of spatial measures depend on accurately identifying ecologically meaningful areas, which can be difficult in mixed fisheries. To apply a method generally to a range of target species, we developed an ensemble of species distribution models (e‐SDM) that combines general additive models, generalized linear mixed models, random forest, and gradient‐boosting machine methods in a training and testing protocol. The e‐SDM was used to integrate density indices from two scientific bottom trawl surveys with the geopositional data, relevant oceanographic variables from the three‐dimensional physical‐biogeochemical operational model, and fishing effort from the vessel monitoring system. The determined best distributions for juveniles and adults are used to determine hot spots of aggregation based on single or multiple target species. We applied e‐SDM to juvenile and adult stages of 10 marine demersal species representing 60% of the total demersal landings in the central areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Using the e‐SDM results, hot spots of aggregation and grounds potentially more selective were identified for each species and for the target species group of otter trawl and beam trawl fisheries. The results confirm the ecological appropriateness of existing fishery restriction areas and support the identification of locations for new spatial management measures.
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La presente tesis utiliza la modelización con “Ecopath with Ecosim” (EwE) como herramienta para describir el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas marinos costeros, incluyendo la pesca artesanal de la isla de El Hierro. Esta modelización se realiza con el objetivo de tener una aproximación al ecosistema litoral de la Isla y evaluar los efectos que tuvo la erupción submarina de 2011 en las comunidades litorales y en la pesca artesanal. Gracias a esta modelización se dibujan unos escenarios actuales y futuros con las tendencias en biomasas de los componentes de las comunidades litorales, los recursos pesqueros y el esfuerzo pesquero. Estos escenarios son útiles para evaluar las dinámicas de recuperación de las comunidades y los recursos pesqueros frente al evento catastrófico que supuso la erupción submarina y generan unas propuestas útiles para el manejo y gestión de los espacios naturales y los recursos pesqueros de la Isla.