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Validity and reliability statistics for the teacher burnout and their sum, including factor loadings, corrected item-total correlation (CITC), commonalities, corresponding Cronbach's alpha values, and KMO.
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Although previous research has explored the correlation between teacher characteristics and teaching quality, effective methods for identifying key factors that influence teaching quality are still lacking. This study aims to address this issue by developing an identification methodology based on a computational pedagogy research paradigm to identi...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... detailed questionnaire was administered to the 27 teachers using an educational version of the Burnout Scale (MBI-Educators Survey). Subsequently, validity and reliability tests were conducted on the collected data, and the results are presented in Table 2. Based on Table 2, the commonalities corresponding to all research items were greater than 0.4, indicating that information on the research items can be effectively extracted. ...Context 2
... detailed questionnaire was administered to the 27 teachers using an educational version of the Burnout Scale (MBI-Educators Survey). Subsequently, validity and reliability tests were conducted on the collected data, and the results are presented in Table 2. Based on Table 2, the commonalities corresponding to all research items were greater than 0.4, indicating that information on the research items can be effectively extracted. Factor loadings greater than 0.4 indicate a correspondence between the options and the factors. ...Citations
... Except for the correlation between teacher characteristics and teaching quality, effective methods are also important to identify key factors as they influence teaching quality. Here, a computational pedagogy research paradigm is proposed with quantitative models to quantify the characteristics of teaching quality [16]. It indicates the key properties of teachers and courses to influence their teaching quality. ...
In view of professional learning and practical training in traditional electronic information education of application-oriented universities, this paper constructs electronic information–innovation practice teaching reform (EI-IPTR).In this scheme, by an integrating artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled curriculum with a multi-mode integrated platform and open-style module, big data-based comprehensive education resources are optimally configured. We jointly perform the multi-mode construction of innovative practice teaching, professional education stage design, and teaching management improvement, respectively. Subsequently, new practice teaching mechanisms with information technology and its implementation and management methods are established to achieve better teaching effects. It first strengthens learning and intra-group competition to promote students’ innovation in competitions. Then, the AI technique, i.e., attention mechanism-aided long short-term memory (LSTM), is used to model individual students’ abilities. Thus, it accurately evaluates them for teachers to efficiently manage their teaching process in accordance with their aptitude. The teaching reform practice verifies that the AI-enabled big data optimization of teaching reform has a better effect by the above multi-mode innovation. It exhibits an obvious improvement in the quantity and quality of students’ professional knowledge, personal ability, teamwork, and innovative practice. It is also in accordance with the independent completion of practical course teaching in the analysis of big education data. In addition, it realizes high-quality practical teaching by combining multi-mode, multi-level, and open discipline foundations together with efficient, professional skills.
... Compelling evidence suggests that the quality of education is closely tied to the quality of the teaching force (Papanthymou & Darra, 2023;Yao & Lin, 2023). As globalisation and digitalisation continue to reshape society, education is crucial in equipping citizens with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate these changes and become lifelong learners. ...
Physics educators must possess a strong foundation in content knowledge to effectively promote scientific inquiry-based learning in line with the national curriculum goals. However, factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge gaps can impede meaningful teaching and learning of Physics. This study explores the use of the Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) model to assess in-service Physics educators’ understanding of “Upthrust.” The research involved 23 participants from a professional development programme in Mauritius. Data were collected through task-based worksheets and focus group discussions and validated using Rasch modelling. The findings indicate that while educators are somewhat familiar with Upthrust, their knowledge must be improved for making accurate predictions and providing detailed scientific explanations, particularly when disparities between predicted and observed outcomes occur. Additionally, educators’ reliance on formula-driven methods, influenced by their limited exposure to experimental practices, underscores the need for change. This study underscores the importance of fostering conceptual understanding over memorisation in Physics education. By challenging and broadening the beliefs of prospective Physics educators and promoting inquiry-based teaching, these efforts can significantly enhance Physics education, student engagement, and achievement in secondary schools in Mauritius.
... The low quality of teaching and learning is one of the most challenging barriers in implementing effective inclusive teaching practices (Afkar et al., 2020;Hata et al., 2021;Mizunoya et al., 2016;Poernomo et al., 2016). The quality of teaching and learning is significant to quality education as it serves the effective practical pedagogical practices which ensures the optimal participation of all students regarledss their special needs (Dutta, 2017;Javornik & Klemenčič Mirazchiyski, 2023;Yao & Lin, 2023). Teacher quality encompassing the characteristics, skills, ability and competencies is the key to ensure the quality of teaching and learning (Pendergast et al., 2023). ...
Inclusive Education has been an emerging initiative in Indonesia, yet, the implementation of it in English Language Teaching is less explored. English Language Education Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya has initiated a course called Introduction to Inclusive Education to prepare students with inclusive teaching competencies. This course has been implemented for 2 years, a course evaluation needs to be carried out to evaluate and improve the course quality. This present study reports the evaluation of the aforementioned course with the Framework of Outcome Based Education from the students’ perspective. Inviting 129 students enrolled in the course, this research revealed that most of students agreed that this course has met their expectation toward the offered competencies (M=3,25), positive perception toward course activities (M=3,12), positive perception toward the benefits of course materials (M=3,19), and positive perception toward tutor performance (M=3.2). Surprisingly, despite the students' agreement on the usefulness of the courses, they also acknowledged that the course materials are pretty difficult (M=3,15). The result of this course evaluation shed a light on the importance of adjusting the materials to be more achievable by the students so they have confidence in implementing inclusive teaching practices.
... Resource learning in vocational education must provide practical experience in the field or the actual work environment, giving directed and structured guidance on the learning process and harmony with the development technology. It provides a more comprehensive understanding of the critical factors that influence the quality of teaching, proving the development of effective strategies for improving the teaching of various major disciplines (Yao & Lin, 2023). Resources learning must impact learning quality practice. ...
Objective: The decreasing absorption capacity of vocational education graduates indicates barriers to teaching quality. This Research aims to analyze the factors that influence the quality of vocational learning. Method: This Research uses quantitative methods. The sample is aircraft maintenance engineering students at Aviation Polytechnic. Data analysis uses the Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square. Result: Validation of the research instrument resulted in the loading factor, AVE, Cronbach Alfa, and SRMR meeting the requirements, so the instrument and variables were declared valid and reliable, and the model was declared fit. Lecturer behavior and the quality of learning and learning resources have a direct and significant positive relationship. Meanwhile, management support through learning resources has influenced the quality of learning by 51.0%. Novelty: The quality of learning in vocational education is influenced by the role of lecturer behavior and management support in providing and managing quality learning resources. The collaboration of those three aspects can improve the quality of competency of vocational education graduates. The high competency of aviation vocational education graduates can increase the absorption capacity of graduates in the era of Revolution 4.0.
... The new reality of teaching-learning during the pandemic has also motivated didactic interactions and virtual practical classes to become scenarios for the study of the didactic performances of teachers and students [24]. Thus, the characterization of teacher-student didactic performances in face-to-face classes can be adapted to identify teacher-student performances in didactic interactions in virtual environments [25,26]. However, teaching in virtual environments has its own difficulties. ...
... In that sense, this research also allowed the characterization of the nature of didactic interactions, as well as the teacher's and the student's own performances as perceived by the student body, under the underlying theoretical model. The methodological strategy employed converges with previously conducted studies in its focus on an analysis of the performances related to didactic interactions in the virtual modality [25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32]. ...
We used an interbehavioral model of teacher–student didactic performance with six pairs of criteria, as follows. Exploration of competencies and precurrent for learning, explicitness of teacher criteria and identification of student criteria, teacher illustration and illustration—student participation, supervision of the practice by the teacher and pertinent student practice, teacher feedback and feedback—student improvement, and teacher evaluation and evaluation—student application. The objective was to determine the level of covariation, divergence and convergence between the constructs of teacher didactic performance and student didactic performance in virtual classes as a result of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, in November 2020. Three hundred-thirty undergraduate students of biological sciences from a public university in Peru completed two self-report scales in virtual modality through Google forms, one on the performance of their teachers and the other on their own performance. By means of confirmatory factor analysis and an analysis of the covariance of teacher–student performance constructs, three models were obtained with good fits for the convergent and divergent validities of six constructs of the two teaching performance scales. Adequate models of functional correspondence in each pair of the six teacher–student didactic performance criteria were obtained. Likewise, didactic performances related to the identification of teaching–learning criteria and to the evaluation—application criteria were the most frequent during teaching–learning, according to the students’ self-report.
Teachers' pursuit of a master's degree is influenced by many factors, which can considerably affect their quality of life. This study examines these factors focusing on age, education, marital status, family income, job security, self-motivation, financial stability, and recognition, with a significant relationship between these factors and teachers' quality of life. Public elementary and secondary school teachers in Opol District of School Year 2023-2024 are the respondents of the study. A study involved two hundred (200) teacher-respondents, comprising one hundred seventeen (117) elementary and eighty-three (83) Junior and Senior High School teachers. It used Slovin's Formula to determine sample size; and statistical tools such as Pearson r correlation, mean scores, frequency and percentage, and standard deviation. The study found that self-motivation significantly impacts the quality of life of teachers, resulting in increased job security, financial stability, and job dedication. A master's degree empowers educators to become leaders, and mentors, thus influencing education. Empowerment strategies include professional development, praise, recognition, and collaborative decision-making. Further, the study recommends motivating teachers to go on professional development, praising their efforts, giving them recognition and respect, and encouraging collaborative decision-making processes. Moreover, the Department may provide leadership development programs that foster cooperative decision-making processes, incorporating professional growth and development for teachers.