Figure 2 - uploaded by Carlos Mauricio Castaño Díaz
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The research aims to create a formal definition of “Internet Meme” (IM) that can be used to
characterize and study IMs in academic contexts such as social, communication sciences and
humanities. Different perspectives of the term meme were critically analysed and contrasted, creating
a contemporary concept that synthesizes different meme theorists’...
... Its goal is to be known well enough to replicate within a group." (Díaz, 2013 Dawkins, 1989. Siehe ferner u.a. ...
... The research by Díaz (2013) aims to establish a formal definition of "Internet Meme" for use in academic fields such as social sciences, communication studies, and the humanities. It critically examines and compares various interpretations of the term "meme", leading to a modern concept that integrates the views of different meme theorists. ...
This article explores research into the use of meme images generated by artificial intelligence as a means of media communication in the context of students oriented to work in the cultural and creative industries sector. The aim of the primary descriptive research is to analyse the ability of future cultural and creative professionals in the context of visual literacy to distinguish the source of content, i. e. to identify whether a given image comes from an artificially intelligent system or from a human user. The paper registers the impact of these technological tools on students’ communication skills and creative potential and evaluates the possibilities of their integration into the educational process. Furthermore, this research provides insight into how emerging technologies, like AI, could be integrated into educational processes to support innovative teaching methods. By assessing the benefits and challenges of incorporating AI-generated content in academic environments, the study highlights the importance of preparing students for a future where AI is a key element of media communication. This perspective underscores the role of educational institutions in equipping students with the skills to critically engage with and leverage AI tools, thus fostering a media-savvy and adaptable workforce ready for the demands of the cultural and creative industries. The findings of this research will contribute to understanding the impact of AI on student competencies in media communication, offering a valuable resource for academics and educators seeking to integrate new technologies into their teaching practices.
... According to Díaz (2013), a meme can be any kind of content, such as a funny video file, caricature, or image. Dawkins initially used the word "meme" in his 1976 book as the selfish gene. ...
... Since its early development, meme was created to replicate a gene until this digital era, meme is used as representation. The object it represents evolves from gene to human mind; that is why meme is calledultural replicators; it is associated with human mind (Díaz, 2013). In this internet era, meme is made to describe humorous sense. ...
Skill and strategy are essential in persuasion. By implementing appropriate strategy and having a good speaking skill can make someone be a good persuader. Successful persuasion can even move other people to do almost anything. Studying persuasion is under the notion of pragmatics since pragmatics studies the use of language in certain context, in this case the context is persuasive attempt. Atsu, the famous Genshin Impact content creator, implement the hope theory in persuade his viewers to keep wishing. This theory is an appropriate strategy since in Genshin Impact, players need to spend game resource even money if they want to maximize the character and weapon’s potential through wishing. This system is so-called gacha; in gacha games, the players do not know exactly what they get. thus Atsu kept giving hope to the viewers that they will get the rewards after spending much resources or money. This strategy is shown to be successful since Atsu, most of the time, was successfully delivered his persuasive attempt. The data was taken from the videos uploaded in his YouTube account under the name of AsianGuyStream. The data was stored by screenshotting the persuasive expression and analyse them using hope theory and visual aids.
... O critério de escolha desses canais de mídias sociais se deu em função, no primeiro caso, da acessibilidade a comunidades virtuais formadas por simpatizantes do ex-presidente e, o segundo campo foi realizado em páginas autorais de políticos alinhados ao bolsonarismo. Tanto nos grupos como nas páginas das figuras políticas, as publicações selecionadas apresentavam: marcadores do gênero discursivo meme, segundo Díaz (2013), Shifman (2014) e Chagas (2020) e se referiam aos eixos semânticos estabelecidos para analisar a abordagem bolsonarista acerca das medidas sanitárias de combate à Covid 19, ou seja, prevenção, tratamento e imunização. Operamos a nossa analítica de um total de 13 peças de memes procurando realizar a crítica das ameaças ao potencial democrático da esfera pública digital, prenhe de ideais normativos, a partir da observação do universo institucional (deontológico/ético) e praxeológico existente em redes sociais on-line afinadas ao bolsonarismo. ...
O artigo discute como memes de internet atuam como operadores semióticos da formação discursiva bolsonarista à serviço da desinformação sobre medidas de combate à pandemia da COVID-19, no Brasil. Empregamos alguns postulados da Análise do discurso na inspeção de memes publicados em redes sociais online por internautas e parlamentares brasileiros alinhados à posição do ex-presidente do Brasil, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, sobre a realidade pandêmica no país. A crítica humorística às orientações da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) é veiculada em unidades semióticas jocosas (memes) em três registros principais: prevenção, tratamento e imunização contra a doença. Inferimos como a memetização de fakenews sobre o vírus e sua letalidade corroborou para a negação da gravidade de um problema público global em redes sociais digitais. O discurso bolsonarista paralelo ao consenso científico mundial sobre medidas de combate à doença se tornou um caso exemplar de ideologização da saúde pública no Brasil com repercussões danosas para a democracia sanitária no país.
... El término, en origen, se localiza en los estudios de Richard Dawkins (1993), quien inicia la teoría memética (Imagen 2). En ella, el meme es una unidad replicadora de información cultural que transmite información por asimilación, repetición o imitación entre pares o entre generaciones (Castaño, 2013), dentro de un contexto local o global, para establecer patrones culturales en común. Cada comportamiento o idea colectivamente aceptada, asimilada y/o compartida se entiende como un meme, por ejemplo, las creencias mitológicas, las de fe, los protocolos de vestir o los códigos de comunicación. ...
... Se considera tanto objeto (artefacto cultural que circula online, como señala Patrick Davison, 2012) como proceso (normas o códigos de relación social outernet). Castaño (2013) propone un acercamiento al término: ...
Esta aportación plantea el estudio de detección de claves del ecosistema contemporáneo de experiencia social en la cultura digital a partir del análisis del meme de Internet como artefacto que se sitúa en las sinergias entre la cultura digital, la teoría de la imagen y la sociedad red. Los objetivos son identificar las características de la imagen digital online y detectar los vínculos entre arte, creatividad y memes. Las principales herramientas utilizadas han sido la revisión crítica de literatura especializada y las cartografías visuales. La discusión desglosa las características de los memes digitales como fenómeno a destacar en los procesos de comunicación digital y en las prácticas creativas remix en red. Las conclusiones apuntan que el meme de Internet funciona como un proceso plurilógico determinante en las dinámicas sociales en outernet y las mediaciones visuales con un valor significativo como parte del folclore digital.
... An idea, concept, or belief that circulates via the Internet as hyperlinks, videos, photos, or phrases that can be shared with specific intent or that can adapt and change is known as an internet meme [9]. Memes can be found everywhere on social media, such as Balltze, an Akita dog from Hong Kong, aka cheems (Example 1) and a black and white cat (Example 2) in Fig. 1, which appear in various memes and videos and are used to represent the protagonist of a story or to convey a certain message or emotion. ...
Human beings invented the Internet in the late 20th century, which made communication between people faster as well as easier. With the evolution of the Internet, social media has gradually begun to develop since the 21st century. Today, social media has evolved and has a significant impact on the human race. The majority of users are teenagers. As the future of the world, the development of teenagers is especially important. Therefore, this thesis analyzes the influence of content on social media on teenagers' behavior. The thesis adopts the literature research method to analyze the influence of three common contents of social media on teenagers, which are memes, trending videos, and pranks. Finally, the author discusses and analyzes the effects of these three types of content on adolescent behavior and the multifaceted results of these effects. This study finds that social media affects adolescents' behavior, and the three most significant categories of content are memes, trending videos, and pranks.
... Memes encompass text, images, graphics, or videos that are consumed, replicated, modified, and shared by like-minded people (Shifman, 2013). They are referred to as the "Unit of Transmission" (Castańo Diaz, 2013). They have become a popular way to express opinions, feelings, and ideas, often employing humour or satire (Hakoköngäs et al., 2020). ...
Memes are not new concepts, but they have garnered popularity recently. They are a prevalent form of communication on various social media platforms. However, due to a lack of concrete literature (Al Rashdi, 2020), there is still some initial scepticism surrounding them. This paper uses a systematic literature review to create a pool of research papers to be examined to chart the conceptual development of memes, determine how they are used in different fields, and present a vision of memes in the near future. It identifies eleven areas which were studied in parallel to memes, suggesting possible meme applications and development. It adopts the PRISMA 2020 framework to ensure systematic screening and reporting of relevant papers from various databases.
... Miller and Cupchick (2014) concluded that this complex literary meme-making is an act involving both creativity and talent in conveying a sarcastic and witty message using photo editing software. Moreover, this complexity of literary memes also included the integration of multimodal voicing and intertextuality in re-echoing a stance on any given issue (Castaño, 2013;Dynel, 2021). Thus, ESL preservice teachers with limited experience in advanced photo editing software and intertextually multimodal voicing might encounter difficulties in exposing themselves to these literary meme-making activities. ...
The COVID-19 pandemic led to a swift transition to emergency remote teaching, impacting students and educators’ well-being. To address these challenges, literary memes emerged, combining literary references with humour or poignant commentary, engaging students, and conveying meaningful insights or coping strategies. Despite their prevalence, their efficacy as bibliotherapy tools remains underexplored. This study investigated the potential of literary memes in promoting well-being and enhancing the learning experience during times of crisis. Focused on 64 English as a Second Language (ESL) Filipino preservice teachers, the study explored their preferences and perceived value of literary memes, ascertaining their exposure and assessment of this emerging literary genre as potential bibliotherapy. Qualitative data underwent thematic analysis, while quantitative data underwent statistical analysis, including measures such as mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient (r), and t-tests. Findings indicated that ESL preservice teachers preferred memes creatively linked to literature, maintaining a moderate level of exposure, using them to forge emotional connections with peers and family. These memes, abundant in literary references, provided entertainment and moderately contributed to bibliotherapy, as confirmed by the values of Pearson r and t-tests, calling for their integration into ESL teacher education programs to foster engagement and well-being among preservice teachers.
... Its time of existence is variable and its reach depends on the time structure and the channel of transmission. Its success depends on the social context, it can stay or be ignored, and it can be adapted by other social contexts [5]. Content-wise, they usually consist of offbeat news, websites, catchy phrases, images, or video clips. ...
Системи Інтернет-комунікації, окрім традиційних вербальних засобів, використовують невербальні, такі як смайли, GIF-файли та меми. У статті зазначається, що інтернет-меми стали невід’ємною частиною сучасної онлайн-культури. Їх лексичні особливості відіграють важливу роль у зростанні популярності цих унікальних новоутворень, які можуть бути у вигляді комбінації зображень і тексту. Вони часто стають вірусними й швидко поширюються як імідж і/або простий текст, і які швидко видозмінюються. Опис терміна мем можна знайти в багатьох дослідженнях різних авторів як синтез оновлених характеристик концепції мему. Поняття мемів походить від визначення Докінза про біологічну структуру, яка є вірусною й швидко розповсюджується, але інтернет-меми мають певні властивості пов’язані зі способом передачі та швидкістю реплікації. З розширенням комп’ютерної комунікації та швидким зростанням інтернет-форумів, чатів, блогів і соціальних мереж з’явився термін мем як нова форма спілкування в Інтернеті. У статті досліджуються лексичні властивості мемів пов’язані із загальним розвитком вокабуляру, який відображає зміни в загальному розвитку сучасних мов і є цікавим явищем для дослідження інтернет-лінгвістикою. Велика кількість досліджень щодо лексичної природи мемів як елемента розвитку мови Інтернету дозволяє розглянути різні інтерпретації концепції мемів, включаючи вивчення прикладів мемів, таких як мелодії, ідеї, символи, фрази, зображення тощо. У роботі ми розглядаємо можливість застосування поняття тексту до опису інтернет-мемів як лексичного елемента. Мова інтернет-мемів часто є узгодженим відображенням поточних діалектних моделей і може включати сленг, діалектні віріації, а також нещодавно створені слова та вирази. Слід зазначити, що лексичні особливості інтернет-мемів тісно пов’язані з певним історичним періодом. Вивчення цих історичних умов розвитку мемів є важливою для їх розуміння та відтворення. Інтернет-меми часто використовують спеціальні фонетичні структури, які можуть містити незвичні слова та вирази або змінювати існуючі вирази. Лексика мемів є цікавим феноменом для вивчення як складова розвитку лінгвістичної та онлайн-культури, який підкреслює здатність мови до постійних змін і коригувань.