Figure - uploaded by Sebastian Gerth
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This paper examines the concept of trust in an increasingly digital society on the one hand and how it can be established with regard to digital documentation of online help services on the other. Trust is particularly important in the sector of digital services sector because requests and offers for help, and thus highly sensitive data, are offere...
... It increases the efficacy of transactions between parties, who may freely exchange resources and data in an environment facilitated by blockchain technology. It also keeps users on the network, thereby reducing switching expenses [29,89]. Parties may collaborate to create new services, such as online-learning and on-demand services, using a blockchain-based peer-to-peer network [90]. ...
The role of blockchain in new business model development requires greater focus because the technology is still in its infancy. Thus, there has been little research on the effects of the various blockchain networks (such as public, private, and consortium). This finding prompted a thorough investigation of new blockchain-based business models created between 2012 and 2022 to close this gap. This review’s focus is on journals, and duplicate articles have been removed. Works based on interviews, articles in press, non-English articles, reviews, conferences, book chapters, dissertations, and monographs are also not included. Seventy-five papers from the past ten years are included in this evaluation. This study examines the current state of new blockchain-based business models. Additionally, the implications and applications in the related literature have been investigated. These findings highlight numerous open research questions and promising new directions for investigation, which will likely be helpful to academics and professionals. The business strategies built on blockchain are currently on a path with a rapid upward trajectory. Blockchain technology offers businesses numerous chances to modify and develop new company models. By changing the conventional framework, blockchain innovation leads to the development of new methods for developing company models. The supportive potential of blockchain technologies such as NFT and P2E is increasingly being coupled with the development of new corporate projects and the modification of current business models. Since this field of study is still fairly new, researchers will have fresh opportunities to analyze its characteristics.
... Trust-based disintermediation also enables the company to control the cash inventory and carry out precise cash allocation, increasing the efficiency of the use of resources (Chong et al., 2019). Similarly, in the consulting sector, a consortium blockchain can connect industry-specific providers who can collaboratively create turnkey solutions satisfying specific customers' needs (Gerth & Heim, 2020). ...
... Blockchain technology helps reinvent conventional supply chains to deliver products and services in a faster way (Chong et al., 2019). The integration of organisations utilising private blockchain networks into a consortium makes it possible to cut down the service throughput time in two ways (Chang, Luo, & Chen, 2019;Gerth & Heim, 2020). In cross-border trading, the parties can benefit from export efficiency resulting from the disintermediation of inter-organisational data exchange (Chang, Luo, & Chen, 2019). ...
... In cross-border trading, the parties can benefit from export efficiency resulting from the disintermediation of inter-organisational data exchange (Chang, Luo, & Chen, 2019). Blockchain technology can become a solution for creating on-demand online services, which end users can utilise without privacy risks (Gerth & Heim, 2020;Li, Barenji, & Huang, 2018). Similarly, public blockchains can realise the benefit of online learning services, which would make the attainment of education certificates and degrees simpler (Sun et al., 2018). ...
The adoption of blockchain-based technologies by organisations can bring benefits in terms of firms' profitability, productivity and efficiency, making companies rethink their existing business models. However, as the technology is still developing and the research on the implications of the different types of blockchain networks (i.e. public, private, consortium) is scarce, their role in business model innovation requires closer attention. To address this gap, the paper provides a conceptual insight into the role of blockchain technology in companies with different value configurations by examining the technological conditions that can impact business models and probing the role of technology benefits in driving company value. The analysis contributes to the literature by discussing the business implications of innovative technologies and uncovering their positive and negative consequences for the value creation, delivery and capture activities. Such analysis sheds light on the functions of blockchains that have a differentiating impact on business processes. Also, the paper puts forward managerial implications by discussing the paths of business model innovation using blockchain technologies.
... A work that targeted the trust through digital technologies has been presented in Gerth and Heim (2020) in which it begins with the premise that online consultancy services, as currently implemented, require customers to place a great deal of trust in the hands of the service provider. The paper proposes the use of blockchain in such services to improve customer safety. ...
Blockchain technologies have grown in prominence in recent years, with many experts citing the potential applications of the technology in regard to different aspects of any industry, market, agency, or governmental organizations. In the brief history of blockchain, an incredible number of achievements have been made regarding how blockchain can be utilized and the impacts it might have on several industries. The sheer number and complexity of these aspects can make it difficult to address blockchain potentials and complexities, especially when trying to address its purpose and fitness for a specific task. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of applying blockchain as a service for applications within today’s information systems. The survey gives the reader a deeper perspective on how blockchain helps to secure and manage today information systems. The survey contains a comprehensive reporting on different instances of blockchain studies and applications proposed by the research community and their respective impacts on blockchain and its use across other applications or scenarios. Some of the most important findings this survey highlights include the fact that blockchain’s structure and modern cloud- and edge-computing paradigms are crucial in enabling a widespread adaption and development of blockchain technologies for new players in today unprecedented vibrant global market. Ensuring that blockchain is widely available through public and open-source code libraries and tools will help to ensure that the full potential of the technology is reached and that further developments can be made concerning the long-term goals of blockchain enthusiasts.
... Existing uncertainties have been publicly demonstrated by recent data scandals: For example, the so-called Doxing Gate at the end of 2018, in which the online user "0rbit" or "G0d" made celebrities' data publicly accessible as in a kind of advent calendar. Just as well known is the Cambridge Analytica scandal in 2016, when millions of Facebook data were illegally evaluated for Donald Trump's election campaign (Gerth and Heim 2020). These incidents show that we live more in an age of trust than in an information age. ...
... There is still disagreement in the scientific literature about a generally valid definition of blockchain, as different scientific directions, such as economics, computer science and law, meet and deal in parallel with the common terms used in the practical application of the technology (Gerth and Heim 2020). 1 In a comprehensive, interdisciplinary analysis, Meijer (2017) summarises all relevant definition components from the scientific, but also from the application-oriented literature. This results in the following definition, which is used in this chapter: ...
... In order to break up the centralisation of private blockchains, the so-called federated blockchain can be considered as an extension of the latter (Gerth and Heim 2020). In such a case, more than one institution is responsible for the maintenance of the network or validation. ...
This chapter examines the concept of data security in a society increasingly shaped by digital technologies. We show how secure data storage can be optimised regarding digital documentation in the implementation of health-related service offers based on established procedures. Security and privacy of data are therefore particularly important in this subject area since highly sensitive data is stored and processed during health-related online consultations. The advent of blockchain technology provides a valuable opportunity to create trust in digital platforms. After relevant concepts and terms have been clarified, the functionality of the blockchain in general, as well as the different types, will be discussed. From this, options for the use of online consulting are developed and illustrated on the basis of three use cases.
ISSN : 2229-5348
UGC CARE Group 1 Journal
Vol. 17, No.1 (I), January - March 2023 55
Dr.Mousmi Goel, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Quantum University, Roorkee,
Uttarakhand, India
Dr. Amit Verma, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Kalicharan PG College, Lucknow,
Uttar Pradesh, India.
Dr. Gurdip Singh, Professor – Department of Business Management and Commerce, Mandsaur
University, Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh.
Dr. Nirmesh Sharma, HOD-BBA, Quantum University, Roorkee.
The blockchain technology is taking the world by storm. Blockchain with its decentralized, transparent
and secure nature has emerged as a disruptive technology for the next generation of numerous industrial
applications. One of them is Cloud of Things enabled by the combination of cloud computing and Internet
of Things. In this context, blockchain provides innovative solutions to address challenges in Cloud of
Things in terms of decentralization, data privacy and network security, while Cloud of Things offer
elasticity and scalability functionalities to improve the efficiency of blockchain operations. It examines
the concept of data security in a society increasingly shaped by digital technologies. We show how secure
data storage can be optimised regarding digital documentation in the implementation of health-related
service offers based on established procedures. Security and privacy of data are therefore particularly
important in this subject area since highly sensitive data is stored and processed during health-related
online consultations. The advent of blockchain technology provides a valuable opportunity to create trust
in digital platforms. After relevant concepts and terms have been clarified, the functionality of the
blockchain in general, as well as the different types, will be discussed. From this, options for the use of
online consulting are developed and illustrated on the basis of three use cases.
Keywords: Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Data Storage
Der vorliegende Beitrag wagt auf der Basis vergangener und aktueller Entwicklungen von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) einen Ausblick auf zukünftige Leistungen von KI in spezifischen Gebieten. Es wird argumentiert, dass KI ein eigenständiger Megatrend mit zahlreichen Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft und v. a. auch auf die Wirtschaft in unterschiedlichen Bereichen und Ebenen mit zahlreichen Anknüpfungspunkten diverser Geschäftsbereiche und -modelle ist. Es wird gezeigt, dass die wesentliche Stärke von KI einerseits die exakte Analyse und das zur Erreichung von vordefinierten Zielen optimale Inbeziehungsetzen spezifischer Parameter ist. Andererseits vermag KI bestimmte Prognosen zu fundieren. Aus diesem Grund wird der Chatbot ChatGPT des Entwicklers OpenAI zur Zukunft von KI befragt – eine KI trifft also Vorhersagen über KI. Dieser vielversprechende Ansatz wird dennoch kritisch reflektiert und der Beitrag mit einer Beleuchtung von starker und schwacher KI im Unternehmenskontext sowie einer prüfenden Deskription der bevorstehenden KI-Evolution abgeschlossen.
Blockchain technology is based on a series of time-stamped and decentralized immutable records without third-party involvement. Since the infancy of the term, it has attained attention from academic researchers and industrial contributors, globally. The extensive characteristics of blockchain have created new investigation domains in multiple industries including finance, medical, education, governance etc. In this study, we have conducted the systematic literature mapping to collect all relevant research in the field of blockchain since the inception of this exclusive paradigm and presented a comprehensive assessment and analysis on the extracted research papers in a systematic manner. We have rigorously reviewed the relevant research papers found in the literature for understanding the state of the art techniques, methodologies and, applications of using blockchain in different industries. Moreover, we also have presented the evolution and future insights on the use of blockchain in several real-world applications and also consolidated the blockchain into different high level technical and applied perspectives.