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Preface Recently, the term open innovation has become a major buzzword in innovation management. But behind the buzz is a sustainable message: Successful innovation is not solely performed internally within a firm, but in a cooperative mode with other external actors. Sources of external input for innovation are plentiful, including market actors l...

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... Winners received funding and support to develop their ideas in collaboration with Cisco organization. According to Diener and Piller [37], such prizes are an example of co-creation through open innovation contests, demonstrating the effectiveness of co-creation in sourcing external ideas and fostering innovations. Those sources of external input for innovation are plentiful and include "market actors like customers, suppliers, competitors; the scientific system of university labs and research institutions; public authorities like patent agents and public funding agencies" [37] (p. 1). ...
... According to Diener and Piller [37], such prizes are an example of co-creation through open innovation contests, demonstrating the effectiveness of co-creation in sourcing external ideas and fostering innovations. Those sources of external input for innovation are plentiful and include "market actors like customers, suppliers, competitors; the scientific system of university labs and research institutions; public authorities like patent agents and public funding agencies" [37] (p. 1). ...
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Co-creation has gained traction in recent years and various fields, including marketing, product development, and innovation studies, as it leverages the collective expertise and insights of multiple parties to enhance outcomes. Broadly, co-creation refers to the collaborative process of involving stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, employees, or the public, in creating or improving products, services, or experiences.
... Di sisi lain, perusahaan juga bersedia mengomersialkan dan mengizinkan teknologi serta idenya untuk digunakan di luar perusahaan itu sendiri (misalnya dengan lisensi). Jadi, saat ini kemampuan untuk membentuk jaringan dengan aktor-aktor inovatif di luar perusahaan menjadi kunci efisiensi pengembangan inovasi (Diener & Piller, 2010). ...
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Penerapan triple helix yang ideal di daerah melalui kolaborasi antara Pusat Riset, Pemda dan Pelaku usaha (UMKM) telah dijabarkan oleh pengarang. Suatu perjalanan yang panjang dalam menggali keberhasilan dan kegagalan dari hasil kerjasama yang telah dibangun selama puluhan tahun dalam upaya penerapan triple helix dari sudut pemanfaatan teknologi berdasarkan hasil transfer iptek untuk menumbuhkembangkan UMKM di daerah. Permasalahan dan penyelesaian dari kolaborasi triple helix dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan Engaged Scholarship. Pengarang juga menjelaskan bagaimana menyelesaikan segala permasalahan hasil kolaborasi triple helix dalam upaya meningkatkan adopsi teknologi pada implementasi hasil pengembangan rekayasa peralatan dan proses pangan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Kolaborasi triple helix yang ideal kemudian dipaparkan melalui tahapan pola kolaborasi, strategi memperkuat kolaborasi, mekanisme transfer pengetahuan dalam kolaborasi serta upaya penguatan kolaborasi triple helix yang ideal.
... Neste momento acontece a prototipagem e testagem. Por fim, ocorre a comercialização, quando o produto ou serviço é submetido ao teste de mercado, para então ser lançado no mercado (DIENER; PILLER, 2010). ...
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Abstract-In a progressively globalized and competitive economy, economies and organizations have increasingly used innovation as a differentiation and growth strategy. Studies using crowdsourcing as a tool for innovation exist, but they are scarce, especially at the national level. This research objective is to map the foremost scientific researchers in the research area, in addition to quantitatively evaluating the trend of academic studies concerning the application of crowdsourcing as an innovation tool. For this, the method chosen was descriptive research by bibliometric mapping. It has been found that the researchers Ramos, Silva, Malhotra, and Majchrzak head the list of the most relevant in the scope of this research. The main trends for research are the interest in topics such as knowledge management, ideas, information, and innovation; motivational and decision-making aspects; value co-creation; generation of ideas; guarantee mechanisms; innovation challenge; internal crowdsourcing; use of social networks, research platforms or research and social innovation communities. The relevance of the topic for future research has been confirmed. Keywords: Open innovation; crowdsourcing innovation; co-creation; bibliometrics; Bibliometrix R. Resumo-Em uma economia cada vez mais globalizada e competitiva, a inovação tem sido cada vez mais utilizada como estratégia de diferenciação e crescimento, tanto para economias, como para organizações. Estudos sobre a utilização do crowdsourcing como ferramenta para a inovação existem, mas são escassos, principalmente em âmbito nacional. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar os principais pesquisadores científicos da área de pesquisa, além de avaliar quantitativamente a tendência de estudos acadêmicos concernentes a aplicação do crowdsourcing como ferramenta de inovação. Para isso, o método escolhido foi a pesquisa descritiva por meio de mapeamento bibliométrico. Constatou-se que os pesquisadores Ramos, Silva, Malhotra, Majchrzak encabeçam a lista dos mais relevantes no escopo deste estudo. Apurou-se como principais tendencias para pesquisas o interesse por temas como gestão do conhecimento, de ideias, da informação e da inovação; aspectos motivacionais e decisórios; cocriação de valor; geração de ideias; mecanismos de garantia; desafio da inovação; crowdsourcing interno; utilização de redes sociais, plataformas de pesquisa ou comunidades de pesquisa e inovação social. Confirmou-se a relevância do tema para futuras pesquisas. Palavras-chave: inovação aberta; crowdsourcing innovation; cocriação; bibliometria; Bibliometrix R.
... On the other hand, companies also actively seek new, external commersialisation opportunities for internally developed ideas, concepts and technologies (for example licensing, sale of IP rights, spin-offs) (e.g. Chesbrough 2003a;2003b;Gassmann 2006;Diener and Piller 2010). ...
Cities undergo continuous transformation processes, which have unique characteristic manifestations over time. The changes in many Finnish cities currently focus on the vicinity of railway station areas due to changes in regional structures and rail transport, as well as the densification of city centres. The enthusiasm for this kind of development is also increased by the special features of railway station areas, which seem to provide opportunities for new kinds of local economic and innovation policies. Railway station areas are also favourable locations for the application of various smart city technologies and services. In this article, we analyse the development of Finnish railway station areas as part of a wider continuum of urban development where both economic and innovation policies unify with urban planning. Case studies confirm our outlook of knowledge-based urban development transitioning to a new phase. This provides the prerequisites for interesting connections between railway station areas, the concept of a smart city and open innovation. One of the aims of our article is to bring together various themes that are brought up in smart city discussions and urban planning by introducing new kinds of spatial planning principles, which can be placed in three categories: 1) smart profiling, 2) smart design and 3) smart innovation.
... These¯ndings show the high potential of the lead user method; however, surprisingly, companies rarely repeat the method or integrate it into their standard NPD processes. This phenomenon was already underlined by Reichwald and Piller [2009] and Diener and Piller [2010], who stated that only few companies periodically and systematically conduct lead user projects in practice. In the context of overall challenges and barriers to open innovation, Chesbrough and Brunswicker [2014] noted the organizational changes necessary to institutionalize open innovation methods and tools. ...
... There is no consistent understanding of the lead user method in the reviewed literature. The method can be di®erentiated between two possibilities to pro¯t from lead users [Reichwald and Piller (2009);Diener and Piller (2010)]. First, companies search for existing lead user innovations and transfer them into their company as described in the case of the rodeo kayak industry [Baldwin et al. (2006)]. ...
... This interpretation of the lead user method depends on the behavior of lead users and assumes that they have already created innovative solutions. From a company's point of view, this process is typically random and non-systematic [Diener and Piller (2010)]. Second, a company identi¯es lead users to systematically and actively integrate them into the innovation process by conducting a workshop to develop new ideas and concepts for a given problem, as was done in several cases in the existing literature (e.g. ...
... In order to increase the efficiency of innovation activities some companies apply the Open Innovation Model (OIM) that relies on providing open access to innovation, facilitates open discussion, reduces the administrative costs related to protecting intellectual property and encourages the expanded use of external innovation sources (Naqshbandi and Kamel, 2017;Chesbrough and Bogers, 2014). Generally, that model is viewed as a reliable tool for improving the efficiency of innovation processes (Diener and Piller, 2010). This hypothesis applies to most economic sectors with no exception to the energy industry. ...
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Open Innovation" has proved to be a successful concept that can facilitate technological development of industries. Though the Open Innovation Model and the challenges of its implementation have been widely researched, there is a lack of studies that deal with the openness to external innovation in major oil and gas companies. The objective of this research was to study major oil and gas companies' openness to external sources of innovation. The authors focused on the role of R&D investments in the R&D internationalization and the establishment of venture funds, the links between regional business and regulatory specificities, innovation portfolio diversity and perception of external innovation. To do this, the authors examined the practices of 18 major oil and gas, oil service companies. The data was gathered from open digital sources and analyzed with the use of desk research, qualitative and quantitative methods, including regression and correlation analysis. The study confirmed that major oil and gas companies with higher R&D investments and diverse innovation portfolios were more likely to be open to external innovation and to engage in energy transition processes; regional specificities had a great impact on R&D networks as companies in North America and Western Europe had higher R&D internationalization ratio than in Russia and China. It was concluded that venture funding was an inclusive tool for expanding innovation funnel suitable for smaller companies with low R&D expenditures.
... Organizations can relate in such a way that, without ceasing to compete, they consider cooperation as part of their strategy to achieve better performance, constituting the so-called knowledge networks (Becerra & Álvarez, 2011). Thus, successful collaboration can accelerate innovation processes or produce considerable business change (Diener & Piller, 2010). ...
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The aim of the article is to explore organizational innovation capability variables that could have an impact on performance in business to business (B2B) context. This work used systematic analysis of the literature supported through bibliometric analysis indicating the following organizational innovative capabilities: innovation strategy and management projects, collaborative networks and market orientation. The authors propose an explanatory model and provide empirical evidence from B2B sector in Chile, surveying 242 senior executives. The best position was the mining sector. However, all the sectors studied need more emphasis on market orientation, value co-creation and innovation to obtain better and more sustainable results.
... Considering the generic process of innovation, every time company develops a product or service, two sets of information are combined: 1) information on market needs (desires, preferences, satisfaction, user motives, etc.) and 2) information on technical possibilities of performance, ways of using technologies to transform user wishes into a new product or service (Diener & Piller, 2009). ...
Conference Paper
Innovate or die", notorious demand declared by Peter Drucker, best sums up the imperative set by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a new era of socioeconomic disruption, characterized by the fusion of the digital, biological, and physical worlds, as well as the growing utilization of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, robotics, 3D printing, the Internet of Things and advanced wireless technologies. But innovation is a process, strategic goal that needs to be fueled and cultivated. As organizations need to develop new business models to adapt to change, there is also a requisite for infrastructural and institutional support provided by the government to create a stimulating environment where the benefits of the upcoming digital revolution can be optimally utilized. The paper compares available (statistical) indicators on investments and the development of Internet infrastructure on the territory of the Republic of Croatia, as it is considered to be the main link of today's digital society. Given indicators, as one of the prerequisites for the development of innovation and new business models, refer to the established economic and social framework provided by the state for the implementation of the digital transformation.
... As in the case of television contents, the provision of a free product/service is sponsored by another company in the form of advertising [39]. a product license fee, billing person-days, a subscription based model, charging a service or success fee and demanding a posting fee [38]. ...
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Internet has increased the companies’ propensity to offer products/services free of charge through web-based platforms. This choice challenges the logic of traditional business models aimed at increasing the value captured by the firm. In order to analyse the impact of the free of charge offering on the enterprises’ web-based business models, we developed a systematic theoretical framework able to identify the key actors and flows of value involved in these business models. We tested this framework on 125 web-based platforms, clustering them through a combination of Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Hierarchical Clustering on Principle Components. The analysis allowed us to identify five different configurations of free-driven business models. Differently from the previous literature, we identify three specific configurations based on user-innovators, who are customers interested in participating in value creation processes, if adequately incentivized. These configurations are characterized by different sources of revenues and by the provision of specific free flows of value to user innovators, who can contribute to the business model with their working knowledge and reputation. Our analysis not only contributes to the academic debate on online business models, but it can support web-based companies in the definition of business model characterized by an effective and sustainable equilibrium between value creation and value capture processes.
... Open innovation brought a new perspective to innovation systems [8]. With more emerging organisation playing broader roles to fulfil gaps in the system, more innovation management scholars [8], [11], [24], [25] also started exploring the variety of intermediary organisation types, their roles and their importance to the national innovation systems [8], [15], [26]- [29]. This model describes an innovation system in which industry relies on Research and Development resources from other system agents [11], [12], and also on the collaborative ecosystem strategies open innovation approaches can foster, such as cooperation and strategic alliances among several types of agents from the innovation ecosystem. ...