Figure 1 - uploaded by Martin Magnusson
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Two point clouds, one in red and one in green, that are well aligned.

Two point clouds, one in red and one in green, that are well aligned.

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Matching and merging overlapping point clouds is a common procedure in many applications, including mobile robotics, three-dimensional mapping, and object visualization. However, fully automatic point-cloud matching, without manual verification, is still not possible because no matching algorithms exist today that can provide any certain methods fo...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... problem is visualized in Figures 1 and 2 where two point clouds that are aligned are shown in Figure 1 and two point clouds that are misaligned are shown in Figure 2. In this article we will present an investigation of methods that can be used for automatic detection of misaligned point clouds. ...
Context 2
... problem is visualized in Figures 1 and 2 where two point clouds that are aligned are shown in Figure 1 and two point clouds that are misaligned are shown in Figure 2. In this article we will present an investigation of methods that can be used for automatic detection of misaligned point clouds. ...
Context 3
... results Figures 10 and 11 shows the classifiers' accuracy on the Hannover datasets for all error types. ...
Context 4
... Figure 10 we see that most classifiers obtain more than 90% accuracy for large errors which can be considered as a good result. The NORM classifier manage well above a random result for large errors but fails to classify the point cloud pairs with medium and small errors, indicated by the accuracy of 50% which implies a random classification result. ...
Context 5
... we look at the dataset with errors of all three magnitudes, shown in Figure 11, we observe that the classifiers performance is roughly the mean value of the accuracy obtained over all error magnitudes in 10. This result suggests that the thresholds acquired during the training phase of the classification process is relatively stable for all classifiers even though error magnitudes vary. ...
Context 6
... results Figures 12 and 13 show the classifiers' accuracy on the Kjula dataset for all error types. ...
Context 7
... results from the Kjula set in Figure 12 show a more spread out result than the corresponding results in the Hannover set, indicating the higher difficulty of the less structured Kjula environment. There are still some classifiers that perform above 80% even on the small error magnitudes, but there are more classifiers that perform close to or at random than in the Hannover set. ...
Context 8
... boosted classifier, as a consequence, uses a suboptimal combination of the "weak" classifiers in this case. The effect of this on the AdaBoost classifier can be seen both in Figure 12 and Figure 13, as it performs worse than NDT3 but better than or equal to NDT4. This result emphasizes the risks of small training sets and also shows that AdaBoost is not immune to overfitting. ...
Context 9
... boosted classifier, as a consequence, uses a suboptimal combination of the "weak" classifiers in this case. The effect of this on the AdaBoost classifier can be seen both in Figure 12 and Figure 13, as it performs worse than NDT3 but better than or equal to NDT4. This result emphasizes the risks of small training sets and also shows that AdaBoost is not immune to overfitting. ...
Context 10
... evaluations are performed to investigate the classifiers sensitivity to the likeness between the training data and the evaluation data. Figures 14 and 15 show the accuracy for small, medium and large errors. In comparison to the evaluations with training and evaluation data from the same environment we see that many of the classifiers produce random or close to random results. ...
Context 11
... the effect of the method used to create the ground truth is not significant enough in our experiments to alter the outcome of the evaluations. This is shown in the lower two diagrams in Figure 16 where the two classifiers NDT3 (blue/dark) and RMS6 (red/light) is compared to each other with NDT-based ground truth to the left and ICP based ground truth to the right. The diagrams are nearly identical since the differences in accuracy for the classifiers is much larger than the effect of the method used to create the ground truth. ...
Context 12
... dataset In Figure 17 we show example ROC plots for the classifiers that showed the best performance on the Hannover dataset. Each plot shows ROC curves for each of the three difficulties on the combined dataset. ...
Context 13
... dataset In Figure 18 we see examples of ROC-plots for the Kjula set. The number of samples in the plots are lower because of the lower number of point clouds in the entire data set. ...
Context 14
... number of samples in the plots are lower because of the lower number of point clouds in the entire data set. Both classifiers (NDT3 to the left and RMS3 to the right) show an even distribution of samples along the curves, suggesting that the classifiers have a similar threshold sensitivity, which was also the case for the NDT3 and RMS6 classifiers in Figure 17. ...

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... However, there have been some works on detecting wrong loop closures [12], [13], [14], which is a closely related problem, since an invalid map merge is fairly similar to a wrong global loop closure. Furthermore there is some research on map quality measures [15], [16], [17], which could be used to detect invalid merges by computing a map quality measure and assuming that a invalid merge must have happened if it drops below a certain threshold. We adapt the method in [12] (histogram) and [16] (entropy) to compare our methods against. ...
... Another idea to detect invalid merges is to use some kind of map quality metric in order to assess the quality of the map and to use a low quality as an indicator that a invalid merge has happened. Different map quality metrics have been proposed in literature, e.g., [15], [17]. Some of these metrics measure aspects of the map's quality that are not suitable for detecting invalid merges since they are designed to respond to noisy maps or slightly misaligned scans. ...
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... Similarly, [15] relies on the condition number to determine the health of the optimization process and includes partial constraints along non-degenerate direction for sensor fusion. Other methods, such as [16,17] rely on the final alignment of scans to capture the adequacy of geometric constraints provided by the environment for correct solution convergence. However, all these methods either rely on the point cloud registration process or its result to determine the performance of the pose estimation process, and do not exploit the information provided by the point cloud data directly to facilitate the estimation process itself. ...
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LiDAR-based localization and mapping is one of the core components in many modern robotic systems due to the direct integration of range and geometry, allowing for precise motion estimation and generation of high quality maps in real-time. Yet, as a consequence of insufficient environmental constraints present in the scene, this dependence on geometry can result in localization failure, happening in self-symmetric surroundings such as tunnels. This work addresses precisely this issue by proposing a neural network-based estimation approach for detecting (non-)localizability during robot operation. Special attention is given to the localizability of scan-to-scan registration, as it is a crucial component in many LiDAR odometry estimation pipelines. In contrast to previous, mostly traditional detection approaches, the proposed method enables early detection of failure by estimating the localizability on raw sensor measurements without evaluating the underlying registration optimization. Moreover, previous approaches remain limited in their ability to generalize across environments and sensor types, as heuristic-tuning of degeneracy detection thresholds is required. The proposed approach avoids this problem by learning from a collection of different environments, allowing the network to function over various scenarios. Furthermore, the network is trained exclusively on simulated data, avoiding arduous data collection in challenging and degenerate, often hard-to-access, environments. The presented method is tested during field experiments conducted across challenging environments and on two different sensor types without any modifications. The observed detection performance is on par with state-of-the-art methods after environment-specific threshold tuning 1.
... However, there have been some works on detecting wrong loop closures [12], [13], [14], which is a closely related problem, since an invalid map merge is fairly similar to a wrong global loop closure. Furthermore there is some research on map quality measures [15], [16], [17], which could be used to detect invalid merges by computing a map quality measure and assuming that a invalid merge must have happened if it drops below a certain threshold. We adapt the method in [12] (histogram) and [16] (entropy) to compare our methods against. ...
... Another idea to detect invalid merges is to use some kind of map quality metric in order to assess the quality of the map and to use a low quality as an indicator that a invalid merge has happened. Different map quality metrics have been proposed in literature, e.g., [15], [17]. Some of these metrics measure aspects of the map's quality that are not suitable for detecting invalid merges since they are designed to respond to noisy maps or slightly misaligned scans. ...
... Localization failure detection methods have been proposed by some researchers [3], [4]. Owing to recent advances in machine learning (ML) algorithms, some researchers have proposed ML-based failure detection methods [5]- [9]. However, these methods do not consider the entire relation of sensor measurement. ...
... The MLbased methods enable us to implicitly model complex relationships. Almqvist et al. compared several misaligned point cloud detection methods, including the ML-based methods [9], and demonstrated that AdaBoost [37] executed a better performance. Through experiments conducted in this work, we demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the AdaBoost-based failure detector. ...
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Most of the recent automated driving systems assume the accurate functioning of localization. Unanticipated errors cause localization failures and result in failures in automated driving. An exact localization failure detection is necessary to ensure safety in automated driving; however, detection of the localization failures is challenging because sensor measurement is assumed to be independent of each other in the localization process. Owing to the assumption, the entire relation of the sensor measurement is ignored. Consequently, it is difficult to recognize the misalignment between the sensor measurement and the map when partial sensor measurement overlaps with the map. This paper proposes a method for the detection of localization failures using Markov random fields with fully connected latent variables. The full connection enables to take the entire relation into account and contributes to the exact misalignment recognition. Additionally, this paper presents localization failure probability calculation and efficient distance field representation methods. We evaluate the proposed method using two types of datasets. The first dataset is the SemanticKITTI dataset, whereby four methods are compared with the proposed method. The comparison results reveal that the proposed method achieves the most accurate failure detection. The second dataset is created based on log data acquired from the demonstrations that we conducted in Japanese public roads. The dataset includes several localization failure scenes. We apply the failure detection methods to the dataset and confirm that the proposed method achieves exact and immediate failure detection.
... Some examples of methods that have been used in practice to assess the alignment quality include point-to-point or point-to-plane distances [9], [10], point-to-distribution [11], [12] or distribution-to-distribution [13], [14] likelihood estimates, mean map entropy [15] or dense radar-image comparison [16]. However, except for some notable exceptions [12], [17], few studies in the literature have specifically and methodically targeted the measurement of alignment correctness. ...
... Some examples of methods that have been used in practice to assess the alignment quality include point-to-point or point-to-plane distances [9], [10], point-to-distribution [11], [12] or distribution-to-distribution [13], [14] likelihood estimates, mean map entropy [15] or dense radar-image comparison [16]. However, except for some notable exceptions [12], [17], few studies in the literature have specifically and methodically targeted the measurement of alignment correctness. ...
... (d) Misaligned Pa ∪ P b colored by quality measure when a small misalignment is added. However, this measure has been shown to be highly sensitive to the environment and the choice of the outlier threshold [12], [19] when trying to detect small errors. Consequently, this is a poor measure for alignment correctness classification. ...
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... Hence, machine learning approaches have been applied recently. Almqvist et al. [Almqvist et al., 2018] applied several threshold-and machine-learning-based methods to classify misaligned point clouds. Alsayed et al. [Alsayed et al., 2017, Alsayed et al., 2018 presented a machine-learning-based failure detection method for 2D LiDAR SLAM. ...
... The localization state classifier classifies whether localization has failed. The classifier can be implemented using any methods such as threshold-and machine-learning-based methods [Almqvist et al., 2018]. Output form of the classifier is changed according to its implementation. ...
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Reliability is a key factor for realizing safety guarantee of full autonomous robot systems. In this paper, we focus on reliability in mobile robot localization. Monte Carlo localization (MCL) is widely used for mobile robot localization. However, it is still difficult to guarantee its safety because there are no methods determining reliability for MCL estimate. This paper presents a novel localization framework that enables robust localization, reliability estimation, and quick re-localization, simultaneously. The presented method can be implemented using similar estimation manner to that of MCL. The method can increase localization robustness to environment changes by estimating known and unknown obstacles while performing localization; however, localization failure of course occurs by unanticipated errors. The method also includes a reliability estimation function that enables us to know whether localization has failed. Additionally, the method can seamlessly integrate a global localization method via importance sampling. Consequently, quick re-localization from failures can be realized while mitigating noisy influence of global localization. Through three types of experiments, we show that reliable MCL that performs robust localization, self-failure detection, and quick failure recovery can be realized.
... Similarly, [15] relies on the condition number to determine the health of the optimization process and includes partial constraints along non-degenerate direction for sensor fusion. Other methods, such as [16,17] rely on the final alignment of scans to capture the adequacy of geometric constraints provided by the environment for correct solution convergence. However, all these methods either rely on the point cloud registration process or its result to determine the performance of the pose estimation process, and do not exploit the information provided by the point cloud data directly to facilitate the estimation process itself. ...
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LiDAR-based localization and mapping is one of the core components in many modern robotic systems due to the direct integration of range and geometry, allowing for precise motion estimation and generation of high quality maps in real-time. Yet, as a consequence of insufficient environmental constraints present in the scene, this dependence on geometry can result in localization failure, happening in self-symmetric surroundings such as tunnels. This work addresses precisely this issue by proposing a neural network-based estimation approach for detecting (non-)localizability during robot operation. Special attention is given to the localizability of scan-to-scan registration, as it is a crucial component in many LiDAR odometry estimation pipelines. In contrast to previous, mostly traditional detection approaches, the proposed method enables early detection of failure by estimating the localizability on raw sensor measurements without evaluating the underlying registration optimization. Moreover, previous approaches remain limited in their ability to generalize across environments and sensor types, as heuristic-tuning of degeneracy detection thresholds is required. The proposed approach avoids this problem by learning from a corpus of different environments, allowing the network to function over various scenarios. Furthermore, the network is trained exclusively on simulated data, avoiding arduous data collection in challenging and degenerate, often hard-to-access, environments. The presented method is tested during field experiments conducted across challenging environments and on two different sensor types without any modifications. The observed detection performance is on par with state-of-the-art methods after environment-specific threshold tuning.