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Two kinds of clock-comparison experiments. (a) The comparison of light clocks: it is similar to a Michelson interferometer with each arm length L 0 , where each interference arm can be considered as a light clock. (b) The comparison of atomic clocks: two atomic clocks are located in different places.
Source publication
A more complete theoretical model of testing Lorentz violation by the comparison of atomic clocks is developed in the Robertson-Mansouri-Sexl kinematic framework. As this frame postulates the deviation of the coordinate transformation from the Lorentz transformation, from the viewpoint of the transformation violations on time and space, the LI viol...
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Context 1
... returns to the Lorentz transformation with α = β = δ = 0. For the comparison of clock frequencies, the violation of LI in the S frame can be detected through measuring the anisotropic of light speed. Analyzing lightclock and atom-clock comparisons in Fig. 1(a) and 1(b), 7,8 the frequency shift signal of clock-comparison experiment contains the time-delay and structure effects ...
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