Figure - available from: Journal of Hymenoptera Research
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Stingless bees (Hymenoptera, Meliponini) are a large and diverse group including 59 extant groups, representing the main pollinators of Amazon forests. Among those, Trigona is one of the largest endemic genera of Neotropical Meliponini. In this work, we updated the molecular phylogeny of Trigona proposed by Rasmussen and Camargo (2008), including d...
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... The latter hypothesis was favored by GGI, being morphologically supported by the lack or reduction of the mesotibial spur in both genera. Regarding relationships among species of Trigona, our results are mostly congruent with previous investigations focused on the genus (Rasmussen and Camargo, 2008;Marconi et al., 2023), with the only exception being the position of Trigona dallatorreana Friese, 1900 andTrigona nigerrima Cresson, 1878. We also included Trigona dimidiata Smith, 1854, a species belonging to a group not represented in previous analyses. ...