Figure 6 - uploaded by Pura Alfonso
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Source publication
A mineralogical and mineral chemistry study was carried out in the San Luis Alta telluride-rich gold deposit, mid-south Peru, to contribute towards determining its formation and improving the ore processing. The San Luis mineralization is considered an intrusion-related gold deposit located in the Arequipa segment of the Coastal Batholith. The mine...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... high Ag contents may be due to the close distribution with hessite and petzite. Ag-Pb-Bi-Sb-Te minerals often form solid solutions [37], as can be observed in Figure 6 between rucklidgeite and kochkarite. The compositional map in Figure 7 shows that Te forms discrete phases, while Bi appears in more diffuse contacts with other tellurides. ...
Context 2
... high Ag contents may be due to the close distribution with hessite and petzite. Ag-Pb-Bi-Sb-Te minerals often form solid solutions [37], as can be observed in Figure 6 between rucklidgeite and kochkarite. The compositional map in Figure 7 shows that Te forms discrete phases, while Bi appears in more diffuse contacts with other tellurides. ...
The mineralization and geochemical features of the Tolparovo ore occurrence are studied to reveal the contribution of diagenetic and epigenetic processes in the formation of copper miner-alization in redbed deposits. The methods of electron microscopy, ICP MS, X-ray fluorescence, X-ray phase, atomic absorption, thermogravimetric analyses, and C and O isotopic composition were used. The ore is confined to the fault zone and feathering dolomite-calcite veins, having formed at temperatures of ~330-200 °C and pressures of 0.8-0.2 kbar. Similar to other copper redbed occurrences of the Bashkirian uplift, the Tolparovo copper ore occurrence is confined to basal Neoprote-rozoic deposits. Siliciclastic and carbonate deposits of this level were accumulated at low paleoe-quator latitudes in arid climates of continental and coastal-marine environments close to evaporite ones. Rocks of this stratigraphic interval demonstrate increased background concentrations of copper (~2-5 times exceeding the clark), which explains the stratification of redbed copper ore occurrences , indicating a predominantly sedimentary copper source. However, most of the redbed copper ore occurrences of the Bashkirian uplift are located in tectonic zones and are associated with the dikes of the Inzer gabbrodolerite complex. This connects the generation of ore occurrences with the formation of the Southern Urals Arsha Large Igneous Province (707-732 Ma) and the activity of postmagmatic fluids. Magmatic processes were presumably activated due to the collapse of the Rodinia supercontinent. It is shown that copper mineralization in stratiform deposits may result from a joint manifestation of dia-and epigenesis processes.