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The process of temporary accommodation after an earthquake is one of the most important issues in crisis management.
This research study attempts to identify and prioritize the key risks inherent with the post-earthquake temporary accommodation process in Sanandaj, Iran using the Fuzzy Delphi method.
To achieve this g...
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... Questionnaire & Interview Mixed [35] USA Questionnaire Quantitative [36] Nepal Grounded theory Qualitative [37] Recovery Issues on Housing Reconstruction Iran Case study Qualitative [38] China Content analysis Qualitative [39] Post-disaster reconstruction carries various risks; however, studies in this domain are limited. Dabiri et al. [40] used the Fuzzy Delphi Method to assess temporary accommodation risks in Iran, identifying climate as the top concern. Watanabe et al. [41] studied health risks from mold in post-disaster homes in Japan, and Mohammadi et al. [42] assessed the reliability of temporary structures. ...
Post-disaster reconstruction (PDR) is a complex and unpredictable process, especially concerning the construction sector, where understanding associated risks is increasingly vital. This study investigates and evaluates the present condition of post-disaster reconstruction risk (RoPDR) and discerns research trends and deficiencies in the domain via a systematic literature review (SLR) and bibliometric analysis. The Web of Science (WoS) was preferred for its extensive repository of pivotal research publications and its integrated analytical capabilities for producing representative data. This study performed a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of 204 peer-reviewed journal articles regarding the risks associated with post-disaster reconstruction from 1993 to 2024, utilizing the R statistical programming package RStudio Bibliometrix R version 4.3.1 to map the research landscape, identify literature gaps, and analyze rising trends. As a result of the analyses, the risks of post-disaster reconstruction were classified into four main clusters. Despite numerous studies exploring post-disaster reconstruction through diverse perspectives and methodologies, the associated risks of these projects remain inadequately analyzed. This inaugural bibliometric study in the realm of RoPDR utilizes novel techniques, such as the h-index, thematic mapping, and trend topic analysis, to attain a comprehensive understanding. Hence, the outcome of this study will aid scholars and practitioners in thoroughly comprehending the present condition and identifying prospective research directions.
... Once the CSFs were identified from the existing literature, a threeround Delphi survey method was used to screen and evaluate these CSFs. This technique aims reach a consensus among experts on a specific topic by distributing questionnaires in consecutive rounds (Dabiri et al. 2021), and is valuable when the issue can benefit from collective and subjective judgments or decisions and when group dynamics do not allow for effective communication (e.g. differences in time, distance and personality conflicts; Grime and Wright 2016). ...
Implementing infrastructure development projects using public–private partnership (PPP) delivery method has not been widely successful, particularly in developing countries such as Iran. Therefore, it is essential and indispensable to evaluate the critical success factors (CSFs) for completing abandoned public sports facilities projects (APSFPs) via private sector participation under the PPP model. The current study aims to determine the CSFs for private sector participation in completing APSFPs based in Iran. The significance of this study stems from the criticality of deciding on CSFs as the first step of providing an appropriate platform for completing APSFPs in developing countries, including Iran, and encouraging more successful implementation in practice. This research promotes strategic thinking about PPP strategy and the effective use of resources by identifying CSFs required for completing APSFPs with success. To achieve the research objective, the Delphi survey method was applied to identify CSFs for private sector participation in completing APSFPs in Iran. The hands-on opinions of 10 experts in public sports facilities projects were gathered through three Delphi rounds of survey using a semi-structured questionnaire. The reliability and face, content, and structural validity of the questionnaire were also investigated and checked. A total of 20 CSFs for completion of APSFPs through private sector participation in Iran were determined and analyzed. The identified CSFs were further grouped into five different major factor categories: legal and regulatory, strategic/executive, political/cultural/social, process/structural/human and economic/financial. The findings of this study suggest that practical effective strategies or pragmatic measures need to be developed to enhance the successful completion of APSFPs in Iran and other developing countries under the PPP delivery model.
... Identifying the risks of the temporary post-earthquake resettlement process can help develop a hazard prevention plan. It can also help promote various aspects of sustainable development, including social, environmental, and economic factors (Dabiri et al., 2021). ...
... of social capital (social communication changes in society)Dabiri et al. (2021) 30The issues of education/social health/ economicTierney et al. (2004) 31The difficulties of health spaces (toilet, bathroom, etc.)Asefi and Farrokhi (2018);Yuksel and Hasirci (2012);Tierney et al. (2004) ...
One of the most critical challenges in preventive planning and disaster management is the multitudinous uncertainties involved in decision-making. Previous studies showed the usefulness of intuitionistic fuzzy sets for considering uncertainties in decision-making process. Hence, the current study aims to present a combined model using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Risk Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (IF-RFMEA) to determine and prioritize the critical risks of temporary accommodation sites after destructive earthquakes in Iran and bridge the existing research gaps in the literature. To this end, 49 common temporary accommodation risks after earthquakes were identified via a desktop literature survey. Then, the fuzzy Delphi technique was applied to determine the top 20 critical risks with the highest priorities according to experts for evaluation using the proposed method. The Delphi panel members included 18 experts based in Iran with relevant hands-on experience in crisis management and risk management. Finally, 20 identified critical risks were evaluated using three criteria of the probability of occurrence, level of effect, and detection value using the IF-RFMEA technique. According to the analytical results, infectious disease challenges, mental and psychological disorders among survivors, and unemployment and closing of businesses, were the most critical risks after earthquakes in the region. The proposed method of analysis can diminish uncertainties and adopt the main criteria of the probability of occurrence, level of effect, and detection value to improve risk assessment results and analysis in relation to the critical risks of temporary accommodation sites after destructive earthquakes.
... This method is used for "identification" and "screening" the most important criteria (Khoshfetrat et al., 2020;Sarvari et al., 2021). The Delphi technique is a structured process for collecting information Lind and Muyingo (2012) F to make decisions on qualitative issues (Sadeghi, et al., 2021;Dabiri et al., 2021;Tamošaitien_ e et al., 2021b). The main objective of the Delphi method is to achieve the most reliable agreement of a group of expert opinions through a series of focused questionnaires with controlled feedback Khosravi et al., 2020). ...
The average lifetime of a building in Iran is only one-quarter of the reported global average lifespan. A major reason why buildings in Iran have shorter service life is attributed to the inappropriate selection of the facility repair and maintenance (R&M) methods. Hence, selecting the appropriate R&M methods is critical in upholding or even extending the lifespan of the building. The purpose of this paper is to determine the main criteria for selecting the suitable R&M methods of commercial real estate (CRE) in Iran as a major challenge encountered by the Iranian construction industry.
The total number of identified criteria (related to the selection of the suitable R&M methods) is 16, which is divided into five clusters (referred as main criteria in this study): human resources; flexibility and technical capability; safety and risk; cost of maintenance; and facilities and technology. To analyze the identified criteria, the expert opinions were collected through both face-to-face interviews and distribution of Delphi survey questionnaires. A total of 12 industrial experts in the construction industry were invited to participate in a Delphi survey to solicit their perceptions and opinions on the identified criteria in this research.
The findings indicated that, among the five main criteria, the cost of maintenance is the most important criteria for selecting appropriate R&M methods of CRE in Iran. In addition, the criterion of facilities and technology was recognized as the least important among the main criteria.
The research, significantly, justified the configuration of non-compliance with the practice and its deliverables and developed a diagnostic study on the grounds of failure in the Iranian construction industry regarding the issues which are threatening the expected and desirable outcomes. The research achievements and suggested effective recommendations can serve as a useful policy and consultative instrument for the relevant stakeholders in the construction industry engaged in building R&M work.
... Intuitionistic fuzzy logic is a fuzzy set for creating multivariable logical models. It can be a valuable and powerful tool for solving complex and uncertain problems with high accuracy (Dabiri et al., 2021). Risk assessment provides necessary and essential information for prioritizing preventive strategies and reducing risks (Tamošaitien_ e et al., 2021). ...
... These results can then be used for creating strategies and plans for dealing with the aftermath of earthquakes (Ruiter et al., 2017). Risk management process helps better understand earthquake risks and can affect the future decision-making of managers (Dabiri et al., 2021). Risk management is a multi-stage process using a wide range of data, parameters and uncertain factors (Sarvari et al., 2014). ...
... With the rapid advancement of science and technology and the resulting developments, many decisions are affected, especially in complex and ambiguous cases, as well as due to organizational and operational breadth Dabiri et al., 2021). In such cases, due to the specialization of topics and the specific complexity of the issues, as well as the lack of knowledge, awareness and individual skills, individual decision-making cannot be used and group interaction should be focused. ...
To reduce financial and human losses, managing risks associated with earthquakes is essential in practice. However, in using common risk management methods, experts are often faced with ambiguities that can create profound challenges for risk management. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a logical and straightforward risk assessment model to provide scientific and accurate answers to complex problems. This study aims to recommend an innovative combined method based on the probability-impact (P-I) approach and intuitionistic fuzzy set theory to identify and prioritize the essential earthquake risks associated with worn-out urban fabrics in the context of Iran.
The opinions of 15 experts in the fields of civil engineering and urban construction were gathered during brainstorming sessions. These brainstorming sessions were conducted to determine the probability of risks and the effect of identified risks. After calculating the severity of risks using the P-I approach and converting them to intuitionistic fuzzy sets, the risks were measured and prioritized based on their individual scores.
The study results indicated that risk of damage due to buildings’ age and flooding risk had the highest and lowest priorities in causes of financial damage, respectively. Furthermore, the risk of damage due to building quality (demolition) and building age was the most important. The risk of flooding and damage to communication networks has the lowest importance among causes of fatalities in worn-out urban fabrics.
The study findings and recommendations can be served as a policy and consultative instrument for the relevant stakeholders in the area of urban management.
2023 Türkiye depremi sonrasında depremzedelerin yaşadıkları deneyimleri anlamak, sağlanan yardım ve iyileştirme çalışmalarının etkililiğini açığa çıkarmak amacıyla 37 depremzede ile gerçekleştirilen görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Bu görüşmeler nitel yöntemlerle analiz edilerek tema ve kodlar belirlenmiştir. Nitel verilerin analiziyle elde edilen verilerin yorumlanması ile yardım ve iyileştirme çalışmalarının genel olarak yetersiz olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Görüşmelerde, zamanında ulaşmayan yardımlar, adil dağıtım eksikliği, yiyecek ve su sıkıntısı gibi sorunlar dile getirilmiştir. Araştırma, ilk desteklerin aile, arkadaşlar veya yakınlardan alındığını, sosyal dayanışmanın kritik olduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Ancak, bu yardım sağlayan bireylerin afet eğitimi eksikliği, gelecekteki müdahale ekipleri için daha fazla eğitim gerekliliğini göstermektedir. Sonuçlar, acil durum planlaması, eğitimli yardım ekipleri ve güçlü iletişim mekanizmalarının sağlanması gerekliliğini öne sürmektedir. Ayrıca, toplumların kendi hazırlıklarını yapmalarının afet durumlarına daha etkili müdahale sağlayabileceği vurgulanmaktadır. Öneriler arasında, yardımın etkili bir şekilde sağlanmasını değerlendiren detaylı bir inceleme, sosyal dayanışmanın rolünü anlamak için kapsamlı bir çalışma, afet müdahale etkinliği ile yardım sağlayanların eğitim düzeyi arasındaki ilişkiyi araştıran ve dijital eğitim programlarının kullanılabilirliğini inceleyen bir çalışma yer almaktadır.
Construction land reduction (CLR) is an effective instrument to improve intensive land use, restrict the expansion of construction land, safeguard the requisition-compensation balance of construction land in China, and realize sustainable development. But multiple risks arise from the process of construction land reduction. In that case, identifying and analyzing the key risks of CLR is the prerequisite for formulating practical policy guidelines. This study is conducted to identify the risk factors of CLR and analyze these risks based on expert opinion. Initially, the original risk factors are sourced from existing literature. In order to tailor them to China’s specific context, the Delphi method is employed to systematically refine risk definitions, consolidate similar risk elements, and identify any previously unrecognized risks in the literature. Following an in-depth review of the literature, we create a contextual relationship-based model employing an integrated technique of interpretive structural modeling (ISM) and Cross-Impact Matrix Multiplication Applied to Classification (MICMAC) analysis. Based on the ISM and MICMAC analysis, five key risks were identified, and the prevention strategies and policy recommendations for CLR project risks are put forward.
Construction land reduction (CLR) is an effective instrument to improve intensive land use, restrict the expansion of construction land, safeguard the requisition-compensation balance of construction land in China, and realize sustainable development. But multiple risks arise from the process of construction land reduction. In that case, identifying and analyzing the key risks of CLR is the prerequisite for formulating practical policy guidelines. This study is conducted to identify the risk factors of CLR and analyze these risks based on expert opinion. Following an in-depth review of the literature, we create a contextual relationship-based model employing an integrated technique of Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) and Cross-Impact Matrix Multiplication Applied to Classification (MICMAC) analysis. Based on the ISM and MICMAC analysis, five key risks were identified, and the prevention strategies and policy recommendations for CLR project risks are put forward.