Fig 2 - uploaded by Yimeng Zhang
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Transshipment and time in the model.
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... proposed model allows containers to be transferred from one barge to another at transshipment terminals, as shown in Figure 2. Therefore, different from traditional PDP, the routes of requests and routes of barges need to be considered separately. ...
Context 2
... loading/unloading time is called service time for pickup/delivery, and it is called transshipment time in case of transshipment. Figure 2 also shows how the time is added in the model. The time from the arrival time till the service start time is the waiting time, and departure happens after service time or transshipment time is completed. ...
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... The pseudocode of the designed ALNS is shown in Algorithm 1. The adaptive mechanism of ALNS is illustrated in detail in our previous paper (Zhang et al., 2020(Zhang et al., , 2022 and not repeated in this paper. // current / best means the current/best solution. ...
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This paper introduces the Vessel Swap-Body Routing problem (VSBR), a generalization of the pickup and delivery problem with time windows, which considers freight distribution between ports located throughout an inland waterway network. Subject to time windows and precedence constraints, each customer request is associated with a number of containers and must be served via a single body. Bodies are capacitated components that cannot move independently and must therefore be towed by a vessel. Bodies can be transferred between vessels at customer locations or transfer points in order to reduce overall costs. Vessels and bodies can end their routes at any location, meaning they do not need to return to a depot. Moreover, every vessel-body combination is permitted, which greatly expands the size of the solution search space. Although body transfers constitute a fundamental component of this real-world problem, the flexibility such transfers engender poses a huge logistical challenge to the human planners tasked with efficiently scheduling vessel routes. In this paper we model the VSBR as an optimization problem and introduce complementary approaches for solving it. We propose a mixed integer programming formulation and a heuristic approach with tailored neighborhoods for body transfers. To help stimulate further research, a set of instances is introduced based on real-world data and benchmarks are made publicly available.