Fig 2 - uploaded by Elaine Holmes
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Transplantation of fecal microbiota from kwashiorkor and healthy co-twins from family 196 into gnotobiotic mice fed Malawian and RUTF diets. (A) Discordant weight loss in recipient mice (n = 10 mice per group, *P < 0.05, Student's t test). Data points are colored by recipient group: blue, kwashiorkor co-twin fecal microbiota recipients; red, healthy co-twin fecal microbiota recipients. Error bars indicate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. (B) Average T SEM (error bars) PC1 coordinate obtained from the weighted UniFrac distances shown in fig. S9, A and B, for fecal microbiota sampled from mice over time. Same color key as in (A). (C) Heatmap of phylotypes assigned to species-level taxa whose representation in the fecal microbiota of gnotobiotic mice changed significantly (P < 0.05, Students t test with Bonferroni correction) as a function of donor microbiota and Malawian versus RUTF diets. Asterisks indicate taxa that changed significantly in both healthy and kwashiorkor microbiota transplant recipients. Species level taxa are colored by phylum: red, Firmicutes; blue, Actinobacteria; black, Bacteroidetes; and green, Proteobacteria. Switching from a Malawian diet to RUTF produces a rapid change in the configuration of the transplanted kwashiorkor microbiota. A bloom in Lactobacilli occurs early during treatment with RUTF but regresses by the end of this diet period and remains unchanged when animals are returned to the Malawian diet. Bifidobacterium spp. also bloom early during administration of RUTF. Unlike the Lactobacilli, the increase of Bifidobacterium is sustained into the early phases of M2, after which they diminish. Like the members of Bifidobacterium, R. torques increases its representation during RUTF and then rapidly diminishes when mice returned to a Malawian diet. The increase in F. prausnitzii is sustained into and through M2. The responses of the Bacteroidales were opposite to that of the other three groups: Bacteroidales decrease with the administration of RUTF and re-emerge with M2. The response of the Lactobacilli observed in the kwashiorkor transplant recipients is not seen in gnotobiotic mice containing the healthy co-twin's microbiota. The pattern of change of the two Ruminococcus spp., B. uniformis, P. distasonis, B. longum, and an unclassified Bifidobacterium taxon is shared by both recipient groups (healthy and kwashiorkor), although the Bifidobacterium response is more diminutive in the healthy microbiota treatment group. Parabacteroides merdae, an unclassified taxon from the genus Faecalibacterium, as well as a member of the Coriobacteriaceae, is specifically elevated in the healthy co-twin's microbiota when mice switch to a RUTF diet. Of these, only P. merdae does not persist when animals are returned to the Malawian diet (also see tables S7A and S8A). 

Transplantation of fecal microbiota from kwashiorkor and healthy co-twins from family 196 into gnotobiotic mice fed Malawian and RUTF diets. (A) Discordant weight loss in recipient mice (n = 10 mice per group, *P < 0.05, Student's t test). Data points are colored by recipient group: blue, kwashiorkor co-twin fecal microbiota recipients; red, healthy co-twin fecal microbiota recipients. Error bars indicate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. (B) Average T SEM (error bars) PC1 coordinate obtained from the weighted UniFrac distances shown in fig. S9, A and B, for fecal microbiota sampled from mice over time. Same color key as in (A). (C) Heatmap of phylotypes assigned to species-level taxa whose representation in the fecal microbiota of gnotobiotic mice changed significantly (P < 0.05, Students t test with Bonferroni correction) as a function of donor microbiota and Malawian versus RUTF diets. Asterisks indicate taxa that changed significantly in both healthy and kwashiorkor microbiota transplant recipients. Species level taxa are colored by phylum: red, Firmicutes; blue, Actinobacteria; black, Bacteroidetes; and green, Proteobacteria. Switching from a Malawian diet to RUTF produces a rapid change in the configuration of the transplanted kwashiorkor microbiota. A bloom in Lactobacilli occurs early during treatment with RUTF but regresses by the end of this diet period and remains unchanged when animals are returned to the Malawian diet. Bifidobacterium spp. also bloom early during administration of RUTF. Unlike the Lactobacilli, the increase of Bifidobacterium is sustained into the early phases of M2, after which they diminish. Like the members of Bifidobacterium, R. torques increases its representation during RUTF and then rapidly diminishes when mice returned to a Malawian diet. The increase in F. prausnitzii is sustained into and through M2. The responses of the Bacteroidales were opposite to that of the other three groups: Bacteroidales decrease with the administration of RUTF and re-emerge with M2. The response of the Lactobacilli observed in the kwashiorkor transplant recipients is not seen in gnotobiotic mice containing the healthy co-twin's microbiota. The pattern of change of the two Ruminococcus spp., B. uniformis, P. distasonis, B. longum, and an unclassified Bifidobacterium taxon is shared by both recipient groups (healthy and kwashiorkor), although the Bifidobacterium response is more diminutive in the healthy microbiota treatment group. Parabacteroides merdae, an unclassified taxon from the genus Faecalibacterium, as well as a member of the Coriobacteriaceae, is specifically elevated in the healthy co-twin's microbiota when mice switch to a RUTF diet. Of these, only P. merdae does not persist when animals are returned to the Malawian diet (also see tables S7A and S8A). 

Source publication
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Kwashiorkor, an enigmatic form of severe acute malnutrition, is the consequence of inadequate nutrient intake plus additional environmental insults. To investigate the role of the gut microbiome, we studied 317 Malawian twin pairs during the first 3 years of life. During this time, half of the twin pairs remained well nourished, whereas 43% became...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... nutrient-deficient diet and fig. S6 for ex- perimental design) (10). In two of the three discordant twin pairs (families 196 and 57), trans- plantation of the kwashiorkor co-twin's microbiota resulted in significantly greater weight loss in recipient mice over the ensuing 3 weeks than in those harboring the healthy sibling's microbiota ( F2 Fig. 2A). This discordant weight loss phenotype was dependent on the combination of Malawian diet and kwashiorkor microbiota; when separate groups of animals were placed on a standard mouse chow, there were no significant differences between the weights of mice with kwashiorkor compared to healthy co-twin microbiota (93.6 T 4% versus 93 T 11% ...
Context 2
... Whereas all recipients of microbiota trans- plants lost weight, this re-exposure did not produce the profound weight loss that mice col- onized with the kwashiorkor microbiota had experienced during their first exposure ( Fig. 2A). These results indicate that the gut micro- biota from two of the three discordant pairs are able to transmit a discordant malnutrition pheno- type, manifested by weight loss, to recipient gnotobiotic mice. Given that the most discordant weight loss phenotype was produced by micro- biota from twin pair 196, we initiated a detailed ...
Context 3
... type, manifested by weight loss, to recipient gnotobiotic mice. Given that the most discordant weight loss phenotype was produced by micro- biota from twin pair 196, we initiated a detailed time-series analyses of the organismal, gene, and metabolite content of the transplanted microbial communities as a function of co-twin donor and diet ( fig. S6 and table S2, B and ...
Context 4
... from a Malawian diet to RUTF produced a rapid change in configuration of the fecal microbiota that was most pronounced in recipients of the kwashiorkor co-twin's commu- nity (Fig. 2B and fig. S9, A and B). Thirty species-level taxa exhibited significant changes in their representation in kwashiorkor microbiota transplant recipients (Fig. 2C and tables S7B and S8A), with prominent increases in Bifidobacteria (B. longum, B. bifidum, plus another unclassified taxon), two Lactobacilli [L. reuteri and L. gasseri, which can produce ...
Context 5
... from a Malawian diet to RUTF produced a rapid change in configuration of the fecal microbiota that was most pronounced in recipients of the kwashiorkor co-twin's commu- nity (Fig. 2B and fig. S9, A and B). Thirty species-level taxa exhibited significant changes in their representation in kwashiorkor microbiota transplant recipients (Fig. 2C and tables S7B and S8A), with prominent increases in Bifidobacteria (B. longum, B. bifidum, plus another unclassified taxon), two Lactobacilli [L. reuteri and L. gasseri, which can produce bacteriocins and stimulate the innate immune system to inhibit the growth and eliminate various enteropathogens ( 21-23)], and two members of ...
Context 6
... activity in a mouse model of colitis and whose decreased representa- tion is associated with increased risk of ileal Crohn's disease (25)]. We observed statistically significant decreases in the representation of members of the Bacteroidales (B. uniformis, Parabacteroides distasonis, plus an unclassified Parabacteroides taxon) (see Fig. 2C and legend for time courses). Twenty-eight bacterial species- level taxa also exhibited significant changes in their representation in gnotobiotic mice harboring the healthy co-twin's microbiota in response to RUTF. The pattern of change of 13 different taxa- including the two Ruminococcus spp., B. uniformis, P. distasonis, B. longum, ...
Context 7
... to RUTF. The pattern of change of 13 different taxa- including the two Ruminococcus spp., B. uniformis, P. distasonis, B. longum, and an unclassified Bifidobacterium taxon-was shared by both re- cipient groups (healthy and kwashiorkor), al- though the Bifidobacterium response was less pronounced in the healthy microbiota treatment group ( Fig. 2C and tables S7A, S7B, and S8A). These changes were representative of those that occurred in the human donors; the change in Bifidobacterium was unique to the kwashiorkor co-twin (table ...

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... The bacteriome of childhood malnutrition is associated with low alpha diversity and disproportionate expansion of Pseudomonadota [106]. Furthermore, the microbiome maintains an "immature" state as postnatal maturation of the gut microbiota is perturbed [106,107]. Dysbiosis of malnutrition also influences the phageome and is transferrable to gnotobiotic mice through fecal viral transfer causing weight loss, barrier disruption, and metabolic phenotypes [107][108][109]. Treatment with antibiotics concurrent with the provision of nutritious food has shown better outcomes and faster recovery of a healthy microbiome [110][111][112]. ...
... Furthermore, the microbiome maintains an "immature" state as postnatal maturation of the gut microbiota is perturbed [106,107]. Dysbiosis of malnutrition also influences the phageome and is transferrable to gnotobiotic mice through fecal viral transfer causing weight loss, barrier disruption, and metabolic phenotypes [107][108][109]. Treatment with antibiotics concurrent with the provision of nutritious food has shown better outcomes and faster recovery of a healthy microbiome [110][111][112]. ...
... Treatment with antibiotics concurrent with the provision of nutritious food has shown better outcomes and faster recovery of a healthy microbiome [110][111][112]. However, the ready-to-use therapeutic food interventions alone in child populations suffering from severe acute malnutrition are transient [106,107]. While gut bacteria have been shown to be causally related to malnutrition [107,109], the role of the virome is less well understood. ...
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... The gut microbiota of children with malnutrition or undernourished has significantly lower microbiota diversity and a lower number of Bacteroidetes and pathogenic Proteobacteria and Firmicutes than normal or healthy children [4,[6][7][8]. In addition, based on a research in Malawi, the abundances of Prevotella, Bacteroidetes, Eubacterium, and Blautia species were lower in malnourished children than in undernourished children [9]. ...
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The present study investigated the ingestion effect of chocolate probiotic containing Lactobacillus plantarum Dad-13 in undernourished children. A 100-day observation was conducted on undernourished children in Lombok, who were divided into probiotic (n=28) and placebo (n=28) groups. Fecal sampling was performed on the 10th and 100th days and further analyzed for gut microbiota composition, short-chain fatty acid (SCFA), and fecal pH. A significant difference was found in the diversity index, fecal pH, and several microbiotas at the phylum and genus levels. At the phylum level, Bacteroidetes was significantly higher in the probiotic group, and a higher relative abundance (RA) of Firmicutes was found in the placebo group. At the genus level, significant differences were observed in some bacteria, such as Bifidobacterium and Prevotella. Therefore, it can be concluded that the probiotic intervention in this study resulted in changes of gut microbiota diversity and fecal pH. Trial Registration: Thai Clinical Trials Registry identifier: TCTR20220425001
... In the last decade, the gut microbiota has become a key target for strategies aiming at controlling energy metabolism and weight gain. Many studies have revealed that specific gut microbes can both promote obesity [4] and play a causal role in severe acute underweight individuals [2,5]. In addition, recent evidence has been accumulating on the importance of gut microbiota for juvenile linear growth [2,[6][7][8][9]. ...
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Background Colostrum is the first milk for a newborn. Its high content in microbiota shaping compounds and its intake at the time of gut microbiota seeding suggests colostrum may be critical in the establishment of a healthy microbiota. There is also accumulating evidence on the importance of the gut microbiota for healthy growth. Here, we aimed to investigate the contribution of colostrum, and colostrum-induced microbiota to growth promotion. Addressing this question is highly significant because (1) globally, less than half of the newborns are fully colostrum fed (2) the evidence for the importance of the microbiota for the prevention of undernutrition has only been demonstrated in juvenile or adult pre-clinical models while stunting already starts before weaning. Results To address the importance of diet at birth in growth failure, we developed a unique mouse model in which neonates are breastfed by mothers at an advanced stage of lactation who no longer provide colostrum. Feeding newborn mice with mature milk instead of colostrum resulted in significant growth retardation associated with the biological features of chronic undernutrition, such as low leptin levels, dyslipidemia, systemic inflammation, and growth hormone resistance. We next investigated the role of colostrum in microbiota shaping. At the end of the lactation period, we found a major difference in gut microbiota alpha diversity, beta diversity, and taxa distribution in control and colostrum-deprived mice. To determine the causal relationship between changes in microbiota and growth trajectories, we repeated our experiment in germ-free mice. The beneficial effect of colostrum on growth remained in the absence of microbiota. Conclusion Our data suggest that colostrum may play an important role in the prevention of growth failure. They highlight that the interplay between neonatal gut microbiome assembly and diet may not be as crucial for growth control in the developing newborn as described in young adults. This opens a paradigm shift that will foster research for colostrum’s bioactives that may exert a similar effect to microbiota-derived ligands in promoting growth and lead to new avenues of translational research for newborn-tailored prevention of stunting. 98mWSFedBqCALfgBr5hPfAVideo Abstract