Figure 5 - uploaded by Rocio Uria-Martinez
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Total (transportation plus capital) unit and marginal costs as a function of biorefinery size (biochemical) for stover in Census Division 3 in 2030

Total (transportation plus capital) unit and marginal costs as a function of biorefinery size (biochemical) for stover in Census Division 3 in 2030

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... curves in Figure 5 are based on a scaling factor of 0.836, based on the study conducted for dry mills by Gallagher et al. (2005), and a reference point (unit capital costs in Tao and Aden (2008) for a reference biorefinery size of 45 million gallons). Scaling factors used in other studies range from 0.6 to 0.9. ...

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... We are not aware of additional bottom-up estimates, so it is not included in GCAM. (including corn for ethanol) are assumed to have shorter transport distances than crops used for other purposes as we assume that biorefineries are sited close to the croplands which supply them [52]. Therefore, the assumed transport distance between the average corn production site and USA corn ethanol refinery is shorter than the assumed transport distance between the average international crude oil production site and the average USA oil refinery, but the transport modes used are different. ...
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We explore the role of biofuels in mitigating the negative impacts of oil supply shocks on fuel markets under a range of oil price trajectories and biofuel blending mandate levels. Using a partial equilibrium model of US biofuels production and petroleum fuels trade, we discuss the adjustments in light‐duty vehicle fuel mix, fuel prices, and renewable identification number (RIN) prices following each shock as well as the distribution of shock costs across market participants. Ethanol is used as both a complement (blend component in E10) and a substitute (in E15 and E85 blends) to gasoline. Results show that, during oil supply shocks, the role of ethanol as a substitute dominates and allows some mitigation of the shock. As US petroleum imports decrease with growing US oil production, the net economic welfare effect of sudden oil price changes and the energy security role of biofuels becomes less clear than it has been in the past. Although fuel consumers lose when oil price increases due to an external shock, domestic fuel producers gain. In some cases, depending on import share and supply and demand elasticities, we show that the gain to producers could more than offset consumer losses. However, in most cases evaluated here, sudden oil‐price increases remain costly. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
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This analysis estimates the cost of selected oil and biomass supply shocks for producers and consumers in the light-duty vehicle fuel market under various supply chain configurations using a mathematical programing model, BioTrans. The supply chain configurations differ by whether they include selected flexibility levers: multi-feedstock biorefineries; advanced biomass logistics; and the ability to adjust ethanol content of low-ethanol fuel blends, from E10 to E15 or E05. The simulated scenarios explore market responses to supply shocks including substitution between gasoline and ethanol, substitution between different sources of ethanol supply, biorefinery capacity additions or idling, and price adjustments. Welfare effects for the various market participants represented in BioTrans are summarized into a net shock cost measure. As oil accounts for a larger fraction of fuel by volume, its supply shocks are costlier than biomass supply shocks. Corn availability and the high cost of adding biorefinery capacity limit increases in ethanol use during gasoline price spikes. During shocks that imply sudden decreases in the price of gasoline, the renewable fuel standard (RFS) biofuel blending mandate limits the extent to which flexibility can be exercised to reduce ethanol use. The selected flexibility levers are most useful in response to cellulosic biomass supply shocks.
This paper discusses a static multiregional linear programming model of energy supply from western Canada. This model has been constructed as part of an effort to measure production labor requirements, regional wealth accrual, and economic resource rents associated with different energy resource development scenarios. Demands and prices are exogenous to the model and supplies determined to maximize the increment to gross domestic product generated by energy resource production. The optimal solution yields a pattern of production and economic rent distribution which would be obtained if actual prices were specified exogenously and energy markets functioned in a perfectly competitive manner to meet demands. Thus the most economic supply alternatives are utilized most intensively, low-cost producers rewarded most heavily, and highest rents awarded to production capacities and reserves in particularly short supply. Two major advantages of approach are (1) the most economic patterns of production and transport of energy products can be determined independently of the externally imposed restrictions characterizing Canadian energy product markets, allowing inefficiencies to be pinpointed and quantified, and (2) it allows the price of each energy product to have a direct impact on the shadow prices of constraints on energy production and consumption, in turn allowing empirical estimation of changes in natural resource rents as energy product prices change.