Total soluble solids (Brix°) (a), titratable acidity (%) (b), maturity index (c), and pH (d) in pepper fruits coated with GT (0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, and 2.00%). The fruits were stored at 7°C, 95% RH, for 28 days. LSD0.05 indicates the least significant difference (p < .05). Vertical bars represent the standard deviation (SD) (N = 3).

Total soluble solids (Brix°) (a), titratable acidity (%) (b), maturity index (c), and pH (d) in pepper fruits coated with GT (0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, and 2.00%). The fruits were stored at 7°C, 95% RH, for 28 days. LSD0.05 indicates the least significant difference (p < .05). Vertical bars represent the standard deviation (SD) (N = 3).

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Bell pepper fruits (Capsicum annuum L.) are prone to both physiological and pathological deterioration following harvest, primarily due to their high metabolic activity and water content. The storage of bell peppers presents several challenges, including weight loss, softening, alterations in fruit metabolites and color, increased decay, and a decl...


... Thus, this study extended the further mode of action of ECF including the modulations of several physiological pathways such as respiratory metabolism (Fernández-Cancelo et al., 2024;Pang et al., 2024), antioxidant metabolism (H. Zare-Bavani et al., 2024), oxidative stress metabolism (Castro-Cegrí et al., 2023;Yan et al., 2024), cell wall metabolism (Naveed et al., 2024;Zhou et al., 2022), ascorbate (AsA)-glutathione pathway (Cice et al., 2024;, mitochondrial energy metabolism , lipid metabolism (Guan et al., 2024), color metabolism (Shafique et al., 2023;, and disease defense metabolism (Tian et al., 2023; in F&V. The desired changes in such metabolisms were found to maintain the postharvest quality of F&V, ensuring customer choice and stakeholder satisfaction. ...
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Transitioning to safe, nonthermal, and edible strategies for maintaining fruit and vegetable (F&V) quality, reducing postharvest losses (up to 55% annually), and ensuring food security requires extensive research and innovation in postharvest technologies. This review aims to provide an updated understanding of edible coatings or films (ECF), focusing on their role in reducing F&V postharvest losses, based on data from the last 40 years retrieved from the Web of Science database. The global ECF research network is represented by publication trends, majorly researched F&V, key research areas, influential and emerging authors, and global research ranking. The role of ECF in preserving F&V quality has been assessed by examining critical quality parameters, including weight loss, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, ripening, softening, sensory and organoleptic characteristics, browning, chilling injury, and microbial safety. Furthermore, recent advancements in ECF formulations, including nanoscale ingredients and application methodologies, have been critically discussed. Sources, categorization, application strategies, mode of action, functional properties, sustainable development goals (SDGs), challenges, safety, legislations, and future perspectives in ECF research have also been discussed. The key findings indicate that China (20.34%) and the USA (9.94%) are the leading countries in ECF research. Studies have demonstrated ECF's potential in reducing F&V postharvest losses by maintaining quality parameters through advanced nanoscale compositions and methodologies. Notably, ECF research supports multiple SDG targets, including SDGs 2, 3, 8, 9, 12, 13, and 15. Future ECF research should explore 3D‐printed coatings, nonflavor‐altering components, and potential crosslinking agents to enhance F&V quality and reduce postharvest losses.
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This study aimed to assess the effect of Persian gum (PG) and microbial transglutaminase enzyme (MTGase) on some physicochemical and microstructural characteristics of low‐fat ultrafiltrated Iranian white cheese during 60 days of cold storage. To manufacture the low‐fat cheese samples, PG (0%, 0.25%, and 0.5%) and MTGase (0, 0.5 and 1 U/g of protein) were used and cheeses (low‐ and full‐fat) without PG and MTGase were considered as controls. The obtained results revealed that the treated samples with PG had a higher titratable acidity, moisture content, and moisture‐to‐protein ratio (M:P), but a lower protein content as compared to the low‐fat control (p ≤ 0.05). Furthermore, the cheese samples treated with the higher level of MTGase (i.e., 1 U/g of protein) had a higher protein and fat content (p ≤ 0.05). Methyl palmitate (C16:0) and methyl oleate (C18:1) were found to be the most abundant fatty acids in the tested cheeses. Additionally, scanning electron micrographs revealed that addition of PG and MTGase improved the microstructure of the samples, so that the sample containing 0.5 U enzyme and 0.5% gum was more similar to its full‐fat counterpart and obtained the highest overall acceptance score among the cheeses. Therefore, our findings revealed that with incorporation of PG and MTGase, a low‐fat ultrafiltrated white cheese could be produced with an appropriate functional, physicochemical, and microstructural characteristics comparable to the full‐fat product.
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Svježe voće i povrće nastavlja s biološkom aktivnosti i nakon berbe, što rezultira kontinuiranim gubitkom vode i otopljenih tvari te izmjenom plinova s okolinom. Primjena jestivih omotača nakon berbe pokazala se kao uspješan održivi tretman zaštite voća i povrća u cilju smanjenja gubitka vode, očuvanju svježine, nutritivne kvalitete i senzorskih svojstava, te povećanju antimikrobnih svojstava obloženih plodova. Razvoj omotača od jestivih biopolimera poput polisaharida najnovija je tehnologija namijenjena sigurnom održavanju i poboljšanju kvalitete plodova nakon berbe. U ovom radu prikazana su svojstva, vrste te primjena jestivih omotača u svrhu produljenja roka trajanja ubranih plodova voća i povrća.