Total number of lessons per subject in the 9-year elementary schools (Eurydice, 2008/09, p. 69)

Total number of lessons per subject in the 9-year elementary schools (Eurydice, 2008/09, p. 69)

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The article explains how civic education is included in the subject of history in elementary and secondary schools in Slovenia. History is a compulsory subject taught in elementary and secondary schools and plays an important role in the cultural, social and political education of young people – young citizens. The analysis of current history curri...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... subject of history is an independent and compulsory subject in elementary schools in the final four years. Table 1 shows that the total number of lessons (one lesson equals 45 minutes) for the subject of history in elementary school is 239. The subject of patriotic and civic culture and ethics is another independent and compulsory subject and it has 70 lessons in two years. ...
Context 2
... subject of history is an independent and compulsory subject in elementary schools in the final four years. Table 1 shows that the total number of lessons (one lesson equals 45 minutes) for the subject of history in elementary school is 239. The subject of patriotic and civic culture and ethics is another independent and compulsory subject and it has 70 lessons in two years. ...