Figure 5 - uploaded by Giovanni Manfredi
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Total magnetization M tot (10) with respect to temperature with numerical parameters detailed in Table 2. The Curie temperature corresponds to the first temperature at which magnetization falls to zero. Simulation results are represented by dots, the solid curves are an interpolation based on cubic splines.
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... we have already verified that the spatial and temporal steps do not influence the result, ∆t and ∆x will be fixed as specified in Table 2, i.e. ∆t = 10 fs and ∆x = 1 nm. Figure 5 illustrates the behavior of the magnetization curve M tot (T ) for the two geometric configurations considered here (nanowires and nanolayers), for iron (red triangles), cobalt (blue circles) and nickel (green crosses). Results are in broad agreement with the expected magnetization curves, and the computed Curie temperatures are close to the experimental values found in the literature for bulk materials [20], see Table 1. ...