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This paper proposes a model of a simulation system of Project Management based on the Web environment (Project Management Virtual Environment - PMVE), its features, and the process of its construction. This system aims to support the process of teaching/learning the subject of project management. When compared with other work in this field, there a...
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Context 1
... shown in Figure 1, and described in the following text, both the teacher and the student can use functionalities related to the FM and PM modules. The Administrator is the only user who can carry out the administration (maintenance) of the project's portfolio in the system, through the module PPM. ...
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Simulation, in the context of Project Management teaching / learning process, has been described as an effective way to achieve better outcomes. There are already some tools developed to simulate the management of technical work. Still, project management is much more than dealing with technical tasks. The system developed aims to sustain the process of teaching / learning the subject of project management in a broad range. When compared with other work in the field, there are two aspects that stand out from the product described in this paper: (1) the use of the Web to enhance the interaction between the agents involved in the teaching / learning process, and (2) the variety of skills considered in the system. More than focusing on a small set of processes dealing with technical work management, the solution presented here involves nearly the full project management life cycle. This paper proposes a simulation system for Project Management, based on the Web environment (Project Management Virtual Environment). It also presents the process of the system's construction and describes its features.