Fig 3 - uploaded by Carlo Fiorina
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Top and front view of the KIWI-B-4E fuel assembly 3-D mesh used in GeN-Foam (not to scale).

Top and front view of the KIWI-B-4E fuel assembly 3-D mesh used in GeN-Foam (not to scale).

Context in source publication

Context 1
... [12] is an OpenFOAM-based multi-physics tool that allows for the coupled solution of neutronics (pointkinetics, diffusion, SP3, SN), thermal-hydraulics (1-and 2-phase, fine-mesh or porous-medium) and thermal-mechanics. In this work, a 3-D model has been created for a single fuel assembly, with the same mesh for both neutronics and thermalhydraulics (see Figure 3). Thermal-mechanics and core deformations are currently not included. ...


... This study follows and extends the work done in Ref. Guilbaud and Fiorina (2023) from a fuel assembly to the entire KIWI-B-4E core. The paper focuses on an in-depth study and preliminary comparison with experimental data of the KIWI-B-4E full core using the open-source Monte Carlo code OpenMC and the multi-physics code GeN-Foam. ...
Full-text available
Nuclear Thermal Propulsion systems are one of the technologies to unlock interplanetary travel in the solar system and there is currently an increasing demand for accurately simulating such systems. The present paper investigates the KIWI-B-4E reactor, the first prototype of the NERVA program that achieved a restart at full power in 1964. To simulate this reactor, we propose the use of the OpenMC Monte Carlo code and the GeN-Foam multi-physics code to model full-core neutronics and thermal-hydraulics. The results mostly show a good agreement with the available experimental data, although uncertainties on key design parameters do not allow for a detailed neutronics validation.