Figure 1 - uploaded by Sri Yudawati Cahyarini
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(Top) Monthly variation of sea surface temperature (source ERSST dataset) and air temperature (source BMG). (bottom) Measured Sr/Ca from Jukung coral in monthly resolution.

(Top) Monthly variation of sea surface temperature (source ERSST dataset) and air temperature (source BMG). (bottom) Measured Sr/Ca from Jukung coral in monthly resolution.

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Sr/Ca has been analyzed from coral core from the Seribu Islands reef complex i.e Jukung Island. SST from ERSST dataset and air temperature measured at Jakarta is used for Sr/Ca calibration. The results show that Jukung Island coral Sr/Ca correlates better with SST than with air temperature. A comparison between the Sr/Ca records with the Nino 3.4 i...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... local measurements of air temperature at Jakarta weather station is used in this study (from June 1992 to September 2005) which is obtained from Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG). Figure 1 shows both dataset for the period 1992-2005. The Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST) data are averaged over a grid of 5°-6°S, 105°-106°E. ...
Context 2
... result of Sr/Ca analysis shows the seasonal variation of Sr/Ca (Figure 1). The average value of the Sr/Ca ratios is 8.593 mmol/mol. ...

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... In contrast to the above, on monthly time scales the relationship between Sr/Ca and AirT is stronger for Bidadari (R = 0.51, regression slope = −0.043, p b 0.0001) (Cahyarini and Zinke, 2009) than Jukung (R = 0.39, regression slope = − 0.03, p b 0.0001) (Cahyarini and Zinke, 2010). On annual mean time scales the correlation between Jukung Sr/Ca and SST (R = 0.37, regression slope = − 0.04, p b 0.0001) is also stronger than between Bidadari Sr/Ca and SST (R = 0.2, regression slope = 0.03, p b 0.0001). ...
... In contrast to the above, on monthly time scales the relationship between Sr/Ca and AirT is stronger for Bidadari (R = 0.51, regression slope = −0.043, p b 0.0001) (Cahyarini and Zinke, 2009) than Jukung (R = 0.39, regression slope = − 0.03, p b 0.0001) (Cahyarini and Zinke, 2010). On annual mean time scales the correlation between Jukung Sr/Ca and SST (R = 0.37, regression slope = − 0.04, p b 0.0001) is also stronger than between Bidadari Sr/Ca and SST (R = 0.2, regression slope = 0.03, p b 0.0001). ...
... A previous study from Cahyarini et al. (2008) showed Sr/ Ca records from Jukung Island which indicates clearly seasonal variation on the sea surface temperature (SST). Coral Sr/Ca from inshore island in the Seribu Island complex shows the influence of air temperature rather than SST (Cahyarini and Zinke, 2010). Recently, results from modern Timor Porites corals demonstrated that coral Sr/ Ca is a good proxy for temperature (Cahyarini et al., 2014). ...
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