Figure 1 - uploaded by Julia M Gohlke
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Timeline of fisheries closures and reopenings in the Gulf of Mexico due to the DH blowout in 2010. Abbreviations: AL, Alabama; MS, Mississippi; LA, Louisiana; FL, Florida. Data from NOAA (2010b) and FDA (2010). On 13 January 2011, 4,213 mi 2 of federal waters around the well and parts of area 12 in LA State coastal waters remained closed. On 1 February 2011, NOAA repoened the federal waters that had been reclosed to royal red shrimp fishing. On 19 April 2011, NOAA reopened all remaining federal waters. Approximately 1.5% of LA coastal waters remain closed. 

Timeline of fisheries closures and reopenings in the Gulf of Mexico due to the DH blowout in 2010. Abbreviations: AL, Alabama; MS, Mississippi; LA, Louisiana; FL, Florida. Data from NOAA (2010b) and FDA (2010). On 13 January 2011, 4,213 mi 2 of federal waters around the well and parts of area 12 in LA State coastal waters remained closed. On 1 February 2011, NOAA repoened the federal waters that had been reclosed to royal red shrimp fishing. On 19 April 2011, NOAA reopened all remaining federal waters. Approximately 1.5% of LA coastal waters remain closed. 

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The Deepwater Horizon (DH) blowout resulted in fisheries closings across the Gulf of Mexico. Federal agencies, in collaboration with impacted Gulf states, developed a protocol to determine when it is safe to reopen fisheries based on sensory and chemical analyses of seafood. All federal waters have been reopened, yet concerns have been raised regar...

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Context 1
... of concerns over seafood safety, on 2 May 2010, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) initi- ated closures of federal waters to commercial and recreational fishing; Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and eventually Florida subsequently instituted fisheries closures in state waters, in coordination with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (Figure 1). By 21 June, closures covered approximately 37% of the Gulf of Mexico (225,290 km 2 ), extending east from Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana, to Panama City, Florida (NOAA 2010b). ...


... This leads to the formation of a molecular complex that binds to DNA and, thus, induces the expression of genes whose products are involved in the metabolism of foreign substances, for example, cytochromes P4501A (cyp1a) and P4501B (cyp1b) [30]. For a long time, it was believed that lipophilic PAHs were converted into more hydrophilic compounds, which facilitated their excretion [31]. However, the metabolites formed as a result of these reactions may be quite chemically active: they can participate in alkylation of organic macromolecules and have a carcinogenic effect [32,33]. ...
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Every year, more than 1 million t of oil enter sea waters as a result of accidents during production or transportation; not counting oil products that enter the ocean with wastewater. The carcinogenic effect of oil components (such as benzopyrene) has been known since the middle of the 20th century. However, after a major oil spill from the Exxon Valdez tanker in 1989, it has become obvious that oil and its components have a strong toxic effect on the body of fish, and these effects are to a great extent mediated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), in particular, by phenanthrene. The juvenile fish suffer the most from oil spills; they exhibit developmental anomalies when exposed to oil products. However, the influence of oil components is not limited to teratogenic effects and affects all age groups, causing disturbances in the functioning of nervous and cardiovascular systems (and other systems and organs) in adults. PAHs also change hormonal and osmotic regulation. As a result, the largest oil spills threaten populations of important commercial fish species. This review examines the effects of PAHs on the physiology of the main organ systems of fish, including both dysfunctions and malformations in young fish under the influence of petroleum products. Particular attention is paid to the cardiotoxic effects of di- and tricyclic PAHs, which were discovered recently and potentially both cause the death in animals when PAH enter water bodies and underlie developmental disorders.
... Simultaneous exposures may occur through multiple routes, such as dermal and inhalation exposure to polluted air, increasing the total absorption dose (Lawal, 2017). Furthermore, significant exposure can arise from the consumption of grilled, smoked foods, and seafood (Gohlke et al., 2011;Sun et al., 2019;Yebra-Pimentel et al., 2015). PAH exposure can cause adverse outcomes, due to the carcinogenic, immunotoxic, clastogenic, and teratogenic properties of these molecules (Gangar et al., 2010;Miller and Ramos, 2001;Yang et al., 2010). ...
... Sufficient evidence exists to establish a connection between the consumption of food containing PAHs contamination and an elevated risk of cancer [109]. Although the potential toxicity of PAHs is acknowledged, to assess whether there is a risk in consuming seafood in oil-contaminated areas, a level of concern must be established [110]. [1,2,3-cd]pyrene, are recognized indicators of chemical contamination in food. ...
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Oil spills have a significant impact on the environment, posing threats to various marine species. This review aims to gather information on various oil spills that have occurred worldwide and discuss their impact on marine megafauna (marine mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds), in order to provide useful insights that can be applied in decision-making during rescue and rehabilitation efforts. The publications were obtained from oil spill searches in databases such as Elsevier-Scopus, Scielo, JStor, and Google Scholar. Oil spills can cause lethal damage to marine biodiversity, affecting individuals of different ages and species. Although the acute effects of oil contamination on wildlife are evident, it is challenging to treat and recover from. Hydrocarbons can persist in the environment for a long time, leading to prolonged exposure of animals to the contaminants. In conclusion, this research demonstrates that the effects of oil spills on marine megafauna may not be observed in the short term, such as contamination through the bioaccumulation of compounds in the food chain. It is necessary to conduct systematic studies on local fauna at all developmental stages of oil activities, including seismic research, exploration, and oil distribution to address the impact of oil spills on marine megafauna.
... Это приводит к формированию молекулярного комплекса, который может связываться с ДНК и индуцировать экспрессию генов, продукты которых участвуют в метаболизме чужеродных веществ -например, цитохромы Р4501А (cyp1a) и Р4501В (cyp1b) [30]. В течение долгого времени считалось, что липофильные ПАУ при этом превращаются в более гидрофильные соединения, что способствует их экс-креции [31] -однако образующиеся в результате этих реакций метаболиты могут быть достаточно химически активными: они могут участвовать в реакциях алкилирования органических макромолекул и действовать как канцерогены [32,33]. Тем не менее, некоторые исследования ставят возможную роль этого сигнального пути под сомнениебыло показано, что тератогенный эффект ПАУ, хоть и опосредован AhR2, не зависит от индукции цитохромов Р450 [34]. ...
The pollution of world ocean is a serious threat to the biodiversity of flora and fauna. One of the most important sources of pollution are oil and oil products – every year more than 1 million tons of oil is spilled into the sea as a result of accidents during oil production or transportation. The teratogenic and carcinogenic effects of such oil components as benzopyrene is well known since the middle of the last century. However, after a large oil spill from “Exxon Valdez” tanker in 1989 it became clear that oil and its components have strong toxic effects in fish organism – and to a large extent these effects are caused by di- and tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, in particular phenanthrene. Field research have demonstrated that fish embryo and larvae are the most prone to the effects of oil – and the largest oil spills endanger the populations of important commercial fish species that spawn in this area. This review considers the influence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) on the physiology of various organ systems in fish. Particular attention is paid to the cardiotoxic effects of PAH which were recently discovered and which are potentially not only the main cause of animals’ death upon the spill of PAH into water, but also underlie the malformation of other organs.
... 21 Moreover, ingestions of oil contaminated seafood or drinking water can also cause health concerns. 22 On a commercial level, reduced production, mortality of commercial species, and harvesting closures result in direct losses for sheries and aquaculture. 20 As a result, businesses that rely heavily on the shing industry, such as distributors and supply companies, may be adversely affected. ...
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Oil spills represent a major source of negative environmental impacts in marine systems. Despite many decades of research on oil spill behavior, photochemistry was neglected as a major factor in the fate of oil spilled in marine systems. Subsequent to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, numerous studies using varied approaches have demonstrated the importance of photochemistry, including short-term impacts (hours to days) that were previously unrecognized. These studies have demonstrated the importance of photochemistry in the overall oil transformation after a spill and more specifically the impacts on emulsification, oxygenation, and microbial interactions. In addition to new perspectives, advances in analytical approaches have allowed an improved understanding of oil photochemistry after maritime spill. Although the literature on the Deepwater Horizon spill is extensive, this review focuses only on studies relevant to the advances in oil photochemistry understanding since the Deepwater Horizon spill.
... Concerning human health risk assessments, PAH standardizations are sorely required (Gohlke et al., 2011), especially considering the unique toxicity of each compound and that the effects on a population's food safety derive from their consumption patterns (Zelinkova, 2015), which differ significantly depending on area and consumed food item. In this regard, some authors advocate that other PAHs besides the 16 priority PAHs, such as alkylated chrysenes/triphenylenes/benzanthracenes, should be included in human health risk assessments, rather than dismissed as present in very low quantities relative to their original PAH levels (Farrington, 2020). ...
... In addition, approximately 250 x 10 3 mt of natural gas were released into the water column from the spill (Joye et al., 2016), and approximately 6.8 x 10 3 m 3 of chemical dispersants were applied to keep oil from coming ashore along the ncGOM coast (Trustees, 2016;Murawski et al., 2019). The extent of the spill and desire to minimize human impacts instigated fishery closures that were in place from May 2 to November 24, 2010, except for a small (<3,000 km 2 ) area around the wellhead that was closed until April 2011, with a maximum closed area of 225,290 km 2 in late June 2010 (Gohlke et al., 2011;Ylitalo et al., 2012). ...
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The goal of this paper was to review the evidence of population-level impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWH) on Gulf of Mexico (GOM) continental shelf taxa, as well as evidence of resiliency following the DWH. There is considerable environmental and biological evidence that GOM shelf taxa were exposed to and suffered direct and indirect impacts of the DWH. Numerous assessments, from mesocosm studies to analysis of biopsied tissue or tissue samples from necropsied animals, revealed a constellation of physiological effects related to DWH impacts on GOM biota, some of which clearly or likely resulted in mortality. While the estimated concentrations of hydrocarbons in shelf waters and sediments were orders of magnitude lower than measured in inshore or deep GOM environments, the level of mortality observed or predicted was substantial for many shelf taxa. In some cases, such as for zooplankton, community shifts following the spill were ephemeral, likely reflecting high rates of population turnover and productivity. In other taxa, such as GOM reef fishes, impacts of the spill are confounded with other stressors, such as fishing mortality or the appearance and rapid population growth of invasive lionfish (Pterois spp.). In yet others, such as cetaceans, modeling efforts to predict population-level effects of the DWH made conservative assumptions given the species’ protected status, which post-DWH population assessments either failed to detect or population increases were estimated. A persistent theme that emerged was the lack of precise population-level data or assessments prior to the DWH for many taxa, but even when data or assessments did exist, examining evidence of population resiliency was confounded by other stressors impacting GOM biota. Unless efforts are made to increase the resolution of the data or precision of population assessments, difficulties will likely remain in estimating the scale of population-level effects or resiliency in the case of future large-scale environmental catastrophes.
... Entre as múltiplas classes de hidrocarbonetos antrópicos que são lançados no meio ambiente, há particular interesse nos hidrocarbonetos aromáticos, tanto petrogênicos quanto pirogênicos (ver seção 1.1), devido à ampla e diversa produção dessa classe de compostos pelas atividades humanas, a relativa persistência e conhecidos efeitos tóxicos, mutagênicos, carcinogênicos e teratogênicos de diversos HPAs (Tabela 1), com implicações sobre a saúde ambiental e humana (e.g., Gohlke et al., 2011;Kalf et al., 1997;Law et al., 1997;Wickliffe et al., 2018;Witt, 2002). Já os hidrocarbonetos alifáticos incluem os n-alcanos, a mistura complexa não-resolvida (MCNR) e os isoprenóides pristano e fitano, que em conjunto permitem elaborar índices que caracterizam a presença de hidrocarbonetos petrogênicos e biogênicos e complementam as informações sobre os impactos ambientais por petróleo em ambientes aquáticos (Aboul-Kassim e Simoneit, 1996;Colombo et al., 1989a;Medeiros et al., 2005;Tolosa et al., 2005;Wang et al., 2019). ...
... A bioacumulação pode ocorrer diretamente pela assimilação do HPAs pelos organismos diretamente do meio ambiente onde vive (bioconcentração) ou através da transferência pela cadeia trófica (biomagnificação), sendo que o fator de bioacumulação pode ser visto como um balanço entre a quantidade assimilada e a excretada pelo organismo (Schwarzenbach et al., 2003). Em muitos casos, o aumento da concentração de HPAs nos tecidos de peixes, moluscos e crustáceos pode ameaçar a segurança alimentar de pescados para a população (e.g., Gohlke et al., 2011;Wenzl e Zelinkova, 2019). O detalhamento sobre as formas de interação contaminante-organismo e os efeitos tóxicos associados pode ser obtido em artigos/livros de referência sobre o tema (e.g., Meador et al., 1995;Mearns et al., 2019;Neff, 2002;Schwarzenbach et al., 2006). ...
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Baia de Guanabara
... Even after the safety confirmation of the fishing products by government authorities, public opinion expressed its concern and mistrust about the real risk of consuming seafood from regions affected by the Deepwater Horizon disaster, which greatly affected the livelihood of fishing communities (Simon-Friedt et al., 2016). In addition, some studies have reported a series of inconsistencies in the metrics used by the FDA to establish levels of concern for PAH in seafood after the disaster, such as, high consumer body weight (80 kg), low estimated seafood intake (13 -49 g day − 1 ), short term exposure to the contaminants (5 years), among others (Gohlke et al., 2011;Rotkin-Ellman et al., 2012). ...
More than 5.8 million tonnes of oil have been spilled into the oceans. Some oil disasters marked history, causing multiple social and economic consequences in addition to catastrophic environmental impacts. Recently, Brazil and Mauritius faced oil disasters that have severely impacted seafood sanitary credibility. One of the components of the oil composition are the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), which are the main contamination markers of petrogenic origin. There is enough evidence to correlate the intake of food contaminated with PAH with increased risks of developing cancer. The set PAH4, composed of benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, and chrysene, and the set PAH8, composed of benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[ghi]perylene, chrysene, dibenzo[a,h]anthracene, and indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene are recognized as markers of food chemical contamination. After oil disasters in the oceans, the risk to the health of seafood consumers tends to be of special concern, Countries like the European Union set maximum levels for benzo[a]pyrene (5 µg kg⁻¹) and PAH4 (30 µg kg⁻¹) in bivalve mollusks. Levels of concern established by countries that have faced oil disasters are given special attention in this review. Laboratory analysis of PAH in food samples is very challenging because it deals with quite different kinds of matrices. Furthermore, analytical results are usually related to the closure or reopening of cultivated areas and fishing points. Therefore, the progress of the analytical methods for PAH in seafood is covered in detail. Chemical laboratory measurements provide essential data to assess the potential risks to human health due to consumption of seafood contaminated with PAH. The main human health risk assessment approaches in a seafood contamination scenario with PAH are reviewed and discussed, providing an insightful and guiding tool to each step of the risk assessment framework.
... Entre as múltiplas classes de hidrocarbonetos antrópicos que são lançados no meio ambiente, há particular interesse nos hidrocarbonetos aromáticos, tanto petrogênicos quanto pirogênicos (ver seção 1.1), devido à ampla e diversa produção dessa classe de compostos pelas atividades humanas, a relativa persistência e conhecidos efeitos tóxicos, mutagênicos, carcinogênicos e teratogênicos de diversos HPAs (Tabela 1), com implicações sobre a saúde ambiental e humana (e.g., Gohlke et al., 2011;Kalf et al., 1997;Law et al., 1997;Wickliffe et al., 2018;Witt, 2002). Já os hidrocarbonetos alifáticos incluem os n-alcanos, a mistura complexa não-resolvida (MCNR) e os isoprenóides pristano e fitano, que em conjunto permitem elaborar índices que caracterizam a presença de hidrocarbonetos petrogênicos e biogênicos e complementam as informações sobre os impactos ambientais por petróleo em ambientes aquáticos (Aboul-Kassim e Simoneit, 1996;Colombo et al., 1989a;Medeiros et al., 2005;Tolosa et al., 2005;Wang et al., 2019). ...
... A bioacumulação pode ocorrer diretamente pela assimilação do HPAs pelos organismos diretamente do meio ambiente onde vive (bioconcentração) ou através da transferência pela cadeia trófica (biomagnificação), sendo que o fator de bioacumulação pode ser visto como um balanço entre a quantidade assimilada e a excretada pelo organismo (Schwarzenbach et al., 2003). Em muitos casos, o aumento da concentração de HPAs nos tecidos de peixes, moluscos e crustáceos pode ameaçar a segurança alimentar de pescados para a população (e.g., Gohlke et al., 2011;Wenzl e Zelinkova, 2019). O detalhamento sobre as formas de interação contaminante-organismo e os efeitos tóxicos associados pode ser obtido em artigos/livros de referência sobre o tema (e.g., Meador et al., 1995;Mearns et al., 2019;Neff, 2002;Schwarzenbach et al., 2006). ...
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Neste capítulo, abordamos (1) a diversidade de habitats de substrato consolidado da Baía de Guanabara, (2) os costões da baía, (3) os substratos duros naturais, (4) os substratos duros artificiais, (5) os substratos duros artificiais móveis, tais como cascos de navios e plataformas de petróleo, (6) os organismos típicos de substratos duros da baía, (7) as comunidades bentônicas como modelo ecológico e (8) os substratos não consolidados. É apresentada também uma tabela não exaustiva das espécies exóticas de substrato duro encontradas na Baía de Guanabara. Available: