Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... the analyses in this paper are analyzed using R software [17] [18] [19]. Figure 2 displays the time series plot for Figure 1. Time series plot of yearly inflation rates from 1965 to 2017. ...
Context 2
... means that a unit root exist and as a result the data are non-stationary. These results on non-stationarity of the inflation data are evident from Figure 2. ...
Context 3
... recall that Figure 2 shows that there is some level heteroskedasticity (changing variance over time) in the monthly rate of inflation series, and a formal test for heteroskedasticity was carried out to confirm the presence of heteroskedasticity (ARCH effect of heteroskedasticity (ARCH effects) although it has been reduced as compared to the case of the original monthly rate of inflation series. ...

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the risks involved in modeling inflation volatility in the context of macroeconomic policy. For countries like Ghana that are always battling economic problems, accurate models are necessary in any modeling endeavor. We estimate volatility taking into account the heteroscedasticity of the model parameters. Design/methodology/approach The estimations considered the quasi-maximum likelihood-based GARCH, stochastic and Bayesian inference models in estimating the parameters of the inflation volatility. Findings A comparison of the stochastic volatility and Bayesian inference models reveals that the latter is better at tracking the evolution of month-on-month inflation volatility, thus following closely the data during the period under review. Research limitations/implications The paper looks at the effect of parameter uncertainty of inflation volatility alone while considering the effects of other key variables like interest and exchange rates that affect inflation. Practical implications Economists have battled with accurate modeling and tracking of inflation volatility in Ghana. Where the data is not well-behaved, for example, in developing economies, the stochastic nature of the parameter estimates should be incorporated in the model estimation. Social implications Estimating the parameters of inflation volatility models is not enough in a perpetually gyrating economy. The risks of these parameters are needed to completely describe the evolution of volatility especially in developing economies like Ghana. Originality/value This work is one of the first to draw the attention of policymakers in Ghana towards the nature of inflation data generated in the economy and the appropriate model for capturing the uncertainty of the model parameters.
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The main objective of this study was to predict inflation rates in Ghana using standard econometric methods such as linear multivariate OLS regression, and the machine learning algorithms of Artificial neural networks and support vector machines, and to ascertain which of these methods best predicts these variables. The study utilised an objectivist ontological paradigm, a positivist epistemological viewpoint, and sound axiological (ethical) principles in collecting the data used for the analysis. A computer-based experimental, quantitative approach employing time-series data was designed and implemented using Gretl, IBM SPSS Statistics, IBM SPSS Modeller, and MATLAB software. The data set was partitioned into 50% training, 25% testing, and 25% validation and applied the OLS regression, Artificial Neural Network, and support vector machine models for predicting inflation rates in Ghana. The time-series data employed in the analysis was secondary in nature, spanning the period 1960 to 2019, and was collected from the websites of the Ministry of Finance (MoF), Ghana Statistical Services (GSS), African Development Bank (AfDB), Bank of Ghana (BoG), and the World Bank Development Indicators (WDI) for the dependent macroeconomic variable of inflation rates, and all the independent variables employed in predicting of inflation rates in Ghana. Originality/Value The model training, testing, and validation experimental results from the Linear OLS, NARX ANN and SVM results reveal that current and past (one-year lagged values) of the output gap, rainfall, and money supply are the most important predictors of inflation rates in Ghana. Concerning the predictive ability of the models, the fine Gaussian SVM model performed better than the cubic SVM kernel, NARX ANN, and Linear OLS regression models in predicting inflation rates in Ghana in the training, testing, and validation data. The main value of this study is the identification of the determinants of inflation rates in Ghana. Additionally, the study brings to the bear the superior predictive ability of the fine Gaussian SVM model in forecasting Ghana's inflation rates better than the cubic SVM kernel, NARX ANN, and Linear OLS regression models in predicting inflation rates in Ghana in the training, testing, and validation data.