Three-Dimensional Model for MSME Performance Measurement

Three-Dimensional Model for MSME Performance Measurement

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This paper discusses company performance measurement literature as well as surveys the development of the newest literature about this topic. This study provides a performance measurement model modification that can be applied in Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs). Qualitative research with a meta-synthesis method was used in this r...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... the performance measurement model proposed in this research combines financial and non-financial measurements, so that it can holistically provide information on the company's condition to the relevant parties to achieve the company's strategic goals. The MSME performance measurement in this paper can be visualized through Figure 1. Figure 1 reveals that MSME performance measurement can be carried out from the entrepreneurial aspect or the company itself, whether financially or non-financially. ...
Context 2
... MSME performance measurement in this paper can be visualized through Figure 1. Figure 1 reveals that MSME performance measurement can be carried out from the entrepreneurial aspect or the company itself, whether financially or non-financially. This model provides a more expansive performance measurement alternative, especially for micro, small, and medium scale enterprises of whose performance greatly depends on the entrepreneurs. ...


... MP is described as the results obtained by MSEs, both financial and nonfinancial. Rita and Thren (2019) listed three dimensions from MP, namely: (1) financial performance, (2) non-financial performance, and (3) entrepreneurial performance. Next, CA has four dimensions, namely: (1) valuable resources, (2) rare resources, (3) imperfectly imitable resources, and (4) durable resources (Cardeal & Antonio, 2012). ...
This study examines the direct effects of human capital (HC), structural capital (SC), and relational capital (RC), on MSE performance (MP), and analyzes the mediating impact of competitive advantage (CA) on the relationship between HC, SC, and RC with MP using a partial least square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique. This study also adds CA as a mediating variable to reflect the research setting of batik tulis MSEs in Indonesia. The study documents that HC and RC have a significant effect on CA. HC, RC, and CA have a significant positive effect on MP. The partial mediating role of CA is demonstrated in the indirect pathway of HC, SC, and RC to MP. Intangible capital (non-financial capital) can be a vital asset to increase CA and MP, especially when facing the crisis caused by the pandemic. The findings provide a model for consideration by related parties in improving community welfare through increasing MP, taking into account the determinants of HC, SC, RC, and CA.
... Cost, quality, and adaptability are three metrics that can be used to evaluate the performance of a business. (Rashid, Nurunnabi, Rahman, & Masud, 2020) Financial performance, business performance, and organizational performance are the three dimensions that (Rita & Thren, 2019) developed to evaluate performance. During this time, propose that two indicators can be used to evaluate the performance of a business. ...
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Introduction: The current economic crisis in Indonesia, micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) have proven to be very resilient. When expanding a nation's economy, micro, small, and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs) play a crucial and vital role, so that’s why the researcher want to know about The aim of this research is to see the influence of customer relationship quality on the marketing performance of MSMEs. Materials and Methods: Sampling from food and beverage MSMEs in Banten province. The sample size was 209 respondents. Data collection using a questionnaire with direct interviews with respondents. Secondary data was obtained from BPS Banten Province. analysis technique using the SEM method Results: There is a relationship between Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Customer Management and Marketing Performance with a p value above 0.05.
... Cost, quality, and adaptability are three metrics that can be used to evaluate the performance of a business. (Rashid, Nurunnabi, Rahman, & Masud, 2020) Financial performance, business performance, and organizational performance are the three dimensions that (Rita & Thren, 2019) developed to evaluate performance. During this time, propose that two indicators can be used to evaluate the performance of a business. ...
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Introduction: The current economic crisis in Indonesia, micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) have proven to be very resilient. When expanding a nation's economy, micro, small, and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs) play a crucial and vital role, so that’s why the researcher want to know about The aim of this research is to see the influence of customer relationship quality on the marketing performance of MSMEs. Materials and Methods: Sampling from food and beverage MSMEs in Banten province. The sample size was 209 respondents. Data collection using a questionnaire with direct interviews with respondents. Secondary data was obtained from BPS Banten Province. analysis technique using the SEM method Results: There is a relationship between Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Customer Management and Marketing Performance with a p value above 0.05.
... It was created in 1996 by (Kaplan & Norton, 1992). Unfortunately, because MSMEs' circumstances differ greatly from those of large corporations, this strategy is not the ideal match for them (Rita & Thren, 2019). (Aribawa, 2016) developed a non-cost performance metrics technique to assess the financial and non-financial performance of MSMEs. ...
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This article intended to address a research vacuum by identifying the elements that impact MSMEs' financial performance, including the importance of access to finance, and establishing a conceptual framework that explains the link between these factors. The author proposed a building conceptual framework of MSMEs finance classic phenomena. A qualitative analysis approach may be used to establish and construct conceptual frameworks. This paper has combined knowledge from various relevant and reputable literature sources to build a conceptual model. If empirically verified, the suggested framework might be a viable option for supporting MSME owners in more successfully growing their businesses.
... Namun bisa saja kinerja perusahaan menjadi turun ketika biaya yang diperlukan untuk menciptakan keunggulan kompetitif terlalu mahal, sehingga perusahaan tidak dapat menikmati keunggulan kompetitif karena sumber daya yang tersedia tidak sepenuhnya berperan positif dalam penerapan strategi.Kinerja usaha merupakan hasil yang diperoleh suatu perusahaan baik yang bersifat finansial maupun nonfinansial (Maria RioRita & Utomo, 2019).Adanya perbedaan karakteristik serta kompleksitas lingkungan antara usaha kecil dan perusahaan korporat, menyebabkan pengukuran kinerjanya juga perlu disesuaikan dengan konteks yang ada. Umumnya, kinerja usaha yang diteliti terdiri dari 2 (dua) unsur yaitu: kinerja finansial dan nonfinansial.Ukuran finansial diwakili dari keuntungan dan omzet penjualan usaha.Ukuran nonfinansial diproksikan dari kinerja pasar melalui pertumbuhan pelanggan dan pertumbuhan akses pasar) (Maria RioRita & Thren, 2019).Mengingat keterbatasan data keuangan yang mayoritas tidak dimiliki oleh UMKM, maka variabel kinerja akan diukur melalui tingkat persepsi dari pelaku UMKM untuk kedua indikator kinerja tersebut.Faktor penggerak/anteseden dari keunggulan kompetitif UMKM yang dibahas dalam studi ini terdiri dari 4 (empat) unsur yang meliputi:1. Modal insani (Human capital) Keempat anteseden tersebut akan dijelaskan lebih lanjut terkait dengan keunggulan kompetitif UMKM batik Lasem melalui rumusan hipotesis sebagai berikut: Human Capital dan Keunggulan Kompetitif Human capital merupakan sumber daya yang bersumber dari keahlian, pengetahuan, talenta, kompetensi, maupun pengalaman yang dimiliki oleh karyawan maupun manajer yang diperlukan untuk melakukan aktivitas dalam pekerjaan (St-Pierre & Audet, 2011). ...
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Eksistensi Usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM) penting untuk menggerakkan dan menopang perekonomian suatu negara. BPS tahun 2020 mencatat jumlah UMKM sebanyak 64,2 juta (99,99%) dari total pelaku usaha di Indonesia, di mana dari persentase tersebut didominasi oleh usaha skala mikro. Oleh sebab itu, sepak terjang dan kontribusinya tidak dapat dipandang sebelah mata. UMKM bangkit, ekonomi negara Indonesia menjadi naik. Namun, ketika kondisi kondisi pandemi Covid-19 menghantam Indonesia secara multidimensional, UMKM pun terkena dampak negatifnya. Lantas, apakah UMKM lantas menyerah dengan keadaan yang tidak diprediksi sebelumnya ini? Resiliensinya yang luwes (kemampuan beradaptasi dalam menghadapi tekanan dari dalam dan luar perusahaan) justru berpeluang memunculkan strategi yang lebih fleksibel dibanding usaha besar. Kunci utama dari kegiatan kewirausahaan adalah kemampuan mengenali berbagai opportunity dan bagaimana mewujudkannya melalui proses penciptaan nilai. Suatu ide kreatif dikatakan sebagai usaha jika ia diwujudkan secara nyata. Namun di balik upaya perwujudan opportunity tersebut tentunya memerlukan sumber daya internal yang kompleks, baik yang berupa aset berwujud (tangible assets) maupun aset tak berwujud (intangible assets). Merujuk teori Resource-Based View (RBV), kemampuan memeroleh, mengelola, dan mentransformasikan sumber daya untuk penciptaan suatu nilai ekonomis merupakan suatu hal yang unik, langka, tidak bisa diimitasi, serta tidak mudah untuk ditransfer ke individu lain. Kemampuan ini merupakan modal intelektual yang penting bagi perusahaan, karena merupakan elemen utama untuk membangun kemampuan daya saing untuk pencapaian kinerja perusahaan, tidak terkecuali bagi UMKM. Selaras dengan Resource-Based Entrepreneurship Theory (RBET), kombinasi kedua jenis aset tersebut apabila diracik dan dimobilisasi dengan tepat oleh pengusaha untuk mengaktualisasi opportunity, maka dapat menciptakan keunggulan kompetitif yang lebih kuat. RBET merupakan pengembangan teori yang muncul dari interseksi teori kewirausahaan dan RBV. Keunggulan kompetitif suatu perusahaan dapat dibangun melalui kekuatan human capital, relational capital, structural capital, dan customer capital. Ketika keunggulan kompetitif tersebut telah terbangun, maka diharapkan terjadi peningkatan kinerja UMKM. Kinerja yang dimaksud di sini merupakan capaian suatu pekerjaan yang dapat dinilai secara finansial dan nonfinansial. Dengan mencermati/ mengevaluasi capaian usaha yang telah dicapai, diharapkan pelaku usaha termotivasi untuk meningkatkan level performa usahanya. Upaya UMKM tersebut tentu akan sulit dilakukan apabila dilakukan secara parsial dan individu. Oleh sebab itu, dalam studi ini akan mengarah pada pengembangan model klaster UMKM batik berbasis sumber daya dan kapabilitas. Obyek studi di Lasem-Rembang, Jawa Tengah yang merupakan salah satu sentra kerajinan batik yang cukup populer di Jawa Tengah dengan ciri khas pesisir. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi guna mengatasi permasalahan yang selama ini dihadapi oleh UMKM Batik Lasem, terutama untuk menguatkan posisi keunggulan bersaing dibanding klaster batik lain di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, sehingga berimbas positif terhadap peningkatan kinerja usahanya. Sedangkan kontribusi teoretis studi ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya perspektif keilmuan mengenai riset-riset berbasis sumber daya pada UMKM sektor industri kreatif. Di penghujung kata, penulis berharap buku ini dapat dinikmati dengan baik oleh pembaca. Apabila ada kekurangan dalam penyajian buku ini, penulis mengharapkan masukan dan diskusi yang konstruktif untuk perbaikan selanjutnya. Selamat membaca.
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This study aims to examine the moderating role of debt financing in the effect of competitive ad- vantage on the performance of Lasem-Rembang batik MSMEs. Capital from debt is expected to optimize the role of competitive advantage to strengthen firm performance. The researchers used primary data through a survey of 68 batik MSME entrepreneurs who have been operating for at least 5 years. The data was processed using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Model (PLS)-SEM with the WarpPLS 7.0 application by including the control variable of entrepreneur education level. The findings show that competitive advantage is not proven to have a positive effect on the perfor- mance of MSMEs; on the contrary, it has a significant negative effect. Then debt financing is demon- strated to moderate the effect of competitive advantage on MSME performance. This implies that debt financing can strengthen the effect of competitive advantage on MSME performance because it produces a positive and significant effect.
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This research strives to examine the influence of financial access towards the performance of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through entrepreneurship oriented finance. The research respondents were comprised of 265 batik MSME entrepreneurs from three regions in Central Java Province in Indonesia, which are Pekalongan Regency, Rembang Regency, and Surakarta Municipality. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to synchronously test the data. The research results revealed that financial access, entrepreneurial orientation, and entrepreneurship oriented finance have a positive influence on MSME performance. In addition, financial access, business prospect, entrepreneurial orientation, and government policy support have a positive influence on entrepreneurship oriented finance. Furthermore, entrepreneurship oriented finance mediates the influence between business prospects, entrepreneurial orientation, and government policy support towards MSME performance.
Financial and non-financial aspects can influence company performance, not excluding small-medium enterprises (SMEs). This research examines the non-financial aspect, since studies in this area are still limited. This research strives to demonstrate the existence of the neoclassical theory in the relationship framework between the business aspect (real sector) and SME performance. This study, which was conducted on batik SMEs in Central Java Province-Indonesia, consisted of 265 samples. The data was obtained from surveys through distributing questionnaires and conducting interviews with batik SME entrepreneurs. The data analysis used a structural equation model (SEM). These study results documented that business prospects have direct and indirect effects on SME performance. The indirect influences are produced through entrepreneurial-oriented financial mediation. This finding reveals that the neoclassical theory will be more effective to improve company performance through entrepreneurial-oriented finance. The importance of the role of this mediating variable is shown from the total effect of the coefficient that is higher than the indirect effect or the direct effect of the coefficient.
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This study aims to examine whether Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending, financial bootstrapping and government support affect the performance of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) by adding a mediating variable in the form of innovation. Innovation mediation is expected to be able to optimize the influence of government funding and incentives towards improving business performance. This study used an SEM-PLS analysis technique. The study samples were the MSMEs located in the city of Salatiga - Central Java, Indonesia. The results showed that P2P lending and financial bootstrapping had a positive effect on business performance and innovation. While government support had a positive effect on innovation, on the one hand, it had no effect on business performance, on the other. Innovation itself is proven to have an influence on business performance. This study also finds that innovation mediates the effect of P2P lending on business performance, facilitates the effect of financial bootstrapping on business performance and reconciles the effect of government support on business performance.