This Plot Provides the Density for the Primary Independent Variables as well as the Dependent Variable CJEU JUDICIAL POWER Separately for Fidesz Supporters and United Opposition Supporters.

This Plot Provides the Density for the Primary Independent Variables as well as the Dependent Variable CJEU JUDICIAL POWER Separately for Fidesz Supporters and United Opposition Supporters.

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International courts are increasingly serving as bulwarks of democracy. These courts, however, often depend on the cooperation of the very governments they seek to hold accountable, exposing them to potential retaliation for attempting to constrain their behavior. As governments’ response to adverse decision-making is often conditional on public su...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... test our first hypothesis, we require a variable for respondents' democratic values. Given the multifaceted nature of the concept (Teorell et al. 2019), we follow Cheruvu, Krehbiel, and Mussell (2024) to tap into multiple dimensions of democracy by asking our respondents which of the following statements was closest to their view (the resulting variable name is bolded), with the second statement for each being more supportive of democratic values: ...
Context 2
... analysis is aided by this effective two-party system and allows us to make direct comparisons between supporters of each party. Figure 1 plots the distribution for supporters of both parties across each of the independent variable democratic values questions, the D V average, and for our dependent variable CJEU J P. ...