FIG 3 - uploaded by Radu Tarulescu
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Theoretical cylinder pressure curve for spark ignition (SI) engines  

Theoretical cylinder pressure curve for spark ignition (SI) engines  

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... and flame development; flame propagation; flame termination. Flame development is generally considered the consumption of the first 5% -10% of the combustible mixture. During the flame development period, ignition occurs and the combustion process starts, but very little pressure rise is noticeable and little or no useful work is produced (Fig. 3). Just about all useful work produced in an engine cycle is the result of the flame propagation period of then combustion process. This is the period when the bulk of the fuel and air mass is burned (80-90%). During this time, pressure in the cylinder is greatly increased, and this provides the force to produce work in the expansion ...

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The present paper presents researches on combustion quality for a Diesel single cylinder engine. The tests ware made on an AVL single cylinder test bed for gasoline and diesel engines. In this case, it was used an AVL 510 cc Single Cylinder Engine Type 5402. The quality of the combustion for this engine was analyzed and compared with the theoretical principles. During the test was noticed that the main engines parameters are variable for 100 engine cycles. The variation occurs in function of the air temperature, air/fuel mixture formation, cooling system variation, combustion start moment and several engine design parameters. In order to increase the combustion quality, some measures can be applied: using different injection strategies; varying the advance angle of the spark related to TDC; varying the quantity of fuel injected per engine cycle; optimization of combustion chambers.
Modern diesel engines are equipped with a Common Rail injection system. The injector is probably the most complex component in this system. To facilitate Common Rail system testing or research it can be individually mounted, separate from the engine, on an experimental stand. In this way, the shape and characteristics of the fuel jet can be analyzed more easily. Viewing and analyzing the electrical signal was done in the paper through the AVL Indicom program. In the paper is analyzed the control signal of an electromagnetic injector, during injection of a quantity of fuel from 2 to 40 mg, with differed strategy injection: one, two or three injections.