The window fill rate as a function of the spares when repair is outsourced (OR model) for different values of cycle time. The other parameters' values are when λ = 2, L(x) ∼ U(0, 10), and w = 5. The dotted line expresses the number of spares needed to maintain an 80% window fill rate.

The window fill rate as a function of the spares when repair is outsourced (OR model) for different values of cycle time. The other parameters' values are when λ = 2, L(x) ∼ U(0, 10), and w = 5. The dotted line expresses the number of spares needed to maintain an 80% window fill rate.

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Background: Exchangeable item repair systems are inventory systems. A nonfunctional item is exchanged for a functional item and returns to the system after being repaired. In our periodic review setting, repair is performed either in-house or outsourced. When repair is in-house, a repaired item is returned to stock regardless of the repair status o...

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Context 1
... example, if managers wish to maintain a performance level of an 80% window fill rate, then by Figure 3, in the IR model, if r = 4, then only 9 spares are needed whereas if r = 7 and r = 10, then 14 and 17 spares are needed, respectively. For the OR model, by Figure 4, the numbers of spares needed are 17, 22, and 27 when r = 4, 7, and 10, respectively. ...