Fig 5 - uploaded by Anna Shvets
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The creative method of the Estonian composer Arvo Pärt is based on a rigorous and strict calculation at all levels of composition. Such a calculative approach of creation is a reflection of the informational society and more specifically – of the logic used in modern programming languages, such as Java, C++, Python, Processing etc. The existing app...
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... The first four compositions were created in 1977, "Spiegel im Spiegel" -a year after and "Mein Weg" was finished 12 years later, however we know that the first drafts of this composition were made in the same period when other mentioned works were created. The full method description was presented earlier [10], however in this article we will take some method features explanations necessary for further understanding of flowcharts construction. ...
The creative process by Arvo Pärt is based on strict mathematical regulations of the melodic-voice creation, the addition of tintinnabuli voices and form construction. The ‘regulations’ of Pärt’s music might be revealed with the use of new methods of computational musicology and this allow us to reproduce the creative process in a form of an individual flowchart for any given composition or a generalized flowchart representing the possible steps taken by composer in order to create a piece of music. The fidelity of following the primarily set algorithm of musical development allows the discovery of editorial mistakes and eliminates accidental notes, which, being mapped as numbers shows its relationship to the chosen algorithm of development. Previous research in this domain has allowed me to elaborate a new computer-driven method of music analysis, which showed the success of its application for representation of the processes of musical development, as well as the possibility of visualization and modelling Pärt’s compositions. This paper presents a summary of the research done so far and analyses the composer’s stylistic evolution in musical development with examples drawn from six instrumental pieces.
... The first four compositions were created in 1977, "Spiegel im Spiegel" -a year after and "Mein Weg" was finished 12 years later, however we know that the first drafts of this composition were made in the same period when other mentioned works were created. The full method description was presented earlier [10], however in this article we will take some method features explanations necessary for further understanding of flowcharts construction. ...
The information technologies deeply influence the modes of perception and cognitive predispositions of members of the contemporary society. The numerous research of the human brain for the purposes of the artificial intelligence revealed certain algorithms of human thinking, which were implemented in a creation of modern operation systems and search algorithms over the network. The functionality of these systems is written in computer languages which all share a kind of “mental structures” for the artificial intelligence which are the “for loop”, “while loop” and “nested for loop” statements, “if/then” logic and assignments of objects to the numerical values. These “mental structures” penetrate into the logic of the postmodern compositions creation, especially in the works based on mathematical regularities. The discovery of these mathematical regularities resulted in a new method elaboration, allowing representation of music processes as logical statements with the use of semantics coming from modern computer languages, such as Java, JavaScript, C++, Python or Processing. The definition of the algorithm of creation gives the possibility to search for the strictness of its realization in music matter, especially if the same algorithm is used for different layers creation within the same composition, which is the case for music written by Estonian postmodern composer Arvo Pärt. Previous research showed the success of a new method application for representation of the processes of music matter development, as well as the possibility of visualization and modelling of his compositions. This paper presents the individual flowcharts showing the process of the composition creation on the base of chosen algorithm of the melodic range extension, as well as the generalized flowcharts representing the process of the melodic voices (M-voices) creation and the algorithms for the tintinnabuli voices (T-voices) addition.
Il presente saggio è una versione abbreviata e aggiornata del mio lavoro di Tesi Triennale sui principali brani per violino di Arvo Pärt. In seguito al mio diploma accademico di I livello ho avuto un’ulteriore opportunità per conoscere il compositore estone grazie alla mia visita all’Arvo Pärt Centre di Laulasmaa (Estonia) in occasione degli Arvo Pärt Days 2022; motivo per cui ho deciso di approfondire due dei brani già analizzati nel mio precedente lavoro, Tabula Rasa (1977) e Fratres (1980). Il risultato di questo studio è allo stesso tempo specifico e generale; il suo scopo principale è aumentare la conoscenza sulla figura di Arvo Pärt, liberandola da tutti gli stereotipi associati alla sua musica. La sua musica, infatti, è differente da tutto il resto. In via preliminare, il saggio analizza la sua personale tecnica compositiva, affrontando alcuni concetti chiave che torneranno più avanti nelle analisi di Tabula Rasa e Fratres. Poi, durante l'analisi dei due brani in questione, si cercherà di riscontare tecniche musicali ricorrenti nell’uso del violino e nella sua interazione con strumenti differenti.