Figure 3- - uploaded by Andrej Mihevc
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The tube of the recent cave Marifugia cavatica from the cave Jama pod Krogom. The longitudinal toothed crest and the collar-like rings can be seen.

The tube of the recent cave Marifugia cavatica from the cave Jama pod Krogom. The longitudinal toothed crest and the collar-like rings can be seen.

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Calcareous tubes, matching those of the modern cave tube worm Marifugia cavatica Absolon & Hrabe (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) in shape and dimensions, were found attached to the wall of a fossilised cave on the Kras plateau, W Slovenia. Due to (1) the supposed absence of any marine influences in that cave, (2) the fact that Marifugia is the only freshw...

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... The minute and transparent T. beranecki is widely distributed in Europe, and a related species was found in Japan and attributed to Speochaetes (although never described according to Uéno 1957;from Juberthie and Decu 1998). M. cavatica is depigmented and eyeless, lives in a calcified tube, and probably colonized cave waters during Pliocene or Pleistocene from freshwater lakes in the Dinaric karst region (Sket 1997;Mihevc et al. 2001;Fig. 8.1g). ...
The diversity of the most frequent groundwater fauna groups is presented briefly in this chapter. Emphasis is given to stygobionts and their cave habitats, although comments on stygophiles and other groundwater habitats are given when appropriate. Information on each group representatives, distribution, and adaptations is also provided. This chapter is a continuation of the previous chapter on biodiversity of terrestrial cave habitats and should be completed with the chapters on aquatic diversity in anchialine and calcrete habitats.
... Crnotiče Quarry (45 • 33'56.3 N; 13 • 52'47.7 E) uncovered many caves completely filled with sediments (Bosák et al., 1999(Bosák et al., , 2004Mihevc, 2001Mihevc, , 2007; Fig. 2a). The studied section is located in the western quarry wall and represents a relic of an extensive, sediment-filled passage with a diameter of about 10 m and a height of more than 17 m. ...
... The lowermost 7 m of the cave fill are composed of cyclically/rhythmically arranged multi-colored fluvial sediments (clays to intraclastic microconglomerates). This fill rests on sessile tubes of the serpulid Marifugia cavatica on the northern cave wall (Mihevc, 2000;Mihevc et al., 2001). The mammal remains (with Deinsdorfia sp., Beremedia fissidens, Apodemus cf. ...
... The chironomid in sample C1 indicates a period of relatively high flow rate in a vadose regime. The chironomid was found at the same level as Marifugia cavatica, serpulid polychaetes attached to walls at the air/karst-water interface, still living in the caves of the Dinaric karst (for summary see Mihevc et al., 2001). ...
Five samples of clastic sediments from interior cave facies taken in three Slovenian relic caves (Trhlovca, Račiška pečina, and a cave iň Crnotiče Quarry, Classical Karst, SW Slovenia) provided invertebrate fossil remains. Most of them belong to Oribatida but sparse individuals of Cladocera and insects were also identified. They represent the first pre-Quaternary invertebrate fossils found in sediments of continental temperate climate. The Pliocene/Pleistocene age of the sediments was determined by paleomagnetic dating chronologically calibrated by micro-mammal biostratigraphy. Invertebrate fossils could be validated as new proxy for the study of cave sediments due to their suitability for ecological and paleogeographic correlations in caves and outside the caves. They also bring additional information about cave formation and karst hydraulic regime in the area. Although the number of remains was very low, it is evidence that climatic conditions in caves allow a better preservation of fossil remains of some groups as compared to most of the surface habitats. This may open a new direction in the study of cave sediments.
... Crnotiče Quarry (45 • 33'56.3 N; 13 • 52'47.7 E) uncovered many caves completely filled with sediments (Bosák et al., 1999(Bosák et al., , 2004Mihevc, 2001Mihevc, , 2007; Fig. 2a). The studied section is located in the western quarry wall and represents a relic of an extensive, sediment-filled passage with a diameter of about 10 m and a height of more than 17 m. ...
... The lowermost 7 m of the cave fill are composed of cyclically/rhythmically arranged multi-colored fluvial sediments (clays to intraclastic microconglomerates). This fill rests on sessile tubes of the serpulid Marifugia cavatica on the northern cave wall (Mihevc, 2000;Mihevc et al., 2001). The mammal remains (with Deinsdorfia sp., Beremedia fissidens, Apodemus cf. ...
... The chironomid in sample C1 indicates a period of relatively high flow rate in a vadose regime. The chironomid was found at the same level as Marifugia cavatica, serpulid polychaetes attached to walls at the air/karst-water interface, still living in the caves of the Dinaric karst (for summary see Mihevc et al., 2001). ...
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Five samples of clastic sediments from interior cave facies taken in three Slovenian relic caves (Trhlovca, Raci\vska pecina, and a cave in Crnotice Quarry, Classical Karst, SW Slovenia) provided invertebrate fossil remains. Most of them belong to Oribatida but sparse individuals of Cladocera and insects were also identified. They represent the first pre-Quaternary invertebrate fossils found in sediments of continental temperate climate. The Pliocene/Pleistocene age of the sediments was determined by paleomagnetic dating chronologically calibrated by micromammal biostratigraphy. Invertebrate fossils could be validated as new proxy for the study of cave sediments due to their suitability for ecological and paleogeographic correlations in caves and outside the caves. They also bring additional information about cave formation and karst hydraulic regime in the area. Although the number of remains was very low, it is evidence that climatic conditions in caves allow a better preservation of fossil remains of some groups as compared to most of the surface habitats. This may open a new direction in the study of cave sediments.
... Quarry operations in th? Crnoti?e Quarry (45 @BULLET 33'56.3 N; 13 @BULLET 52'47.7 E) uncovered many caves completely filled with sediments (Bos?k et al., 1999Bos?k et al., , 2004 Mihevc, 2001 Mihevc, , 2007; Fig. 2a). The studied section is located in the western quarry wall and represents a relic of an extensive, sediment-filled passage with a diameter of about 10 m and a height of more than 17 m. ...
... The lowermost 7 m of the cave fill are composed of cyclically/rhythmically arranged multi-colored fluvial sediments (clays to intraclastic microconglomerates). This fill rests on sessile tubes of the serpulid Marifugia cavatica on the northern cave wall (Mihevc, 2000; Mihevc et al., 2001 ). The mammal remains (with Deinsdorfia sp., Beremedia fissidens, Apodemus cf. ...
... The chironomid in sample C1 indicates a period of relatively high flow rate in a vadose regime. The chironomid was found at the same level as Marifugia cavatica, serpulid polychaetes attached to walls at the air/karst-water interface, still living in the caves of the Dinaric karst (for summary see Mihevc et al., 2001). Pre-Quaternary arthropod remains, abundant in marine settings and quite common in amber, are rare and have yet been reported in continental sediments only from Arctic environments (see a complete list in Elias, 2010 ). ...
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Five samples of clastic sediments from interior cave facies taken in three Slovenian relic caves (Trhlovca, Račiška pečina, and a cave in Črnotiče Quarry, Classical Karst, SW Slovenia) provided invertebrate fossil remains. Most of them belong to Oribatida but sparse individuals of Cladocera and insects were also identified. They represent the first pre-Quaternary invertebrate fossils found in sediments of continental temperate climate. The Pliocene/Pleistocene age of the sediments was determined by paleomagnetic dating chronologically calibrated by micromammal biostratigraphy. Invertebrate fossils could be validated as new proxy for the study of cave sediments due to their suitability for ecological and paleogeographic correlations in caves and outside the caves. They also bring additional information about cave formation and karst hydraulic regime in the area. Even if the number of remains was very low, it represents evidence that climatic conditions in caves allow a better preservation of fossil remains of some groups as compared to most of the surface habitats. This may open a new direction in the study of cave sediments.
... Vast predominance of autochthonous stygobiont serpulid tubes (Marifugia cavatica Absolon et Hrabě, 1930 ) was detected in the fossil sample. is taxon, patterns of its appearance in the site, and its paleoecologic and stratigraphic meaning has been already discussed (Mihevc, 2000; Mihevc et al., 2001 Mihevc et al., , 2002). e vertebrate record consists of 58 items, mostly poorly preserved and corroded fragments of teeth enamel. ...
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For the first time in the Classical Karst, paleontological data enabled to match the magnetostratigraphic record precisely with the geomagnetic polarity timescale in two studied sites: (i) a series of speleothems alternating with red clays in Račiška pečina Cave (Matarsko podolje), and (ii) an unroofed paleocave of the Črnotiče II site (Podgorski kras Plateau) completely filled by fluvial clastic sediments covered by speleothems. The later sites are also characterized by a rich appearance of fossil tubes of autochthonous stygobiont serpulid Marifugia cavatica. The vertebrate record is composed mostly of enamel fragments of rodents and soricomorphs. Absence of rootless arvicolids as well as taxonomic composition of the mammalian fauna suggests the Pliocene age of both sites. For (i) Račiška pečina (with Apodemus, cf. Borsodia) it was estimated to middle to late MN17 (ca 1.8–2.4 Ma), while (ii) the assemblage from Črnotiče II (with Deinsdorfia sp., Beremedia fissidens, Apodemus cf. atavus, Rhagapodemus cf. frequens, Glirulus sp., Cseria sp.) is obviously quite older: MN15–MN16 (ca 3.0–4.1 Ma). In respect to congruence of biostratigraphic and paleomagnetic data and a reliable sedimentary setting of the samples we propose to apply the respective datum also as the time of one ancient speleogenetic phase in the Classical Karst.
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The age of a karst can be defined as the time when the karst rocks were uplifted out of the sea. The other view of the age of karst is to define the age of certain karst features or assemblages of karst features. On the Kras plateau there is a variety of forms that were formed at quite different times, but due to karst evolution, they coexist in todays relief. On the plateau, that is slowly rising, the hydrological zones in karst surface are moving downwards. Streams from the side ceased to flow on the karst and former leveled surface that was formed in conditions of high ground water is dissected by numerous dolines. Blind valleys are incised at the side and some of them show the influence of recent tectonics. The lowering of relief by corrosion exposes caves that have formed deep beneath the surface and creates unroofed caves that become a part of the surface topography. From the morphological comparison of the unroofed caves, blind valleys and levelled surfaces and by dating of the sediment and considering the age of tectonic phases we can reconstruct the evolution and estimate the age of the karst landscape.