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The transformation of Subject Matter Knowledge (SMK) into Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in science education (Source: Gödek, 2002: 43)  

The transformation of Subject Matter Knowledge (SMK) into Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in science education (Source: Gödek, 2002: 43)  

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As one of the main disciplines, science is very important for people to make sense of their life. The appropriate use of the models in science classrooms to promote children's understanding, imagination and creativity definitely depends on the teachers who have experience of differentiating the scope and the limitations of the models. From this res...

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... my point of view, science teachers are the foremost people who can ensure the correlation between children's and scientists' ideas through their subject matter knowledge derived from scientists' views, curriculum knowledge, and pedagogical content knowledge (Figure 1). Despite the teachers' intentions in teaching science, the instruction given, the language used and the experiments carried out in science classrooms, children still have problems regarding understanding of science. ...

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... Since the instruction to apply blended learning is just encouraged recently in Indonesia, Indonesian EFL teachers need a model to follow. A model is generally a clarification of a theory (Gödek, 2004). Even though there is no best model of blended learning, the model is crucial, especially for those who have just known the approach. ...
Transforming teaching and learning by increasing use of information technology in classrooms has been the critical issue in most Southeast Asian countries’ agenda of teaching reforms, Indonesia is no exception. Since the last few decades, particularly during the Covid 19 pandemic, research conducted all over the world have confirmed that the effective integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in classrooms depend fundamentally on the teachers’ ICTs knowledge and skills and their attitudes which ultimately determine how they will implement it in their teaching practices. In Indonesian social and cultural context EFL teaching, the Covid-19 pandemic has contributed meaningfully to the professional development EFL teachers in secondary schools. This paper answers a significant question: what are the teachers’ perceptions on the idea of “ICT Integration”? It aims to provide an understanding of the pedagogical adaptation of ICT and transformation to Indonesian secondary school classrooms by examining the impact of teachers’ pedagogical beliefs on the use of ICT into the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learning practices. This research employed a qualitative approach in order to reveal teachers’ views on implementation of the concept of “ICT Integration”. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect the first-hand data of various general and specific comments from a variety of teachers of different gender, age, teaching experience, academic qualifications, and social economic backgrounds about their opinions regarding the application of ICT. The empirical evidence demonstrated the teachers’ positive feelings about using educational technology in the classroom. The participants also revealed that many teachers were not familiar with the overall concept of new educational technologies. The results of the study show that teachers’ pedagogical beliefs are the significant variables in explaining teachers’ ICT integration into their English classrooms, implying that an urgent professional development is needed in Indonesia.
... Modeller ile öğrenciler var olsa da bilişlerinde tasvir etmede zorluk çektikleri konu kavram ve objeleri algılamada ve anlaşılır hale getirmede kolaylık yaşayabilirler (Barnett vd., 2001). Soyut konuları somutlaştırabilirler ve öğretime yardımcı olabilirler (Grosslight vd., 1991;Gödek, 2004). Bir disipline ait konu alanlarının anlamlandırılmasında, bilimsel bilgi inşa edilmesinde el feneri görevi görür (Ünal ve Ergin, 2006). ...
... Models serve as a bridge in the teaching of subjects and concepts in science lessons (Coll, France & Taylor, 2005). They can concretize abstract topics and help teaching (Grosslight et al., 1991;Gödek, 2004). It serves as a flashlight in making sense of the subject areas of a discipline and building scientific knowledge (Ünal & Ergin, 2006). ...
Bu araştırmanın amacı; 7. Sınıf astronomi ünite kazanımlarının materyal ve model destekli etkinliklerle öğretiminin astronomi başarısına, astronomi tutumuna ve uygulama ile ilgili öğrenci görüşleri etkisini incelemektir. Araştırma yirmi dokuz 7. sınıf öğrencisi ile yürütülmüştür. Çalışma grubu basit seçkisiz olmayan örneklem yöntemlerinden biri olan uygun örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilmiştir. Etkinlikler 7. sınıf fen bilimleri dersi “Güneş Sistemi ve Ötesi” ünitesi kazanımlarına yönelik 2015-2016 eğitim –öğretim yılı ikinci döneminde hazırlanmıştır. Araştırmada nitel ve nicel verilerin birlikte kullanıldığı karma yöntem metodu kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak astronomi ünite kazanımlarının model ve materyal destekli etkinliklerin öğrenci başarısı, astronomiye yönelik tutumda son test lehine anlamlı fark olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu sonuç etkinliklerin astronomi başarı ve astronomi tutumuna yönelik pozitif anlamda gelişmeye yardımcı olduğunu göstermektedir. Etkinlikler sayesinde öğrencilerin astronomi konularını sevme, astronomiye ilgi duyma, astronomi konularını anlama gibi görüşler belirttikleri tespit edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda model ve materyal destekli etkinliklerin farklı ünitelerde de kullanabileceği önerilmektedir.
... Algunos conceptos que deben enseñarse son relativamente abstractos, especialmente los fenómenos científicos. Concretar algo requiere que los profesores utilicen algunas estrategias, como ejemplos, analogías, metáforas, esquemas e incluso la elaboración de modelos (Gödek 2004). Así pues, un modelo pedagógico es una representación simplificada del objeto que se quiere entender, con el fin de facilitar su comprensión por parte de los alumnos (Kapras 1997). ...
... Varios autores como Harison y Treagust (2000), Gödek (2004), Ferreira (2006) y Prestes (2013) advierten cuanto a un peligro en el uso de modelos en la enseñanza: se corre el riesgo de que los alumnos piensen que el modelo corresponde a la realidad y no a una aproximación de la misma. Además, el alumno puede ver la ciencia como algo poco fiable. ...
... Corresponde al profesor deshacer esta falsa analogía, a través de explicaciones y comparaciones, de lo contrario el modelo será ineficaz en este contexto. Así, entendemos que es función del profesor conseguir que los modelos utilizados en las aulas de ciencias estimulen a los alumnos a investigar y construir su conocimiento (Gödek 2004). ...
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Entre varios enfoques de enseñanza activa, tenemos el Aprendizaje Basado en Modelos (ABM). Muchos estudios neurocientíficos han demostrado la relación entre el funcionamiento del cerebro y el ABM, el papel del compromiso activo, atención y error en el aprendizaje. Sin embargo, no hay ninguna investigación que relacione estos tres últimos con el uso del ABM. Nuestro objetivo era comprobar si el uso del enfoque ABM, unido a una enseñanza de las ciencias por investigación, proporciona un compromiso activo del alumno, desencadenando mecanismos de atención y revisión o feedback basados en el error. Verificamos, en los resultados, el compromiso activo, la atención y la revisión de los errores, y concluimos que el ABM, asociado a la enseñanza investigativa, promueve el compromiso activo desencadenando la atención sostenida; y el error y la revisión tienen un papel clave en este proceso, manteniendo a los estudiantes comprometidos en la solución y realización de las tareas.
... Since the instruction to apply blended learning is just encouraged recently in Indonesia, Indonesian EFL teachers need a model to follow. A model is generally a clarification of a theory (Gödek, 2004). Even though there is no best model of blended learning, the model is crucial, especially for those who have just known the approach. ...
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Blended learning as part of internet-based teaching has increasingly been used due to the covid-19 pandemic. Numerous studies have demonstrated how blended learning should be implemented in diverse contexts, including in the teaching of English as a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL). However, in the Indonesian higher education context, blended learning is considered a new approach. As this concept has been defined variously, many university teachers in Indonesia find it challenging to understand the concept and implement this approach. Addressing such an issue, this paper aims to provide an understanding of blended learning and how this pedagogical approach fits EFL teaching in the Indonesian higher education context. Qualitative secondary research and document review were conducted to explore the various definitions of blended learning and obtain an understanding of the approach. Studies on blended learning models or pedagogical strategies conducted in America, Europe, and Asia and the implications of those models in English language teaching are discussed. Furthermore, how culturally appropriate blended pedagogical practices/recommendations are for EFL teaching in Indonesia was also scrutinised to address the current research gap.KeywordsOnline learningBlended learningInternet-based teachingLearning environment and designPedagogical approach
... Since the instruction to apply blended learning is just encouraged recently in Indonesia, Indonesian EFL teachers need a model to follow. A model is generally a clarification of a theory (Gödek, 2004). Even though there is no best model of blended learning, the model is crucial, especially for those who have just known the approach. ...
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The present study proposes using YouTube as a widely used multimedia learning tool to provide and enhance a virtual multimedia learning environment for learners’ L2 proficiency development. This study hypothesizes that ESL learners’ high engagement with and frequent exposure to the provided and enhanced multimedia learning environments can ultimately lead to improving their L2 oral accuracy of daily language use and expression over time. This correlational study investigated the speech accuracy progress of 14 bilingual Arabic ESL learners of intermediate English level in New Delhi over five months. In this respect, a large number of metrics (n. 12) of both quantitative and qualitative nature was used to investigate the performance of the same group (i.e., treatment group) of learners using a One-Group Pretest–Posttest Design (O1 X1 O2). The findings showed that ICT tools can be helpful for ESL learners of intermediate level due to their positive and enhancing multimedia learning effects.KeywordsICTVirtual multimedia learning tools/environmentsEngagementExposureSpeechAccuracyYouTube captioned videos
... Model hazırlama ve kullanımına yönelik yapılan birçok araştırma mevcuttur (Guy and Young, 2010;Gödek, 2004). Eğitim fakültelerindeki fen ve matematik öğretim elemanlarının model ve modelleme hakkındaki görüşlerini araştıran Güneş ve diğerleri (2004), öğretim elemanlarının model ve modellemenin doğası ile ilgili olarak bilgi eksikliklerinin olduğunu tespit etmiştir. ...
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Özet: Bu çalışmada, astronomi konuları ile ilgili, öğretmen adaylarının hazırladıkları ve uyguladıkları, araştırma - sorgulamaya dayalı bir ders planının, model temelli hedef kazanım ile uyumunun ve etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Dördüncü sınıf Fen Bilgisi öğretmen adayları ile 2017-2018 Eğitim öğretim yılı bahar döneminde gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden çoklu durum çalışması deseni kullanılmıştır. Veriler öğretmen adaylarının hazırladıkları planlama ve sonuç raporlarından elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler betimsel analiz yöntemleri ile analiz edilmiştir. Planlama raporları analiz edildiğinde, 5E öğretim modeline göre hazırlanan tüm ders planlarının, model temelli hedef kazanım ile genel anlamda uyumlu olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuç raporlarındaki yansıtma yazılarından elde edilen bulgulara göre ise öğretmen adaylarının yürüttükleri süreci etkin buldukları söylenebilir. Sonuç olarak 5E öğretim modeline uygun olarak hazırlanan ders planlarının basamaklarının büyük çoğunluğu yeterli veya kısmen yeterli olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca yansıtma yazılarına göre uygulamada bazı yapısal ve pedagojik engellerle karşılaşılmıştır. Bunun giderilmesi için öğretmen adaylarının akran çalışmaları ile ilgili deneyimlerinin arttırılması ve mevcut materyallerin ve okulun sınıf dışındaki ortak kullanım alanlarının daha etkili kullanılması önerilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Astronomi eğitimi, 5E öğretim modeli, öğretmen yetiştirme, fen bilgisi öğretmen adayları. Abstract: The In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the compatibility and effectiveness of a research-inquiry-based lesson plan prepared and implemented by teacher candidates on astronomy subjects with model-based target acquisition. In this study conducted with fourth grade Science teacher candidates in the spring term of the 2017-2018 academic year, a multi-case study design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The obtained data were analyzed by descriptive analysis methods. When the planning reports were analyzed, it was seen that all lesson plans prepared according to the 5E teaching model were generally compatible with the model-based target outcomes. According to the findings obtained from the reflection papers in the final reports , it can be said that the teacher candidates found the process they carried out effective. As a result, most of the steps of the lesson plans prepared in accordance with the 5E teaching model were evaluated as sufficient or partially sufficient. In addition, according to the reflection articles, some structural and pedagogical obstacles were encountered in practice. In order to overcome this, it is recommended to increase the experience of teacher candidates about peer studies and use existing materials and the school's common areas outside the classroom more effectively. Keywords: Astronomy education, 5E teaching model, teacher training, science teacher candidates.
... Whereas, the view that (mathematical) model and modelling have to form important part of mathematical classes from elementary schools to higher schools has been emphasized in the last years and the hypothesis that mathematic would be aid for students to understand the real life and the requirement of using modelling in mathematical training has been the main ground (Erbaş et al., 2014;MEB, 2005MEB, , 2013NCTM, 1989NCTM, , 2000. Thus, by the researches it has been revealed that students need guidance of their teachers to use models (Treagust, 2002), that the teachers have been more efficient in the learning of students about scopes and limitations of models significantly (Gödek, 2004), that concrete models have auxiliary impacts on learning (Treagust et al., 2002), that models contribute to the problem solving skills of students (English, 2006;O'Connell & San Giovanni, 2013), that usage of model and modelling are the most important activity for students in setting up hypothesis and symphonizing (Lee, Jonassen & Teo, 2011). In this content, it is necessary for the teachers and preservice teachers to have sufficient knowledge about (mathematical) model and modelling. ...
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The aim of the research is to examine the perspectives of teachers and preservice teachers in regard with models,mathematical models and mathematical modelling process in different variables terms and to compare them. In thisresearch that is having quantitative research design survey method, which is one of the descriptive research technic,survey method is used. Research is performed with 127 teacher and preservice teachers. It is benefitted from adifferent survey in the stage of data collection and open ended questions that is developed by the researcher. In theanalysis of the data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods and content analysis method were used. As a result,views of the teachers and preservice teachers regarding (mathematical) models and mathematical modelling showsdifferences according to some variables, however, it is not found out most significant differences in the views of theteachers and preservice teachers in regard with these subjects.
... Modeling is an important part of process design of a product or a service [1]. Modeling could avoid an economic losses due to improper design [2]. ...
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Modeling is one important parts in designing a product or a service system. It aims to reduce the cost and minimize the improper of early production/service stage that could be ended by high loss of economic value. Process modeling of bus service is required to obtain proper information regarding number of buses required based on the prediction number of passengers and time consumes. This paper is aimed to investigate the very early stage of bus service modeling using Visual Basic Excel Program. The result shows that the model system that using five inclusive sheets programming for covering the main item in the bus service system is sufficient to represent the real condition in the practical condition.
... Yeterli pedagojik bilgiye sahip olan öğretmenler öğrencilerin bilişsel seviyelerine bağlı olarak bazı modelleri, analojileri ve benzetmeleri kullanırlar. Çocukların anlamasını, hayal gücünü ve yaratıcılığını teşvik etmek bilim sınıflarında modellerin uygun kullanımı ile modellerin kapsamını ve sınırlarını ayırt eden öğretmenlere bağlıdır (Gödek, 2004). Bu da öğretmenlerin model ve modelleme konusunda yeterli bilimsel bilgiye sahip olmaları ile mümkündür. ...
The importance of models and modeling in science education is well‐recognized, yet there exists significant polysemy among these terms within the literature. This ambiguity often leads to confusion, particularly regarding whether modeling represents an expected student performance, an instructional strategy to promote such performance, or both. Moreover, the construction of models has been depicted as both the objective of modeling and a distinct phase within modeling‐based instruction. Additionally, the expression of models has often been overlooked despite its significance as a crucial modeling practice. In an endeavor to shed light into these complexities associated with modeling in science education, this paper pursues a twofold aim. First, it theoretically presents and justifies the Instruction Performance Modeling (IPM) cycle, drawing on numerous previous contributions to the field, as a practical and specific instructional tool designed to clarify some problematic concepts both regarding modeling instruction and modeling practice. Second, it provides empirical evidence regarding the type of modeling performance exhibited by students involved in instruction guided by the IPM. This study applies discourse analysis to the multimodal productions of preservice teachers attending a lab‐based workshop on the topic of flotation. The main findings reveal that students' modeling performance, while exhibiting certain patterns such as the Introductory pattern or the Evaluation‐Revision one, predominantly manifests as a disorganized sequence of modeling practices. This result is consistent with certain precedents in the modeling literature but contrasts with the expected outcomes of well‐established approaches like Generation‐Evaluation‐Modification. Furthermore, the study aims to highlight the rich, meaningful, and productive modeling practices occurring in instructional scenarios guided by the IPM cycle.