The test house is a 208 m 2 , 1920s-era house with all-electric appliances in West Lafayette, U.S.

The test house is a 208 m 2 , 1920s-era house with all-electric appliances in West Lafayette, U.S.

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Residential electrification - replacing fossil-fueled appliances and vehicles with electric machines - can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. However, installing electric appliances or vehicle charging in a residential building can sharply increase its current draws. In older housing, high current draws can jeopardize...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... field demonstrations in this paper took place in the 1920s-era, 208 m 2 detached single-family house shown in Fig. 4. The house is in West Lafayette, Indiana, a U.S. location that falls under the International Energy Conservation Climate Code Zone 5A [24]. This climate zone sees winter temperatures as low as -20 • C. In recent years, the house has been renovated with code-minimum insulation (R-value of 3.5 • C m 2 /W) and windows (Uvalue of 8 W/m 2 / ...
Context 2
... period. There were three occupants in the test house during the testing period and 1-2 occupants during the baseline period, as discussed in Section 2.2.3. Due to lower outdoor temperatures and higher occupancy, the current-limiting control problem was more difficult during the testing period than it would have been during the baseline period. Fig. 14 shows the control system behavior on two representative days: One in the baseline period (blue curves) and one in the testing period (red curves). The top plot shows that the outdoor temperature was much lower on the test day than on the baseline day, making current-limiting control more challenging. Despite this challenge, the ...
Context 3
... middle plots in Fig. 14 show the indoor temperature set-points (dashed curves) and measurements (solid curves). The red curves show that, as discussed in Section 3.4.7, the manufacturer's controls imperfectly tracked the set-point with a steady-state offset equal to the dead-band half-width, γ = 0.5 • C. The blue curves show that the current-limiting control ...

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