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The rapid development of technologies such as tablet PCs and 4G/5G networks has further enhanced the benefits of mobile learning. Although mobile devices are convenient and provide a variety of learning benefits, they are unable to improve students’ learning outcomes without an appropriate learning strategy. Furthermore, little research has been co...
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... further investigate the reason for the differences in the learning achievements of the students of the experimental group, and whether the cooperative learning approach affected the learning process of students, the cognitive load questionnaire was used to evaluate the cognitive load level for this learning activity. Table 7 indicates that the mental load and mental effect of the experimental group Sustainability 2020, 12, 6606 8 of 14 were lower than those of the control group. In addition, t-test analysis indicated a significant difference for the mental load (t = −2.60 and p < 0.05) and mental effect (t = −2.03, ...Citations
... Natural sciences are one of the subjects of significant importance. Nevertheless, the science learning process must be linked to a variety of factors that can affect the learning outcomes of students (Huang, Chiu, Huang, Zhong, & Lai, 2020). Anxiety, psychological conditions and learning motivation are among the most significant factors. ...
This study examines the relationship between anxiety, psychological factors and the motivation to learn science among elementary school students. The research employs a quantitative approach with a correlational design. Purposive sampling was used to select the sample which consisted of 438 elementary school students from Jakarta, Indonesia. Data were gathered through a questionnaire focused on the variables of interest. The data analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the SMART-PLS 3.0 software. The findings reveal a significant value of 0.000 (p < 0.05) indicating a positive and significant relationship between anxiety, psychological conditions, and students' motivation to learn science. Anxiety and psychological factors are critical elements influencing students' motivation to learn. Teachers can better monitor students' learning progress by identifying and addressing these three factors. Properly managed anxiety and favorable psychological conditions can lead to enhanced motivation and support from teachers in fostering a conducive environment. Understanding students' psychological needs plays a crucial role in helping students achieve better academic outcomes in science.
... There has also been some research about classroom application tools, like Google Classroom, to assist language learning. (Huang et al., 2020) conducted a study on perceptions relating to the use of Google Classroom within language instruction, offering proof that such increases collaboration and information feedback. ...
... Nevertheless, this study had some limitations: the relatively small sample size and reliance on self-reported data may introduce biases. Also, with the focus only on Google Classroom, this has limited generalization to other language learning applications, which can be more interactive in nature, as (Huang et al., 2020) asserted. Therefore, future research should take into consideration various applications and qualitative aspects of engaging students toward a meaningful understanding of technology's place in language learning. ...
Penelitian ini menyelidiki seberapa sering siswa menggunakan Google Classroom dengan efektivitas pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Desain korelasional kuantitatif mencakup data dari kuesioner mengenai frekuensi penggunaan dan hasil pembelajaran. Hasilnya menunjukkan koefisien korelasi negatif sebesar -0,497 dengan nilai-p 0,026, yang menunjukkan ada signifikansi untuk menguji hubungan positif antara frekuensi penggunaan dan efektivitas pembelajaran. Ini mendukung apa yang ditunjukkan oleh penelitian lain: keterlibatan berkualitas tinggi dan motivasi intrinsik lebih terkait dengan hasil pembelajaran bahasa yang sukses, daripada peningkatan penggunaan secara umum. Penelitian ini menggarisbawahi keterlibatan yang bermakna dan faktor-faktor motivasi yang penting untuk mengoptimalkan pembelajaran bahasa dengan bantuan teknologi. Keterbatasannya meliputi sampel yang kecil dan hanya Google Classroom yang dijadikan sampel; tidak digeneralisasi untuk digunakan di berbagai jenis platform pembelajaran. Hal ini, pada gilirannya, akan memungkinkan penelitian di masa mendatang untuk menyelidiki lebih lanjut lebih banyak aplikasi dan aspek kualitatif keterlibatan sehingga peran teknologi dalam pemerolehan bahasa dipahami dengan tepat.
... They incorporated the Numbered-Heads-Together (NHT) method into STAD, numbering the groups and students first and assigning the learning tasks or representation opportunities to them by randomly drawing the numbers to avoid uneven task distribution. (3) Combining CL with other learning models, such as project-based learning (Chang & Song, 2023), mobile learning (Huang et al., 2020), and the flipped classroom (Jiang et al., 2016;Huang et al., 2021). Some researchers integrated these learning models into CL to improve the latter's learning outcomes. ...
... Learning tasks for CL vary by education level. In CL at the primary education level, students typically work together in groups to solve problems using worksheets or assignment cards (Jiang & Tan, 2007;Jiang, 2007;Huang et al., 2020). On top of problem-solving, secondary school students have more challenging CL tasks to complete, such as theme-based group representation and creation tasks that require substantial hands-on manipulation skills from the group members. ...
Cooperative learning has been applied in Chinese education for decades, and an overview of its implementation in China is warranted for further improvements. This study seeks to survey the current application of cooperative learning at various education levels in China based on an analysis of 50 prior studies. The survey finds that comparable cooperative learning procedures and methods have been adopted by educators in different education phases and those teachers and students have encountered many challenges in enacting cooperative learning. We also put forward several suggestions in response to these challenges for improving instructional outcomes of this teaching approach.
... Mobile applications are interactive in nature, providing an effective means for students to understand scientific concepts and retain information (Wang et al., 2015). Collaborative learning is another aspect of mobile applications which helps students to learn from each other, discuss scientific concepts, and develop a deeper understanding of science (DeWitt et al., 2014;Huang et al., 2020). In other words, it fosters communication and teamwork, allowing students to connect, share resources, and collaboratively solve problems, thereby enhancing their overall learning experience. ...
As smartphone and tablet usage becomes more prevalent among young children, educational applications offer a wide range of learning opportunities. The benefits and capability of digital applications are well-suited to complement science education. This study investigates the role of educational digital applications available on the Android Play Store in enhancing science process skills in early childhood education. By addressing the potential of digital applications to foster science process skills, this study contributes to the understanding of digital applications' educational value in early childhood science education. The analysis revealed that digital applications contain elements that could aid in the improvement of science process skills. Moreover, observation emerges as the skill most prominently featured in digital applications. Based on the study findings, it can be inferred that digital applications have the potential to enhance children's scientific process skills.
... Much research on the use of digital tools and especially mobile learning is ongoing in multiple domains and at all levels (Arain et al., 2018;Chen & Huang, 2023;Crompton et al., 2016;Huang et al., 2020;Rusmono et al., 2019), including for science in primary schools (Crompton et al., 2016). In many studies, the use of mobile learning in the classroom improves learning outcomes (Crompton et al., 2016;Rusmono et al., 2019;Suprianto et al., 2019) as well as the learning experience of students (Chen et al., 2022;Huang et al., 2016;Leung & Cheng, 2019). ...
... Despite the lack of studies investigating the role of mobile learning in inquiry-based learning at primary school, the effect of using mobile learning on learning outcomes has been investigated in different classroom contexts at primary schools (Crompton et al., 2016;Rusmono et al., 2019;Suprianto et al., 2019). In most studies, such as Arain et al. (2018) and Rusmono et al. (2019), the approach was to apply experimental methods to compare the use of a mobile learning tool with the use of more conventional classroom tools, showing that mobile learning improves students' learning outcomes (Arain et al., 2018;Chen & Huang, 2023;El-Sofany & El-Haggar, 2020;Huang et al., 2020;Rusmono et al., 2019;Suprianto et al., 2019;Zhonggen et al., 2019). Rusmono et al. (2019) noted significant changes in the learning outcomes of primary school students compared with the use of conventional teaching materials. ...
... The use of mobile learning may be coupled with human intervention in order to improve students' learning outcomes (Huang et al., 2016). Similarly, Huang et al. (2020) showed that cooperative learning around a mobile learning tool improved the learning outcomes of primary school students on natural science topics. ...
... This is in accordance with the ndings (Rakimahwati & Ardi, 2019) that interactive games can improve students' digital literacy skills. Moreover, (Huang et al., 2020) proposed that collaborative learning approaches are more effective than personalized learning for mobile learning. The presence of learning media such as educational games can also guide students in independent learning (Bada & Olusegun, 2015). ...
The purpose of this study is to develop a natural science learning game oriented toward local Papuan culture for grade IV elementary school students that is feasible and effective. This research uses a qualitative approach with research and development (R&D) research methods with the Lee and Owen development model. The results of the formative evaluation showed an average feasibility test of 3.94 for material experts, learning design experts, and media experts, with good conclusions; one-to-one evaluations,with students obtaining an average of 3.05 with good conclusions;small group evaluations, with an average of 3.43 with very good conclusions; and field trial evaluations, withan average score of 3.61 with a very good conclusion. Therefore, it was concluded that the science learning game oriented toward local Papuan culture for Grade IV elementary school students was very good. The effectiveness of science learning game development oriented toward local Papuan culture was tested through t tests. The results show a Sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.000 < 0.05, so there is a significant difference between science learning outcomes in the pretest and posttest data, so it can be concluded that science learning games oriented toward local Papuan culture are effective in improving the learning outcomes of Grade IV elementary school students.
... Uzunboylu and Ozdamli (2011) indicated that mobile learning with handheld devices enables cooperative learning environments which involve interaction between peers and the teacher in the classroom. Mobile technologies have been used to promote deep learning and cooperative work in teaching classrooms, and allow students to personalize their collaborative learning progress (Zhou & Lewis, 2021;Huang et al., 2020;Each & Suppasetseree, 2021). ...
... The learning environment is characterized with the students' active involvement, as they are exposed to accomplish complex tasks which require problem solving and critical thinking skills (Tafazoli, 2022). Huang et al., (2020) argues that interactive multimedia learning environment is more convenient than e-learning environment because students can learn at their own pace, and acquire knowledge through interaction with the situation. Vygotsky (1978) emphasizes that the community plays an essential role in the process of creating meaning. ...
Recent studies show limited research in the Algerian context on the development of learning multimedia that effectively addresses 21st century skills such as critical thinking, communication, cooperation, and creativity. However, with the continuous growth of digital multimedia and information technologies, there is an urge for utilizing 21st century skills and interacting with others through interactive multimedia tools. This study aims to investigate the effect of mobile-based interactive multimedia on developing students of English as a foreign language thinking engagement, cooperation, in higher education. A convenient sampling method was used to select one sample of students (n= 60) who received a post-treatment test. Data were analyzed through performing descriptive statistics and one sample t-test. Findings assured that mobile-based interactive multimedia has persistently shaped the education setting, and it can afford the potential to positively promote students' thinking engagement and cooperation.
... If a study implemented the Cooperative learning approach (e.g. Huang et al., 2020), it was coded as collaborative learning. Similarly, if a study implemented the context-aware learning approach (e.g. C. C. Chen & Lin, 2016), it was coded as situated learning. ...
... On the other hand, the characteristics of mixed reality are to stack virtual objects in the current world and emphasize crossing applications between virtual reality and augmented reality (Lee, 2021). XR could be defined as applying all real and virtual technologies to the interaction through the man-machine interface or appropriate hardware system equipment; meanwhile, there is a cross-relationship between the virtual and real environment in extended reality (Huang et al., 2020). ...
STEM education is a crucial learning area to understand important concepts and gain 21st-century skills in different disciplines, explore scientific knowledge, and solve problems in daily life. However, research in STEM education is scarce on extended reality technologies. This research examined the effects of extended reality integrated STEM on students’ learning response and performance. A quasi-experimental research design was used to find answers to the research questions. The same lecture taught the experimental and control groups but preceded STEM experimental activities at a different time and with distinct instructional strategies and teaching aids. The participants were students in two classes at a university in Taiwan. The research results showed that students in the experimental group applying extended reality-integrated STEM had better learning responses than students in the control group using teaching materials. The results also showed that students in the experimental group learning with an extended reality system could apply the STEM curriculum knowledge acquired in classes and reflect the learning outcomes on the test assessment for better learning performance than students in the control group. In addition, the results revealed that good learning responses could enhance students’ higher learning performance. In light of the results, educational implications are made. Keywords: extended reality, STEM education, learning response, learning performance, experimental research
... When the literature is examined, it can be observed digital game-based learning is used in preschool (GURAN; COJOCAR; DIOSAN, 2020), primary school (HUANG et al., 2020), secondary school (DAI; TAI; NI, 2021), It is noteworthy that it is a subject that is addressed at all levels of education processes such as higher education (USHER; BARAK; HAICK, 2021). In addition, science and mathematics education , has also been found to be used. ...
The aim of this research is to reveal the global research dynamics of digital game-based learning studies and to contribute to a holistic understanding of the subject area. Within this purpose, the current situation of the field, with its emerging new orientations and its intellectual structure are examined with an in-depth perspective. Bibliometric analysis and social network analysis were performed on 494 publications published between 2001-2021. As a result of the analysis, the publications in the field were first observed in the WoS database in 2001; it has been determined that the publications have been in an increasing trend starting from the period of 2006-2010. In the common keyword analysis, it was seen that the prominent concepts were "digital game-based learning" and "serious games". It was found that the studies were mainly conducted by researchers from Taiwan and the USA.