Fig 4 - available via license: Creative Commons Zero 1.0
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The sweep of power ratio γ 12 at f = 721 MHz with β 12 = −0.1, α 11 = 0.55 and α 22 = 0.55. The input power reads P in = 1 W. The black curve denotes total radiated power P . The rest of the curves depict its decomposition into individual parts (10).

The sweep of power ratio γ 12 at f = 721 MHz with β 12 = −0.1, α 11 = 0.55 and α 22 = 0.55. The input power reads P in = 1 W. The black curve denotes total radiated power P . The rest of the curves depict its decomposition into individual parts (10).

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This paper introduces a theory for assessing and optimizing the multiple-input-multiple-output performance of multi-port cluster antennas in terms of efficiency, channel correlation, and power distribution. A method based on a convex optimization of feeding coefficients is extended with additional constraints allowing the user to control a ratio be...

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... leads to a relatively large envelope correlation coefficient (E 12 > 0.5) in most of the studied frequencies. When the constraint on E 12 is added, total efficiency is slightly decreased, but the envelope correlation coefficient is kept at zero guaranteeing acceptable MIMO performance. Various power ratio settings are further studied in Fig. 4 which demonstrates the situation in which problem (18) is solved at f = 721 MHz with κ 12 = 1, β 12 = −0.1 and γ 12 ∈ [−0.5, 0.5]. It shows how different power components (10) are related to total radiated power P through power ratios. The curves for P 11 and P 22 overlay each other as the power ratio reads κ 12 = ...