Table 1 - uploaded by Kemal YILDIRIM
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Many sociologists, psychologists and environmental designers have suggested that physical environment is stimulating the senses of children where they can explore and experiment not only positively effects their learning ability and skills but also influences their behavior. However practitioners of children space design adapt their spatial perspec...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... status of the children from families that partici- pated in the study, in respect of possession of a room of their own is given below in Table 1. ...
Context 2
... to Table 1 of the children from families that participated in the study 51.9% were girls, 48.1% boys, 20% were in the age group 0-4, 25.6% were in the age group 5-7, 30.6% were in the age group 8-10, and 23.8% were in the age group 11-13. Also it can be seen that 87.5% of children in the study have a room of their own. ...
Context 3
... 8 and 9 supports H2,H5 and partially H3. these issues mostly related with functionality, lack of children's' development and effected from contem- porary market. Since these items are most commonly presented.When the families that participated in the study were purchasing children's rooms furniture the factors relating to safety that was important for them is given H2, H3 in Table 10. ...
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Design elements such as typography, illustration, and photography used in graphic design can also be used indoors on surfaces and reinforcement elements. Original designs support the creation of the identity of the place. It is of great importance to use visual arts in the space. One of the areas of design that greatly affects people in the illustration. Whatever the content of the illustration, it can include different visual styles that can be expressed artistically. The art of illustration can express difficult concepts quickly. For this reason, illustrations are used in different techniques. Thus, it can be used to create unique designs that can reveal the difference of the brand. The uniqueness of the illustration used in the interior design is also effective in the formation of space's own identity. Illustrations that are uniquely designed based on the user's wishes should be used. Instead of fashionable design trends, the application of the appropriate forms to the concept of the space ensures the creation of the original space. The research aims to examine the use of graphic elements used in interior design, which is one of the factors that affect the formation of children's identity, on space surfaces. Qualitative methods were used as a method, and a literature review was made on graphic design and space design for children. The analyzed examples are limited to the use of typography and illustration on the walls and reinforcement element surfaces in the interior design of the children's room. The application images in the personal archive were used. Besides, internet resources were searched and the samples of the children's room were examined.
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