Figure - uploaded by Hunduma Dinka
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The serum samples collected from animals were systematically categorized according to their respective sampling areas and sources The four sampling areas were as follows: (a) Addis Ababa Abattoir (AAA), which is located in the capital city of Ethiopia, (b) Adama Abattoir (AA), which is situated in the city of Adama, (c) Modjo Abattoir (MA), located in the town of Modjo, and (d) Borana Pastoral Oromia (PO), which is a pastoral region in Ethiopia.
Source publication
Coxiella burnetii is causing infections in both humans and animals, resulting in Q fever and Coxiellosis, respectively. Information on the occurrence of C. burnetii infection is scarce in Ethiopia. This study estimated the sero-prevalence of C. burnetii infection and associated risk factors in four common livestock species from Addis Aba...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... serve as a valuable source of information on the prevalence of C. burnetii infection in different regions of the country, as the animals that are slaughtered there come from various parts of the country. In order to provide insight into the distribution of seroprevalence results across the country, the data obtained from the animals slaughtered at different Abattoirs were geo-referenced by thematic density maps created by using QGIS 10.0 and presented in Fig 2. This spatial information is critical in identifying areas with a higher risk of C. burnetii infection, which may serve to inform targeted interventions to mitigate the spread of the bacterium and reduce the risk of transmission to humans. Consequently, this data may play a pivotal role in enhancing public health outcomes and reducing the burden of zoonotic diseases. ...Context 2
... the context of Addis Ababa Abattoir (AAA), animals (sample size, 1012) were predominantly sourced from three distinct regions, which are Amhara (East and West Gojam; North and South Gondar), Oromia (Bale and Borana), and Southern Nations Nationalities and People Region (SNNPR) (Wolayita). These regions were identified and are graphically represented in Fig 2A. For Adama Abattoir (AA), animals (sample size, 237) were procured from a diverse range of regions from Somali, Oromia, Afar, Babile, and Jinka, as illustrated in Fig 2B. ...Context 3
... regions were identified and are graphically represented in Fig 2A. For Adama Abattoir (AA), animals (sample size, 237) were procured from a diverse range of regions from Somali, Oromia, Afar, Babile, and Jinka, as illustrated in Fig 2B. These regions were identified and mapped to provide a comprehensive understanding of the geographical origins of the animals. ...Context 4
... regions were identified and mapped to provide a comprehensive understanding of the geographical origins of the animals. For Modjo Abattoir (MA), animals (sample size, 1511) were primarily sourced from regions similar to Adama Abattoir (AA), with an additional procurement from Bale, East Harerge in Oromia, and the Southern Nations Nationalities and People Region (SNNPR), as depicted in Fig 2C. In the Borana Pastoral region of Oromia, animals (sample size, 1038) were sourced from Dubuluk, Mega, and Yabelo, as depicted in Fig 2D. ...Context 5
... Modjo Abattoir (MA), animals (sample size, 1511) were primarily sourced from regions similar to Adama Abattoir (AA), with an additional procurement from Bale, East Harerge in Oromia, and the Southern Nations Nationalities and People Region (SNNPR), as depicted in Fig 2C. In the Borana Pastoral region of Oromia, animals (sample size, 1038) were sourced from Dubuluk, Mega, and Yabelo, as depicted in Fig 2D. This geographical information is crucial in determining the epidemiology of infectious diseases that may affect the animals and subsequently pose a risk to human health. ...