The root mean square error (RMSE) over all gradient angles [−45, +45 • ] plotted over different values for γ . Each point corresponds to the measurements of five frames evaluated five times each.

The root mean square error (RMSE) over all gradient angles [−45, +45 • ] plotted over different values for γ . Each point corresponds to the measurements of five frames evaluated five times each.

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This paper presents a method of how to determine spatial angles of ionizing radiation incidence quickly, using a Timepix3 detector. This work focuses on the dosimetric applications where detectors and measured quantities show significant angle dependencies. A determined angle of incidence can be used to correct for the angle dependence of a planar...

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... negative α values. This is caused by an asymmetric pin configuration as a result of it being hand crafted. For all tested values of γ a good linear regression coefficient R 2 can be retrieved. Therefore, the results for some values of γ that are slightly rotated around the origin can be corrected depending on γ . This can be seen . Furthermore, Fig. 6 shows that there is a huge discrepancy between the single values of γ . That simply reflects the lower relative part of the pin configuration shadow that overlaps with the detector when the incident radiation angle increases. Hence the threshold γ needs to be higher in order to increase the probability of finding the shadow Figure 4. ...