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The regression results from the Fixed Effects Model (FEM)

The regression results from the Fixed Effects Model (FEM)

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The energy sector in Vietnam has developed rapidly as the country is transitioning to renewable energy. Moreover, the Vietnamese government also motivates the engagement of private investors in the energy sector to enhance the competitiveness of the energy market. Therefore, this paper investigates how innovation investments and ownership concentra...

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Context 1
... we regress three models using the FEM estimation to test the impact of independent variables on financial sustainability. Table 3 reports that INI has negative efficiency with financial sustainability, but the relationship is statistically insignificant. ...
Context 2
... we regress three models using the FEM estimation to test the impact of independent variables on financial sustainability. Table 3 reports that INI has negative efficiency with financial sustainability, but the relationship is statistically insignificant. ...

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... Considering the above review, the literature has established a link between board financial expertise and organisational outcomes. Prior studies in this context mostly used sustainability disclosure and dwelled more on gender and board nationality (e.g., [2,3,10,17,[26][27][28][29]). The attention of standard setters and regulatory agencies was drawn to the importance of board financial expertise after the liquidation of several firms across countries [30,31]. ...
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... Korepanov et al. (2020) focus on managing the financial stability potential of crisis enterprises, highlighting the role of innovative financial strategies in navigating economic downturns and maintaining solvency. Duong et al. (2022) explore how innovation and ownership concentration affect the financial sustainability of energy enterprises in a transition economy. Their findings indicate that firms with concentrated ownership structures and innovative practices are more likely to achieve financial sustainability. ...
... ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 6 August 2024 doi:10.20944/preprints202408.0374.v128 ...
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The following article analyses the relationship between Non-Performing Loans and innovation systems at a global level. The analysed data were obtained from the World Bank and the Global Innovation Index for the period 2013-2022 for 149 countries. The analysis was conducted using clustering with the k-Means algorithm, optimized with the Silhouette coefficient and the Elbow method. Subsequently, econometric analysis was carried out using panel data with Random Ef-fects and Fixed Effects. The clustering results show that the optimal number of clusters is three. The econometric analysis highlights the positive relationship between Non-Performing Loans, the exports of cultural and creative services, and the Innovation Input Sub-Index. The results also show the negative relationship between Non-Performing Loans, the H-Index, and the exports and imports of ICT services.
... Recent research suggests that combining digital twin and blockchain technologies will likely significantly change supply chain management. This convergence can redefine industry norms by promoting innovation and sustainability (Duong et al., 2022). ...
... The approach expanded to include statistical analysis conducted after data gathering. The study employed the PLS technique, as described by Duong et al. (2022), to examine the entire collinearity VIF of the latent variables. The comprehensive results are shown in Table 1, which shows the CMB test findings using internal VIF coefficients for important latent variables. ...
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In the era of Industry 5.0, characterized by the seamless collaboration between humans and machines, the integration of digital twin technology (DTT) and blockchain technology (BCT) is poised to revolutionize supply chain management. This research explores the impact of DTT and BCT on achieving sustainable and efficient supply chain operations. Digital twins, virtual replicas of physical systems, enable real-time analysis and simulations, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency. Simultaneously, blockchain technology ensures transparency and security in supply chains by maintaining unchangeable transaction records. This paper delves into the advantages and challenges presented by these technologies, examining real-world case studies across various industries. The study reveals that the combination of DTT and BCT creates a symbiotic relationship, driving continuous monitoring and validation of supply chain processes. This integration aligns with global sustainability goals, emphasizing resource optimization and waste reduction. However, data privacy, scalability, and interoperability remain significant barriers. A comprehensive approach is advocated to overcome these challenges, emphasizing ethical and environmental norms. Furthermore, this research offers insights into the mediating role of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) practices and dynamic capabilities in the relationship between Industry 5.0 technologies and operational resource utilization (ORU) performance. It highlights the need for a sophisticated strategy in implementing technology adoption initiatives. This study contributes to theoretical advancements in Industry 5.0 by elucidating the complex interactions between DTT, BCT, and SSCM, paving the way for future research. Additionally, it provides valuable policy implications, guiding policymakers to prioritize innovation, transparency, and sustainability in the industrial sector. Integrating DTT and BCT can reshape supply chain dynamics, fostering a future marked by efficiency, innovation, and environmental responsibility.
... The large shareholder may use its power to obtain what Grossman and Hart (1980) label 'private benefits of control' at the expense of the minority shareholders (Villalonga et al. 2019). Controlling shareholders also influence sustainability decisions, strategies, and performance, and they may focus more on sustainability practices to enhance the firm's reputation in the long term (Duong et al. 2022;Lin and Nguyen 2022). However, the presence of large shareholders might also generate agency problems as they can use their power to reduce environmental and social sustainability practices that decrease the firm's value (Chen et al. 2021). ...
... Innovation not only brings profits and an improved image to the companies but also contributes to improving their long-term financial stability. This phenomenon is identified and described by Duong et al. (2023) [68], based on the example of Vietnamese companies. Furthermore, the researchers find that the favorable impact of innovation efficiency on financial stability takes place in larger energy companies, whereas a concentration of ownership improves sustainable development in smaller ones. ...
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Analysis of the energy sector from the micro perspective that relates to individual companies is much rarer than a macroeconomic analysis that concerns the power industry as a whole and its impact on the functioning of the economy. However, energy companies directly implement the government’s energy policies and innovation strategies. Thus, this article attempts to answer the question concerning the relationships in three large energy companies operating in Poland (1) between the use of renewable resources for production and the innovative nature of a company, (2) between the use of renewable energy sources and the standing on the stock exchange and profitability. This study used multiple case studies, financial analysis indicators, a time series analysis, and an interdependence analysis. This study covers 2011–2022 and allows consideration of long-term changes in domestic energy policy. Our findings suggest that there is a relationship between a company’s investment activity and the use of renewable energy sources. Unfortunately, the scope of the use of RESs in these companies is small (from ca. 1% to 15%, which demonstrates the low progress of green transformation) and has negative correlations with the investors’ assessment and profitability. In relation to innovation, the ratio of intangible assets to total assets was the highest for Tauron SA, increasing from 1.96% to 5.16%. Its material commitment to innovation is distinguishable from the other two companies. This is also the company with the highest share of RESs in energy production. The second place belongs to Enea SA with its ratio of intangible assets to total assets that increased from 0.72% to 1.69%. The ratio was lowest for PGE SA, increasing from 0.37% to 1.47%. The results and standing of the analyzed energy companies are strongly affected by energy policy amendments, including the improved status of coal and the re-oriented use of RESs (prioritizing solar energy over wind). As a result, these companies, despite the twelve-year period of the implementation of green transformation in the European Union, have achieved little on the path to sustainable energy. Therefore, achieving the goal of a zero-emission economy seems unlikely, since the renewable energy mix is still very slight and not diversified. Changes in energy policy are also not conducive to sectoral and economic innovation.