The regional distribution of Crimean pine forests in Türkiye and the locations of study sites (AR, Aegean Region; BSR, Black Sea Region; EAR, East Anatolian Region; IAR, Inner Anatolian Region; MATR, Marmara Transitional Region; MR, Mediterranean Region; MTR, Mediterranean Transitional Region; SATR, Southeastern Anatolian Transitional Region in an alphabetical order). The shape file of this figure was provided by Caudullo et al. (2017)

The regional distribution of Crimean pine forests in Türkiye and the locations of study sites (AR, Aegean Region; BSR, Black Sea Region; EAR, East Anatolian Region; IAR, Inner Anatolian Region; MATR, Marmara Transitional Region; MR, Mediterranean Region; MTR, Mediterranean Transitional Region; SATR, Southeastern Anatolian Transitional Region in an alphabetical order). The shape file of this figure was provided by Caudullo et al. (2017)

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