Figure 8 - uploaded by Sri Sudewi
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The qualitative analysis of endophytic bacteria isolates to solubilize phosphate on Pikovskaya medium with the addition of Bromophenol blue 0.01 g L -1

The qualitative analysis of endophytic bacteria isolates to solubilize phosphate on Pikovskaya medium with the addition of Bromophenol blue 0.01 g L -1

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Sudewi S, Ala A, Baharuddin, Farid M. 2020. The isolation, characterization endophytic bacteria on from roots of local rice plant Kamba in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 1614-1624. The local Kamba rice plants are cultivated by the Bada Valley people for generations by obtaining seeds from previous crops. This rice plant is able to s...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... ability of endophytic bacteria isolates to dissolve phosphate was qualitatively determined by culturing bacterial isolates in Pikovskaya solid media modified with the addition of Bromophenol blue 0.01 g L -1 . The test results showed that 19 isolates of endophytic bacteria were shown to be able to form clear zones around bacterial colonies on solid Pikovskaya media (Figure 8) with different clear zone diameters and colony diameters (Table 2). Indicator of the ability of bacteria to dissolve phosphate is characterized by its ability to grow on solid Pikovskaya media and form clear zones around the colony. ...
Context 2
... best phosphate solvent bacteria's ability to produce the diameter of the halo zone with the largest area compared to other bacteria isolates colonies, while isolates that do not form clear zones are unable to dissolve phosphate. The results showed that all endophytic bacteria isolates were able to dissolve phosphates with different colony diameters and clear zone diameters produced ( Figure 8; Table 2). ...

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... This causes DNA to come out of the cell and form slimy threads when removed from the surface of the slide. In contrast, Gram-positive bacteria do not form threads when removed from the surface of the slide because of their thick Peptidoglycan layer, so these bacteria do not lyse easily when dropped with a 3% KOH solution (Sudewi et al., 2020). The catalase reaction test yielded positive catalase results of 83.33%, while catalase negatives were 16.66% ( Table 2). ...
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Bacterial Grain Rot caused by Burkholderia glumae is an important disease of rice. In South Sulawesi, this seed-borne pathogen has been detected in several places. There were some reports from the farmers regarding rice yield loss due to this disease. This study aimed to isolate and characterize morpho-physiologically bacterium causing grain rot of rice in the main rice-producing areas of Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi. Samples were obtained from 10 districts. Several grains of rice were isolated and grown in King’s B medium. Morphological characteristics were determined by the color, form, edge, and elevation of colonies. KOH solubility, catalase test, anaerobic growth, toxoflavin production assay, production of fluorescent pigment, and colony color on YDC medium were performed to determine physiological characteristics. 1 isolate from each area was found which has similar morphological traits to B. glumae . Colonies that were yellow, yellowish white, creamy white, and grayish white, with a circular form, entire edge, and convex elevation. The result of physiological characterization showed that all isolates tested positive for KOH solubility and catalase test as well. All isolates showed negative reactions for anaerobic growth, production of fluorescent pigment, and colony color on YDC medium. 5 isolates were able to produce yellow pigment (toxoflavin), so it can be concluded that all of the isolates that have been characterized morpho-physiologically are presumably confirmed as B. glumae .
... The structure of the cell wall was the cause of this variation. Grampositive bacteria have peptidoglycan-based cell walls, whereas, Gram-negative bacteria have lipid-based cell walls (Sudewi et al., 2020). ...
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... The physiological characterization of bacteria was carried out by several tests, including: the gram test using 3% KOH solution and bacterial gram staining (Mu'minah et al. 2015;Begum et al. 2017); the oxidase test used Sigma strip oxidase contains plastic strips with a paper zone saturated with a solution of N,N-dimethyl-1,4phenylene diamine and alpha-naphthol, catalase test (Sudewi et al. 2020); oxidation fermentation test, tolerance test for temperature conditions of 37-40°C and acid using 5% NaCl, fried egg colony test on PDA media (Thakkar et al. 2016); sensitivity test to 15 µg erythromycin antibiotic (Kanzil et al. 2015), and fluorescent pigment production using King's B media (Nepali et al. 2018). In addition, enzyme activity tests were conducted on the ability of bacteria to produce enzymes: protease, lecithinase, and pectolytic enzymes, following the methods of Boluk et al. (2021), Thakur et al. (2021) and Kumvinit and Akarapisan (2019). ...
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... Some research has demonstrated that PGPB can be effective in increasing the production of phytohormones (e.g., auxins, cytokinins, and gibberellins) (Sudewi et al. 2020). The production of some phytohormones, such as ABA, by PGPB can be due to aquaporin upregulation under stress conditions (Krishnamoorthy et al. 2022). ...
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Seed coating is considered one of the best methods to promote sustainable agriculture where the physical and physiological properties of seeds can be improved to facilitate planting, increase growth indices and alleviate abiotic and biotic stresses. Several methods of seed coating are used to attain good application uniformity and adherence in the seed coating process. Seed coating has been tested in seeds of various plant species with different dimensions, forms, textures, and germination types. Plant beneficial microorganisms (PBM), such as rhizobia, bacteria, and fungi inoculated via seed inoculation can increase seed germination, plant performance and tolerance across biotic (e.g., pathogens and pests) and abiotic stress (e.g., salt, drought, and heavy metals) while reducing the use of agrochemical inputs. In this review, the microbial seed coating process and their ability to increase seed performance and protect plants from biotic and abiotic stresses are well discussed and highlighted in sustainable agricultural systems.
... Gram-positive bacteria have thick and rigid cell walls because they are composed of peptidoglycan with more composition than Gram-negative bacteria have thin cell walls, so the Potassium Hydroxide used in the test will more easily break down the cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria. Sudewi et al. 2020). The catalase test on bacterial isolates found that 15 isolates reacted positively and one isolate reacted negatively. ...
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Ratnawati, Sudewi S, Jaya K, Saleh AR. 2022. Microbial exploration from two different ecosystems in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 6089-6096. A supportive growing environment and the presence of microbes in the soil are considered good habitats for plant growth. Endophytic microbes live in symbiosis (mutual benefit) with their host plants, both in the stem and root tissues of plants, providing defense services in biotic and abiotic stress situations. This study was aimed to identify various microbes that exist in various agricultural cultivation ecosystems in Central Sulawesi. Microbial sampling was obtained from healthy plant tissues (endophytes) and rhizosphere in lowland rice and shallot plantation ecosystems. The sample obtained was then weighed as much as 5 g and surface sterilized for further isolation by serial dilution method to be spread on NA (Nutrient Agar) media for bacteria, and PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) for fungi. The microbes that had grown were re-isolated to obtain pure isolate culture of microbes. The results showed that 8 isolates from the rhizosphere and 4 isolates as endophytes in the ecosystem of organic rice fields were recorded. The fungal isolates from the shallot plantation "Lembah Palu" found as many as 12 isolates from rhizosphere and 4 isolates as endophytes. The results of macroscopic and microscopic characteristics on fungal isolates identified as the species of Trichoderma, Fusarium, Penicillium, Gliocladium and Aspergillus.
... Take 1 ml of the milled solution, put in 9 ml of sterile distilled water, and make the dilution 10 -1 -10 -6 , for 0.1 ml of bacterial suspension was taken from a dilution of 10 -2 -10 -6 and planted in a Petri dish containing NA media, spread plate method and incubated at 28°C for 24 hours. Each colony that grows periodically is purified by the streak plate method (Sudewi et al. 2020). Each colony was refreshed in Nutrient Agar media and Luria Bertani liquid media, then stored in 25% glycerol stock, and frozen in a freezer at -80°C (Arora & Verma, 2017). ...
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Abstrak Bakteri mampu menghasilkan siderofor umtuk mengkelat besi dalam lingkungan dan digunakan oleh tanaman sebagai kofaktor dalam pembentukan klorofil untuk pembentukan glukosa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bakteri penghasil siderofor tinggi dari akar nanas Simadu, Kabupaten Subang Provinsi Jawa Barat. Bakteri diisolasi dari akar nanas Simadu, kemudian diseleksi dengan membedakan morfologinya dan diidentifikasi sebagai penghasil siderofor pada media Chrome Azurol S (CAS). Diperoleh 10 isolat bakteri (M1 sampai dengan M10) yang mampu menghasilkan siderofor. Isolat bakteri M7 memiliki kemampuan menghasilkan siderofor tertinggi. Isolat M7 teridentifikasi sebagai bakteri Gram negatif. Hasil analisis pohon filogenetik berdasarkan sekuensing 16S rDNA menunjukkan isolat kelompok genus Providencia. Dibandingkan dengan Providencia vermicola , isolat standar dari InaCC yang berasal dari akar Curcuma zedoaria, M7 menunjukkan produksi siderofor yang lebih tinggi pada media LB pada kondisi aerobik.[Kata kunci: Isolasi bakteri, Providencia, akumulasi siderofor, akar nanas Simadu Subang]Abstract Bacteria can produce siderophores for chelating iron in environments and are used by plants as an ingredient cofactor in building chlorophyll for glucose production. This study aims to obtain high siderophore-producing bacteria from the roots of pineapple Simadu, Subang District, West Java Province. Bacteria were isolated from Simadu pineapple roots, then selected by distinguishing their morphology and identified as producing siderophores with Chrome Azurol S (CAS) media. Obtained 10 bacterial isolates (M1 to M10) capable of producing siderophores. Bacterial isolate M7 had the highest siderophore production ability. M7 isolate was identified as Gram-negative bacteria. The results of the phylogenetic tree analysis based on 16S rDNA sequencing showed this isolate as the genus Providencia. Compared to the Providencia vermicola as reference isolate from InaCC derived from the roots of Curcuma zedoaria, M7 showed higher siderophore production in LB media under aerobic conditions.[Keywords: Bacteria isolation, Providencia, siderophore accumulation, Simadu Subang pineapple root]