Figure 8 - uploaded by Anders Gustavsson
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The parson on a visit to a sick man lying in the bed. Painting by the folklife artist Carl Gustaf Bernhardson. Photo by Bohuslän's Museum, Uddevalla.
Source publication
Diaries can provide a micro-perspective on people’s way of life andthe world of conceptualization in a local society, and also on the changes that took place in the years that the diaries were written. This can be considered micro-history. While conducting fieldwork for the research project “Cultural contacts in Bohuslän’s coastal rural communities...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... preparation for death was that the local parson was summoned to the afflicted person's home to administer the Holy Communion (Fig. 8). The traditional term for such visitation was sockenbud (Fallberg-Sundmark 2008). One did not have to be approaching death in order to send for the parson; it was enough that one had difficulty in reaching the church, especially in one's old age. Jonsson was himself the recipient of Holy Communion at his home more than once during the ...
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