Figure 5 - uploaded by Raul Ferrer Conill
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The notifications sent by the 11 outlets in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Each circle represents a single notification sent during the 90-day sample.

The notifications sent by the 11 outlets in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Each circle represents a single notification sent during the 90-day sample.

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Push notifications provide news outlets with direct access to audiences amid concerns around information overload, disinformation, and heightened competition for reader attention. Such news distribution is relevant because it (a) bypasses social media and news aggregators, reaching readers directly; (b) alters the agency and control of temporal new...

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Context 1
... give further insight into the variations evident within countries, the strip chart in Figure 5 uses Sweden, Norway and Denmark to illustrate the time of day at which each notification was sent, presenting an overall visualisation of the density and hotspots throughout the day among these 11 outlets. For Dagens Nyheter, a Swedish daily, there is a heavy stream of activity between 6am and 11pm, a pattern mirrored by Aftenposten, a Norwegian afternoon paper and the Norwegian public broadcast NRK. ...

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... Audiences are primarily engaged in information-seeking behaviours, indicating diverse needs such as cognitive and affective information related to credibility to grasp the reality of various issues (Soleymani et al, 2023). Additionally, people have found that audiences prioritize convenience when accessing online news portals due to the faster speed of news dissemination (Wheatley & Ferrer-Conill, 2021;Apuke & Omar, 2021). ...
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This study was meant to explore the students' perception of the credibility of Malaysian online news portals using the method of indepth interviews and focus group discussions (FGD). The results of the study reveal that the proliferation of technologies such as social media and internet accessibility has greatly facilitated university students' access to online news portals. Individuals are seeking upto- date information more than ever, due to the convenience of technology. Mainstream, alternative, and independent news portals each have distinct impacts on students. Key factors contributing to these credibility issues include information-seeking behaviour, convenience, confirmation bias, and social interaction. Perceptions of credibility vary depending on the type of news portal in the eyes of university students which could be driven by ideology, prejudice, and bias. However, convenience and credibility theme explain why online news portals are often criticized for their lack of credibility in the eyes of university students. Many students perceive clickbait headlines as a major issue with Malaysian online news portals, often finding discrepancies between headlines and the actual content of articles. Incomplete information and journalists' reluctance to address sensitive issues are also significant concerns for students when selecting online news portals. Bias and credibility issues on online news portals often manifest in political and racial controversies. Students also mentioned the 3R issues during the interviews. Despite these concerns, online news portals remain the primary source of information for university students. Overall, the credibility issues have eroded students' confidence in the reliability of online news.
... The variation in the intensity of this transformation can be attributed to the influence of digitalization across all the phases of the news process. From information gathering (Steiner 2014), content production (Graefe 2016), and distribution and consumption modalities (Wheatley and Ferrer-Conill 2020) to the engagement of the interconnected audience, every aspect has transformed, including the journalistic profession itself (Zamith and Westlund 2022). ...
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This paper analyses the self-representations of Portuguese media professionals and their work practices. Utilizing data from a broader empirical study, this paper delves into the dynamics of influence among various actors within newsrooms. Based on journalists' perceptions of the content, the methods they use to assess the quality of the news are also identified. To address these enquiries, a survey was conducted among professionals engaged in the news production process. This sample comprised 72 individuals from various sectors of newsrooms, including photographers, designers, IT professionals, social media managers, and videographers. The main results indicate that seven out of ten respondents acknowledged their reliance on colleagues in newsrooms for success. Furthermore, the data suggest that there are no significant disparities among different professionals, with personal satisfaction emerging as the primary criterion for assessing the work quality. It is notable that almost twice as many women tend to indicate the low impact of the journalist on their work compared to male respondents. Moreover, most respondents stated that there is space for hybrid professionals in newsrooms.
... Por fim, os media começaram a produzir os chamados snacks informativos (Molineux, 2018), isto é, notícias e vídeos de curta duração e de rápido consumo. Alguns autores (Wheatley & Ferrer-Conill, 2020) verificaram que este envio de informação faz parte das estratégias de fidelização de clientes e ocorre em períodos de baixo consumo para manter os utilizadores permanentemente ligados aos media. A aposta neste tipo de conteúdo está relacionada com uma característica ligada à sociedade actual: a constante mobilidade que convida a consumos acidentais de unidades informativas curtas. ...
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This book includes a brief history of the Internet, describes writing techniques and multimedia grammar, analyses the impact of the Web on journalism, discusses the role of mobile devices in news production and discusses future scenarios for journalism.
... Amplían la exposición a noticias seleccionadas en espacios y momentos en los que comúnmente no se consumiría noticias. En otras palabras, son herramientas para ampliar el consumo informativo (Wheatley y Ferrer-Conill, 2021). ...
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This article describes the construction of a multidimensional model for the study of digital native media. The objective is to contribute to the generation of a replicable model. Four dimensions, six categories, and 51 variables derived from the concepts were integrated into the methodology: multimedia, interactivity, business model, and public opinion. It is concluded that a multidimensional model represents recognizing the relationship that digital native media have with technological, economic, social and cultural structures, which invites us to think that information institutions in the digital context require critical and broad approaches to understand their complexity.
... Amplían la exposición a noticias seleccionadas en espacios y momentos en los que comúnmente no se consumiría noticias. En otras palabras, son herramientas para ampliar el consumo informativo (Wheatley y Ferrer-Conill, 2021). ...
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Resumen Este artículo describe la construcción de un modelo multidimensional para el estudio de los medios na-tivos digitales. El objetivo es contribuir con la gene-ración de un modelo replicable. En la metodología se integraron cuatro dimensiones, seis categorías y 51 variables derivadas de los conceptos: multimedialidad, interactividad, modelo de negocios y opinión públi-ca. Se concluye que un modelo multidimensional re-presenta reconocer la relación que tienen los medios nativos digitales con las estructuras tecnológicas, eco-nómicas, sociales y culturales, lo cual invita a pensar que las instituciones informativas en el contexto de lo digital requieren abordajes críticos y amplios para comprender su complejidad. Abstract This article describes the construction of a multidi-mensional model for the study of digital native media. The objective is to contribute to the generation of a replicable model. Four dimensions, six categories, and 51 variables derived from the concepts were integrated into the methodology: multimedia, interactivity, business model, and public opinion. It is concluded that a multidimensional model represents recognizing the relationship that digital native media have with technological, economic, social and cultural structures , which invites us to think that information institutions in the digital context require critical and broad approaches to understand their complexity. Palabras clave: metodología, nativos digitales, periodismo.
... ABD'de gerçekleştirilen bir çalışma (Gavilan ve diğerleri, 2020), anlık bildirimlerin tıklama oranını nasıl etkilediğini analiz etmiş, başlığın ve fotoğrafın canlılığının, tıklanma oranını arttırdığını göstermiştir. Kuzeybatı Avrupa ülkelerinde gerçekleştirilen bir çalışma (Wheatley & Ferrer-Conill, 2021), anlık haber bildirimlerini; aşırı bilgi yüklemesi, dezenformasyon ve okuyucunun dikkatini çekmek için artan rekabetle ilgili endişelerin karşısında, haber kaynakları açısından okura doğrudan erişim sağlamak için bir olanak olarak ele almıştır. Bu çalışmada mobil bildirimlerin; haber dağıtımının, sosyal medyayı ve haber toplayıcıları atlayarak doğrudan okura ulaştığı, haber kişiselleştirilmesinin aracısını ve kontrolünü değiştirdiği, haber kuruluşları ile okur arasındaki iletişimi güçlendirdiği savunulmaktadır. ...
... Bu çalışmada mobil bildirimlerin; haber dağıtımının, sosyal medyayı ve haber toplayıcıları atlayarak doğrudan okura ulaştığı, haber kişiselleştirilmesinin aracısını ve kontrolünü değiştirdiği, haber kuruluşları ile okur arasındaki iletişimi güçlendirdiği savunulmaktadır. Toplamda otuz dört medya kuruluşunun yedi bini aşkın bildirimini analiz eden çalışma, haber kuruluşlarının mobil kanalı, kullanıcıların dikkatini çekmek ve dikkati sürdürmek için kullandığını ortaya koymuştur (Wheatley & Ferrer-Conill, 2021). ...
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Gündelik yaşamın pek çok alanında kullanılan mobil cihazlar, çeşitli uygulamalar aracılığıyla kullanıcının deneyim ve tercihlerine ilişkin verilerin toplanmasında etkin olan araçlardır. İçerik üreticileri tarafından zaman ve mekân sınırı olmaksızın kullanıcıya içerikleri iletme olanağı sunan mobil cihazlar, zamanla kullanıcıların habere eriştiği ana mecralar haline gelmiştir. Günümüzde, başlıca haber kaynağının çevrimiçi kaynaklar olduğu Türkiye’de, temel gelir modeli reklama dayalı olan dijital ana akım haber medyası, kullanıcı etkileşim oranları ve trafiklerini yüksek tutmak için tüm mecraları etkin şekilde kullanmaya yönelmiştir. Google Haberler, Flipboard, Bundle gibi, farklı kaynaklardan haberleri derleyip kişiselleştirme algoritmalarıyla kullanıcılara sunan haber uygulamalarından faydalanan medya kuruluşları, kendi uygulamalarını da geliştirmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Similarweb “Haber” ve “Medya” kategorisinde, aylık ziyaret sayısına göre üst sıralarda gelen Sözcü, Hürriyet, Sabah ve Habertürk’ün mobil uygulamaları incelenmiştir. Hâlihazırda mülkiyet yoğunlaşması olan Türkiye’deki medya endüstrisinde mevcut güç ilişkilerinin dijital medya ortamında da sürdüğü varsayımından hareket eden bu araştırmada; anlık bildirim (push notification) yoğunluklarının gündeme göre ve uygulamalar arasında farklılaştığı görülmüş, uygulamalarda çokça hatayla karşılaşıldığı ve bildirim yoğunluğunun kullanıcı deneyimine zarar verdiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Anlık bildirimlerde politika haberleri ağırlıktayken, öne çıkarılan aktörler Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ile bakanlar olmuştur. Çalışmanın sonucunda mobil uygulama bildirimlerinin ana akım medyanın içeriklerini, kullanıcının gündelik yaşam temposunda dikkatini yönelttiği yere taşıma olanağı sağladığı görülmüş; telefonların ekranlarının, anlık bildirimler aracılığıyla toplumdaki egemenlerin ve siyasal iktidar temsilcilerinin mesajlarının öne çıkarıldığı alanlar olarak konumlandırıldığı ortaya konulmuştur.
... Multiple information and curation operations act simultaneously or sequentially, leading to a complex online information consumption experience. For example, news providers not only try to attract audiences by pushing news notifications throughout the day but also compete with one another by simultaneously selecting several focal times for dissemination (Wheatley & Ferrer-Conill, 2021), thereby exacerbating the information load that the general public must handle. ...
... Compared to traditional news media, the online news environment displays highly distinct temporal characteristics. Online news is disseminated 24/7 (Wheatley & Ferrer-Conill, 2021). Meanwhile, information dissemination and user behavior are fragmented and clustered into short periods (Barabasi, 2005;Rodriguez et al., 2014). ...
The production and consumption of online news are usually under a bursty temporal pattern. However, little is known about the psychological and cognitive impacts of such bursty consumption of online news. The study employs a 2 (filled-interval length) × 2 (empty-interval length) × 2 (empty-interval burstiness) mixed design experiment to examine how temporal characteristics in online news consumption influence audiences’ cognition and retention. Specifically, three temporal characteristics in online news consumption—filled-interval length, empty-interval length, and empty-interval burstiness—are controlled in the experiment. We instructed fifty-two participants to read a sequence of health-related news posts under various temporal settings while tracking their eye movements. The results showed that (1) empty-interval length increased retention, (2) empty-interval burstiness increased retention but did not have a main effect on cognitive load, and (3) filled-interval length, empty-interval length, and burstiness jointly influence cognitive overload and retention level. The study highlights the holistic perspective in considering the information exposure effect, thus revealing the complex relationship between temporal information characteristics and cognitive reactions and offering empirical suggestions to improve information system design.
... Pre-defined time of the day: Using predefined timing to schedule alerts to avoid interruptions has been found to be effective in increasing attention to push messages . Research done by news media suggest that temporal patterns of push notifications' dissemination align with existing news consumption behaviours and is thus effective (Wheatley & Ferrer-Conill, 2020). However, the impact of this strategy can be controversial. ...
Mobile apps market is a growing market and the main technological enabler of apps are push notifications (PN). Today, users are currently receiving a daily average of 63 PN. After an introduction that highlights the relevance of PN, this chapter covers the background of its topic –pop-up messages that emerge on the smartphone screen- and its characterization: (1) proactive communication with the user; (2) explicitly authorized through an opt-in request; (3) wide range of content, private and social, sent by social networks, commercial companies, or news publishers from apps or web site; (4) targeted according to the users’ interests, previous behaviors, or time of day; (6) always prompting the user to click on the PN that will land on the sender’s app / web site. There is a steep competition for the user's attention to click through the PN message. Thus the chapter moves through to discuss the factors that influence the choice of whether to open or ignore a PN: (1) Timing in the delivery, disruption, and systems for managing PN in a non-disruptive way. (2) Top-down factors in PN usage, such as user profile, user reaction times, and user interest in the content (3) Bottom-up factors, such as message textual and visual features as an antecedent of click-through rate. Before concluding, the chapter suggests future directions for researchers and practitioners: how to increase opt-in rates, user experience of PN, reasons to opt-out … The chapter ends with a conclusion and a list of references.
... For the purposes of this article, which focuses on individual adoption of a news subscriptionand therefore does not take into account such long-term processes as socialization (e.g., Edgerly et al. 2018;Palmer and Toff 2020;Shehata 2016)a distinction can be made between what will be called facilitators and obstacles deriving from news media and news users themselves. News media seek to steer users' behavior via such strategies as social media promotion (Bayer and LaRose 2018), push notifications (Wheatley and Ferrer-Conill 2021) and newsletters (Hendrickx, Donders, and Picone 2020). News users themselves can inhibit undesirable habits by introducing friction, e.g., via various digital detox strategies (Syvertsen, 2020), or stimulate formation of desirable habits through imposing deliberate strategies such as taking preparatory action and programming effective cues (Lally, Wardle, and Gardner 2011). ...
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This article uses the notion of habit to explore how news users adopt a new subscription into their everyday routines, and identifies facilitators and obstacles helping or inhibiting this process. Sixty-eight participants received a three-week newspaper trial subscription and were interviewed about their experiences afterward. Facilitators of repeated use were concurrent rewards; embedment into existing routines; and visual reminders. Obstacles were lack of steady routines; strong existing habits; perceived effort; disillusionment; and accessibility. Findings point to the importance of visibility: participants – even those with positive initial experiences – tended to forget their subscription. Visual cues were needed to remind participants to read their subscription: app icons, open browser tabs, social media posts, push notifications, and the print newspaper. Proactive implementation of these cues suggests participants themselves were also aware of their propensity to forget the subscription. Existing (news) habits either helped anchor use of the subscription or blocked it by being automatically cued up by context features. Results also point to a mental hurdle: having to muster up the cognitive and motivational energy to start reading the news. Finally, findings suggest that concurrently experienced rewards may be more conducive to news habit formation than retrospectively experienced rewards.
... Las alertas noticiosas en los móviles no solo son herramientas para distribuir contenido o aumentar el tráfico en las aplicaciones y en las páginas web (Lugo-Ortiz y Rodríguez Sánchez, 2021;Wheatley y Ferrer-Conill, 2020;Brown, 2017Brown, , 2018Wood, 2016;O'Connell, 2015;Westlund, 2013), sino también micronarrativas, o una forma única y breve de storytelling periodístico (o de contar historias) (Brown, 2017;Welsh et al., 2016;Newman, 2016). Constituyen piezas que, en sus propios méritos, comunican contenido noticioso para capturar la atención de las audiencias (Mäkelä et al., 2019;Brown, 2017Brown, , 2018. ...
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Las alertas noticiosas en los móviles no solo representan vehículos para distribuir conteni-do o aumentar el tráfico en las aplicaciones y en las páginas web, sino también microna-rrativas periodísticas o una forma única de storytelling (contar historias). Este estudio explora cómo las notificaciones contribuyen al relato noticioso mediante el periodismo móvil. En particular, examina el lenguaje escrito-visual y las rutinas de producción de las alertas noticiosas en Puerto Rico. Mediante un análisis de contenido y entrevistas a los productores de las notificaciones, la investigación identificó que la mayoría de las alertas comunicaron, en tercera persona gramatical, datos de interés periodístico siguiendo el estilo informativo. Privilegiaron el texto con fotos sobre otros elementos mediáticos. Aun-que la mayor parte exhibió vocabulario sencillo y conciso, estas carecieron de claridad y precisión. Los periodistas reconocieron que no cuentan con guías estandarizadas para la producción de las notificaciones. La investigación apunta a que las alertas contribuyen al relato periodístico, pero que los medios no han potenciado sus posibilidades escritas ni multimedia. Palabras clave: alertas noticiosas; periodismo móvil; periodismo digital; aplicaciones móviles; Puerto Rico