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Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... airport has become the distinguished transportation mode of this fifth wave [2]. Figure 1, shows the associated transportation modes for the development waves and their spatial development forms. ...
Context 2
... logit model is given as follows, table 3. After applying the three steps 3, the proposed logit model has been applied to the spatial raster time drive service area map to get the final output of a spatial raster probability Aerotropolis region map for accessibility factor as shown in figure 10. The research found that the new cities and communities surrounding Cairo Airport are highly valued due to the existence of the ring road that connects the new suburbs and cities to the airport, in addition to the major highways that are implemented throughout the nation. ...
Context 3
... High level residential Commercial and Industries Logistics services Entertainment areas Figure 11, illustrates the distribution of economic land uses within the study's area. Based on planning guidelines and Egyptian standards, the analysis results of the percentage of economic land-use indicator, required for the Aerotropolis approach, distinguish that the distribution of economic land use around the airport is concentrated in the south/east south towards the new cities (New Cairo, the 10th of Ramadan and the 6th of October, and Sheikh Zayed) with a high economic land-use percentage, as shown in figure 12. On the other hand, the residents are the dominant land use for the north neighborhoods of the airport which are unplanned areas and need development intervention to participate in the success of the airport's Aerotropolis system. ...
Context 4
... High level residential Commercial and Industries Logistics services Entertainment areas Figure 11, illustrates the distribution of economic land uses within the study's area. Based on planning guidelines and Egyptian standards, the analysis results of the percentage of economic land-use indicator, required for the Aerotropolis approach, distinguish that the distribution of economic land use around the airport is concentrated in the south/east south towards the new cities (New Cairo, the 10th of Ramadan and the 6th of October, and Sheikh Zayed) with a high economic land-use percentage, as shown in figure 12. On the other hand, the residents are the dominant land use for the north neighborhoods of the airport which are unplanned areas and need development intervention to participate in the success of the airport's Aerotropolis system. ...
Context 5
... binary logit model SPSS output was as follows, After applying the three stages for the economic land-use factor, the spatial raster probability Aerotropolis region map for the economic land-use factor was created using the logit model outputs as shown in figure 13. The researcher found that the new cities play a role in determining the limits of the Aerotropolis because the state directs investments and financial and economic hubs, such as October City, Sheikh Zaid, and New Cairo, as well as the planned new administrative capital. ...
Context 6
... third-factor of analysis highlights the presence of a significant mixture and social mix in the settled social strata in the surrounding CIA neighborhoods, whereas many neighborhoods surrounding the airport are unplanned areas that developed randomly over time and have a low social and economic level, particularly to the north of the airport, which has the predominant economical housing, such as Al-Marj, Al-Matareya, and Ain Shams. The neighborhoods south of the airport have high social and economic levels, such as Nasr City and Masr Gedida, new cities, as shown in figure 14 of the spatial analysis of the socio-economic indicators. ...
Context 7
... multiple regression SPSS outputs were significant at a level of 0.1 as shown in the table 7. Figure 16 shows the raster probability to contribute to the success of the Aerotropolis region, the map was produced by the application of the multiple logistic regression model on the neighborhood"s unit. ...
Context 8
... map also highlighted the extreme contrasts between the new cities, old downtown Cairo and the areas north of the airport. Table 7. SPSS results for the coefficients of the multiple logistic regression model Figure 16. The socio-economic level Probability raster map ...
Context 9
... final probability raster map of the Aerotropolis region was computed by ArcGIS Pro using the weighted overlay tools as shown in figure 17. 2: the objective of the stage is the determination of the proposed Aerotropolis region of the CIA. ...
Context 10
... assessment process shows that the optimum probability value was 60% which is the minimum probability value to realize an Aerotropolis region with the most requirements needed for the realization of Aerotropolis approach objectives to be achieved. Figure 18 shows the proposed Aerotropolis region for CIA based on the proposed spatio-economic logit model developed by the research. The GCR vision in the national development strategy ...
Context 11
... research proposed a fourth factor of national development strategy to adjust and adapt the proposed Aerotropolis region to satisfy the Aerotropolis region requirements. The research found that there are areas with high economic potential outside the proposed region and that the government strategy was relocating the mega industrial hubs outside of the Greater Cairo border to new cities such as Sadat, Ain Sokhna, Salhia, benisuef, and Banha as shown in figure 19. ...
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