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FIGURE 6 - Global maps of soil temperature

FIGURE 6 The mean annual soil temperature (SBIO1, 1 x 1 km resolution) modelled here is consistently cooler than ERA5L (9 x 9 km) soil temperature in forested areas. (a) Spatial representation of the difference between SBIO1 based on our model and based on ERA5L soil temperature data. Negative values (blue colours) indicate areas where our model predicts cooler soil temperature. Dark grey areas (Greenland and Antarctica) are excluded from our models. Asterisk in Scandinavia indicates the highlighted area in panels d to f (see below). (b) Distribution of the difference between SBIO1 and ERA5L along the macroclimatic gradient (represented by SBIO1 itself) based on a random subsample of 50,000 points from the map in a). Red line from a Generalized Additive Model (GAM) with k = 4. (c-e) High-resolution zoomed panels of an area of high elevational contrast in Norway (from 66.0-66.4°N, 15.0-16.0°E) visualizing SBIO1 (c), ERA5L (d) and their difference (e), to highlight the higher spatial resolution as obtained with SBIO1
The mean annual soil temperature (SBIO1, 1 x 1 km resolution) modelled here is consistently cooler than ERA5L (9 x 9 km) soil temperature in forested areas. (a) Spatial representation of the difference between SBIO1 based on our model and based on ERA5L soil temperature data. Negative values (blue colours) indicate areas where our model predicts cooler soil temperature. Dark grey areas (Greenland and Antarctica) are excluded from our models. Asterisk in Scandinavia indicates the highlighted area in panels d to f (see below). (b) Distribution of the difference between SBIO1 and ERA5L along the macroclimatic gradient (represented by SBIO1 itself) based on a random subsample of 50,000 points from the map in a). Red line from a Generalized Additive Model (GAM) with k = 4. (c-e) High-resolution zoomed panels of an area of high elevational contrast in Norway (from 66.0-66.4°N, 15.0-16.0°E) visualizing SBIO1 (c), ERA5L (d) and their difference (e), to highlight the higher spatial resolution as obtained with SBIO1
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