Fig 1 - uploaded by Paulo Fernandes
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The location and geology of the Algarve Basin and the Carrapateira outlier, illustrating the areas studied herein, and the geographical extents of the Western (Sagres), Budens- Lagoa and Eastern (Faro) subbasins. adapted from Manuppella, 1992. 

The location and geology of the Algarve Basin and the Carrapateira outlier, illustrating the areas studied herein, and the geographical extents of the Western (Sagres), Budens- Lagoa and Eastern (Faro) subbasins. adapted from Manuppella, 1992. 

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... Algarve Basin is an important Mesozoic depocentre in southern Portugal ( Fig. 1). It is located south of the Palaeozoic- dominated “ Serra Algarvia ” and mainly comprises Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous limestones. This maritime region is locally known as the "Barrocal" and the carbonate-dominated lithologies have given rise to gentle karst topography with west – east aligned fold axes and faults. The basin extends from Cape Saint Vincent in the west to the Guadiana River on the Portuguese – Spanish border in the east (Fig. 1). In the western part of the basin, the Upper Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous successions are superbly exposed in sea cliffs between Cape Saint Vincent and Lagos. The Jurassic outcrops of the Carrapa- teira outlier, located around 20 km north of Sagres (Fig. 1), represent a northerly extension of the Algarve Basin. This sedimentary basin was initiated by rifting associated with the opening of the North and Central Atlantic Ocean, following the breakup of Pangea. However, due to its location, the Algarve Basin was also in fl uenced by the formation of the Neo-Tethys Ocean. The evidence for a Tethyan in fl uence is largely from the dominance of sub- Mediterranean Late Pliensbachian to Tithonian ammonite faunas (Rocha, 1976). Typically boreal ammonites ( Amaltheidea ) did migrate southwards into the Algarve Basin during the Late Pliensbachian, however they never became dominant (Rocha, 1976). Furthermore, Late Sinemurian benthic foraminifera with Tethyan af fi nities represent further evidence that the Algarve Basin was part of the Tethyan Realm during the Early Jurassic (Azerêdo et al., 2003). Short term compressional phases within the broad extensional framework occurred during the Jurassic in the Algarve Basin (Terrinha et al., 2002). These tectonic events may have at least partially isolated the basin thereby preventing the mixing of Tethyan and boreal faunas, especially during the Toarcian – Aalenian and the Callovian – Oxfordian intervals. The Algarve Basin thus straddled the Tethyan and boreal palaeogeographical realms, making it an extremely important depocentre in terms of the Jurassic biogeography in Western Europe. Lateral facies changes across the Algarve Basin, allow its division into the Western (Sagres), the Budens-Lagoa, and the Eastern (Faro) subbasins (Mannupella et al., 1988; Fig. 1). These relatively small depocentres are separated by major regional faults which were probably active during deposition. Sedimentation in the Algarve Basin commenced with Upper Triassic continental red beds and evaporites which unconformably overlie Upper Palaeozoic strata (Palain, 1976). These Upper Triassic strata are overlain by Early Jurassic (Hettangian) volcanic rocks associated with the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP). Following this important magmatic event, Sinemurian to Tithonian marine carbonate sedimentation became well-established across the Algarve basin. The dominant lithofacies are shallow water limestones and cycles of pelagic marls and limestones. The Lower Cretaceous is represented by a mixed clastic and carbonate succession, deposited in nearshore and terrestrial settings (Rey, 2006). During the Late Cretaceous, a major basin inversion event occurred, related to Alpine tectonism and the emplacement of the Late Cretaceous (Campanian, ca. 72 Ma) syenite of Monchique into Upper Palaeozoic strata (Terrinha et al., 2002; Miranda et al., 2009). Therefore, no Upper Cretaceous strata are present in the Algarve Basin. Sedimentation resumed during the Miocene with bioclastic limestones which unconformably overlie the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous succession. Palynological studies of the Mesozoic of the Algarve Basin are largely on the Lower Cretaceous (e.g. Berthou and Leereveld, 1990; Heimhofer et al., 2003, 2007). There are only two published reports of Jurassic palynomorphs from the Algarve Basin. The fi rst was Fechner (1989), on the Lower Jurassic salt diapir at Loulé; the second is a brief description of the Middle Jurassic palyno fl oras of Mareta Beach by Oliveira et al. (2009). The present contribution is a preliminary account of the Pliensbachian to Kimmeridgian palynology of the Algarve Basin near Sagres and in the Carrapateira outlier. Davies (1985), Mohr and Schmidt (1988), Smelror et al. (1991), Smelror (1993), Bucefalo Palliani and Riding (1999, 2003) and Oliveira et al. (2007) documented the Sinemurian to Kimmeridgian palynology of the Lusitanian Basin, west-central Portugal. The Sagres region is the reference area for the Mesozoic fi ll of the Western subbasin. Jurassic strata outcrop spectacularly in the cliffs between Cape Saint Vincent and Mareta Bay (Fig. 2). The Jurassic stratigraphy and palaeontology of the Sagres area were described by Choffat (1887) and Rocha (1976). The Lower Jurassic is well-represented at Cape Saint Vincent and Armação Nova (Fig. 2). At Cape Saint Vincent, an extensive ( N 30 m) ? Sinemurian to Lower Pliensbachian carbonate-dominated succession is organic-lean, probably due to the intensely dolomitised nature of these beds. A well-exposed Lower Toarcian succession approximately 35 m thick occurs at Armação Nova Bay, 1 km northeast of Cape Saint Vincent (Fig. 2). The base consists of intensely dolomitised limestones, of probable Late Pliensbachian age, passing upwards to interbedded marls and bioclastic limestones (Fig. 3). The bases of the limestone beds exhibit normal grading, longitudinal scours and fl ute casts, and the tops are rich in Zoophycos traces. The scour casts and the bioclastic character of the limestone beds suggest that they represent turbidites, however evidence of bioturbation mitigates against this interpretation. Middle Jurassic strata are well-exposed at Mareta Bay (Figs. 2 and 4). The base of the succession consists of coral bioherms with karsti fi ed tops. There are no marker fossils in the bioherms; however the karst cavities are fi lled and covered by Upper Bajocian bioclastic limestones and Middle Bathonian marls. This indicates that the karsti fi cation was pre-Late Bajocian, and that the bioherms are therefore of Aalenian to Early Bajocian age. At beach level there is a conglomerate which overlies the bioherms. This is dominated by limestone clasts and these include clasts of the bioherms. The conglomerate is coeval with the palaeokar- sti fi cation event, and exhibits lateral thickness changes. Overlying the conglomerate is a ca. 8 m thick succession of Upper Bajocian limestones with Zoophycos (see Rocha, 1976). The youngest strata are a 120 m thick succession of grey marls that grade into marly limestones which have been affected by several slump events (Fig. 4). Ammonite faunas indicate a Callovian age (Rocha, 1976). Following the deposition of the Callovian strata a tectonic event, observed throughout Iberia, folded the Middle Jurassic succession. This is observed at Cilheta Beach, where Upper Jurassic limestones rest unconformably on gently-folded Callovian marly limestones and marls (Figs. 2 and 5). Above the unconformity is a highly fossiliferous matrix-supported conglomerate with ammonites indicative of the Middle Oxfordian Plicatilis Chronozone. This bed is overlain by 200 m of Upper Jurassic interbedded limestones, marls and dolomite (Fig. 5). The Carrapateira outlier is located around 20 km ...
Context 2
... Algarve Basin is an important Mesozoic depocentre in southern Portugal ( Fig. 1). It is located south of the Palaeozoic- dominated “ Serra Algarvia ” and mainly comprises Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous limestones. This maritime region is locally known as the "Barrocal" and the carbonate-dominated lithologies have given rise to gentle karst topography with west – east aligned fold axes and faults. The basin extends from Cape Saint Vincent in the west to the Guadiana River on the Portuguese – Spanish border in the east (Fig. 1). In the western part of the basin, the Upper Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous successions are superbly exposed in sea cliffs between Cape Saint Vincent and Lagos. The Jurassic outcrops of the Carrapa- teira outlier, located around 20 km north of Sagres (Fig. 1), represent a northerly extension of the Algarve Basin. This sedimentary basin was initiated by rifting associated with the opening of the North and Central Atlantic Ocean, following the breakup of Pangea. However, due to its location, the Algarve Basin was also in fl uenced by the formation of the Neo-Tethys Ocean. The evidence for a Tethyan in fl uence is largely from the dominance of sub- Mediterranean Late Pliensbachian to Tithonian ammonite faunas (Rocha, 1976). Typically boreal ammonites ( Amaltheidea ) did migrate southwards into the Algarve Basin during the Late Pliensbachian, however they never became dominant (Rocha, 1976). Furthermore, Late Sinemurian benthic foraminifera with Tethyan af fi nities represent further evidence that the Algarve Basin was part of the Tethyan Realm during the Early Jurassic (Azerêdo et al., 2003). Short term compressional phases within the broad extensional framework occurred during the Jurassic in the Algarve Basin (Terrinha et al., 2002). These tectonic events may have at least partially isolated the basin thereby preventing the mixing of Tethyan and boreal faunas, especially during the Toarcian – Aalenian and the Callovian – Oxfordian intervals. The Algarve Basin thus straddled the Tethyan and boreal palaeogeographical realms, making it an extremely important depocentre in terms of the Jurassic biogeography in Western Europe. Lateral facies changes across the Algarve Basin, allow its division into the Western (Sagres), the Budens-Lagoa, and the Eastern (Faro) subbasins (Mannupella et al., 1988; Fig. 1). These relatively small depocentres are separated by major regional faults which were probably active during deposition. Sedimentation in the Algarve Basin commenced with Upper Triassic continental red beds and evaporites which unconformably overlie Upper Palaeozoic strata (Palain, 1976). These Upper Triassic strata are overlain by Early Jurassic (Hettangian) volcanic rocks associated with the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP). Following this important magmatic event, Sinemurian to Tithonian marine carbonate sedimentation became well-established across the Algarve basin. The dominant lithofacies are shallow water limestones and cycles of pelagic marls and limestones. The Lower Cretaceous is represented by a mixed clastic and carbonate succession, deposited in nearshore and terrestrial settings (Rey, 2006). During the Late Cretaceous, a major basin inversion event occurred, related to Alpine tectonism and the emplacement of the Late Cretaceous (Campanian, ca. 72 Ma) syenite of Monchique into Upper Palaeozoic strata (Terrinha et al., 2002; Miranda et al., 2009). Therefore, no Upper Cretaceous strata are present in the Algarve Basin. Sedimentation resumed during the Miocene with bioclastic limestones which unconformably overlie the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous succession. Palynological studies of the Mesozoic of the Algarve Basin are largely on the Lower Cretaceous (e.g. Berthou and Leereveld, 1990; Heimhofer et al., 2003, 2007). There are only two published reports of Jurassic palynomorphs from the Algarve Basin. The fi rst was Fechner (1989), on the Lower Jurassic salt diapir at Loulé; the second is a brief description of the Middle Jurassic palyno fl oras of Mareta Beach by Oliveira et al. (2009). The present contribution is a preliminary account of the Pliensbachian to Kimmeridgian palynology of the Algarve Basin near Sagres and in the Carrapateira outlier. Davies (1985), Mohr and Schmidt (1988), Smelror et al. (1991), Smelror (1993), Bucefalo Palliani and Riding (1999, 2003) and Oliveira et al. (2007) documented the Sinemurian to Kimmeridgian palynology of the Lusitanian Basin, west-central Portugal. The Sagres region is the reference area for the Mesozoic fi ll of the Western subbasin. Jurassic strata outcrop spectacularly in the cliffs between Cape Saint Vincent and Mareta Bay (Fig. 2). The Jurassic stratigraphy and palaeontology of the Sagres area were described by Choffat (1887) and Rocha (1976). The Lower Jurassic is well-represented at Cape Saint Vincent and Armação Nova (Fig. 2). At Cape Saint Vincent, an extensive ( N 30 m) ? Sinemurian to Lower Pliensbachian carbonate-dominated succession is organic-lean, probably due to the intensely dolomitised nature of these beds. A well-exposed Lower Toarcian succession approximately 35 m thick occurs at Armação Nova Bay, 1 km northeast of Cape Saint Vincent (Fig. 2). The base consists of intensely dolomitised limestones, of probable Late Pliensbachian age, passing upwards to interbedded marls and bioclastic limestones (Fig. 3). The bases of the limestone beds exhibit normal grading, longitudinal scours and fl ute casts, and the tops ...
Context 3
... Algarve Basin is an important Mesozoic depocentre in southern Portugal ( Fig. 1). It is located south of the Palaeozoic- dominated “ Serra Algarvia ” and mainly comprises Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous limestones. This maritime region is locally known as the "Barrocal" and the carbonate-dominated lithologies have given rise to gentle karst topography with west – east aligned fold axes and faults. The basin extends from Cape Saint Vincent in the west to the Guadiana River on the Portuguese – Spanish border in the east (Fig. 1). In the western part of the basin, the Upper Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous successions are superbly exposed in sea cliffs between Cape Saint Vincent and Lagos. The Jurassic outcrops of the Carrapa- teira outlier, located around 20 km north of Sagres (Fig. 1), represent a northerly extension of the Algarve Basin. This sedimentary basin was initiated by rifting associated with the opening of the North and Central Atlantic Ocean, following the breakup of Pangea. However, due to its location, the Algarve Basin was also in fl uenced by the formation of the Neo-Tethys Ocean. The evidence for a Tethyan in fl uence is largely from the dominance of sub- Mediterranean Late Pliensbachian to Tithonian ammonite faunas (Rocha, 1976). Typically boreal ammonites ( Amaltheidea ) did migrate southwards into the Algarve Basin during the Late Pliensbachian, however they never became dominant (Rocha, 1976). Furthermore, Late Sinemurian benthic foraminifera with Tethyan af fi nities represent further evidence that the Algarve Basin was part of the Tethyan Realm during the Early Jurassic (Azerêdo et al., 2003). Short term compressional phases within the broad extensional framework occurred during the Jurassic in the Algarve Basin (Terrinha et al., 2002). These tectonic events may have at least partially isolated the basin thereby preventing the mixing of Tethyan and boreal faunas, especially during the Toarcian – Aalenian and the Callovian – Oxfordian intervals. The Algarve Basin thus straddled the Tethyan and boreal palaeogeographical realms, making it an extremely important depocentre in terms of the Jurassic biogeography in Western Europe. Lateral facies changes across the Algarve Basin, allow its division into the Western (Sagres), the Budens-Lagoa, and the Eastern (Faro) subbasins (Mannupella et al., 1988; Fig. 1). These relatively small depocentres are separated by major regional faults which were probably active during deposition. Sedimentation in the Algarve Basin commenced with Upper Triassic continental red beds and evaporites which unconformably overlie Upper Palaeozoic strata (Palain, 1976). These Upper Triassic strata are overlain by Early Jurassic (Hettangian) volcanic rocks associated with the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP). Following this important magmatic event, Sinemurian to Tithonian marine carbonate sedimentation became well-established across the Algarve basin. The dominant lithofacies are shallow water limestones and cycles of pelagic marls and limestones. The Lower Cretaceous is represented by a mixed clastic and carbonate succession, deposited in nearshore and terrestrial settings (Rey, 2006). During the Late Cretaceous, a major basin inversion event occurred, related to Alpine tectonism and the emplacement of the Late Cretaceous (Campanian, ca. 72 Ma) syenite of Monchique into Upper Palaeozoic strata (Terrinha et al., 2002; Miranda et al., 2009). Therefore, no Upper Cretaceous strata are present in the Algarve Basin. Sedimentation resumed during the Miocene with bioclastic limestones which unconformably overlie the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous succession. Palynological studies of the Mesozoic of the Algarve Basin are largely on the Lower Cretaceous (e.g. Berthou and Leereveld, 1990; Heimhofer et al., 2003, 2007). There are only two published reports of Jurassic palynomorphs from the Algarve Basin. The fi rst was Fechner (1989), on the Lower Jurassic salt diapir at Loulé; the second is a brief description of the Middle Jurassic palyno fl oras of Mareta Beach by Oliveira et al. (2009). The present contribution is a preliminary account of the Pliensbachian to Kimmeridgian palynology of the Algarve Basin near Sagres and in the Carrapateira outlier. Davies (1985), Mohr and Schmidt (1988), Smelror et al. (1991), Smelror (1993), Bucefalo Palliani and Riding (1999, 2003) and Oliveira et al. (2007) documented the Sinemurian to Kimmeridgian palynology of the Lusitanian Basin, west-central Portugal. The Sagres region is the reference area for the Mesozoic fi ll of the Western subbasin. Jurassic strata outcrop spectacularly in the cliffs between Cape Saint Vincent and Mareta Bay (Fig. 2). The Jurassic stratigraphy and palaeontology of the Sagres area were described by Choffat (1887) and Rocha (1976). The Lower Jurassic is well-represented at Cape Saint Vincent and Armação Nova (Fig. 2). At Cape Saint Vincent, an extensive ( N 30 m) ? Sinemurian to Lower Pliensbachian carbonate-dominated succession is organic-lean, probably due to the ...
Context 4
... Algarve Basin is an important Mesozoic depocentre in southern Portugal ( Fig. 1). It is located south of the Palaeozoic- dominated “ Serra Algarvia ” and mainly comprises Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous limestones. This maritime region is locally known as the "Barrocal" and the carbonate-dominated lithologies have given rise to gentle karst topography with west – east aligned fold axes and faults. The basin extends from Cape Saint Vincent in the west to the Guadiana River on the Portuguese – Spanish border in the east (Fig. 1). In the western part of the basin, the Upper Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous successions are superbly exposed in sea cliffs between Cape Saint Vincent and Lagos. The Jurassic outcrops of the Carrapa- teira outlier, located around 20 km north of Sagres (Fig. 1), represent a northerly extension of the Algarve Basin. This sedimentary basin was initiated by rifting associated with the opening of the North and Central Atlantic Ocean, following the breakup of Pangea. However, due to its location, the Algarve Basin was also in fl uenced by the formation of the Neo-Tethys Ocean. The evidence for a Tethyan in fl uence is largely from the dominance of sub- Mediterranean Late Pliensbachian to Tithonian ammonite faunas (Rocha, 1976). Typically boreal ammonites ( Amaltheidea ) did migrate southwards into the Algarve Basin during the Late Pliensbachian, however they never became dominant (Rocha, 1976). Furthermore, Late Sinemurian benthic foraminifera with Tethyan af fi nities represent further evidence that the Algarve Basin was part of the Tethyan Realm during the Early Jurassic (Azerêdo et al., 2003). Short term compressional phases within the broad extensional framework occurred during the Jurassic in the Algarve Basin (Terrinha et al., 2002). These tectonic events may have at least partially isolated the basin thereby preventing the mixing of Tethyan and boreal faunas, especially during the Toarcian – Aalenian and the Callovian – Oxfordian intervals. The Algarve Basin thus straddled the Tethyan and boreal palaeogeographical realms, making it an extremely important depocentre in terms of the Jurassic biogeography in Western Europe. Lateral facies changes across the Algarve Basin, allow its division into the Western (Sagres), the Budens-Lagoa, and the Eastern (Faro) subbasins (Mannupella et al., 1988; Fig. 1). These relatively small depocentres are separated by major regional faults which were probably active during deposition. Sedimentation in the Algarve Basin commenced with Upper Triassic continental red beds and evaporites which unconformably overlie Upper Palaeozoic strata (Palain, 1976). These Upper Triassic strata are overlain by Early Jurassic (Hettangian) volcanic rocks associated with the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP). Following this important magmatic event, Sinemurian to Tithonian marine carbonate sedimentation became well-established across the Algarve basin. The dominant lithofacies are shallow water limestones and cycles of pelagic marls and limestones. The Lower Cretaceous is represented by a mixed clastic and carbonate succession, deposited in nearshore and terrestrial settings (Rey, 2006). During the Late Cretaceous, a major basin inversion event occurred, related to Alpine tectonism and the emplacement of the Late Cretaceous (Campanian, ca. 72 Ma) syenite of Monchique into Upper Palaeozoic strata (Terrinha et al., 2002; Miranda et al., 2009). Therefore, no Upper Cretaceous strata are present in the Algarve Basin. Sedimentation resumed during the Miocene with bioclastic limestones which unconformably overlie the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous succession. Palynological studies of the Mesozoic of the Algarve Basin are largely on the Lower Cretaceous (e.g. Berthou and Leereveld, 1990; Heimhofer et al., 2003, 2007). There are only two published reports of Jurassic palynomorphs from the Algarve Basin. The fi rst was Fechner (1989), on the Lower Jurassic salt diapir at Loulé; the second is a brief description of the Middle Jurassic palyno fl oras of Mareta Beach by Oliveira et al. (2009). The present contribution is a preliminary account of the Pliensbachian to Kimmeridgian palynology of the Algarve Basin near Sagres and in the Carrapateira outlier. Davies (1985), Mohr and Schmidt (1988), Smelror et al. (1991), Smelror (1993), Bucefalo Palliani and Riding (1999, 2003) and Oliveira et al. (2007) documented the Sinemurian to Kimmeridgian palynology of the Lusitanian Basin, west-central Portugal. The Sagres region is the reference area for the Mesozoic fi ll of the Western subbasin. Jurassic strata outcrop spectacularly in the cliffs between Cape Saint Vincent and Mareta Bay (Fig. 2). The Jurassic stratigraphy and palaeontology of the Sagres area were described by Choffat (1887) and Rocha (1976). The Lower Jurassic is well-represented at Cape Saint Vincent and Armação Nova (Fig. 2). At Cape Saint Vincent, an extensive ( N 30 m) ? Sinemurian to Lower Pliensbachian carbonate-dominated succession is organic-lean, probably due to the intensely dolomitised nature of these beds. A well-exposed Lower Toarcian succession approximately 35 m thick occurs at Armação Nova Bay, 1 km northeast of Cape Saint Vincent (Fig. 2). The base consists of intensely dolomitised limestones, of probable Late Pliensbachian age, passing upwards to interbedded marls and bioclastic limestones (Fig. 3). The bases of the limestone beds exhibit normal grading, longitudinal scours and fl ute casts, and the tops are rich in Zoophycos traces. The scour casts and the bioclastic character of the limestone beds suggest that they represent turbidites, however evidence of bioturbation mitigates against this interpretation. Middle Jurassic strata are well-exposed at Mareta Bay ...