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The kinetics of 658 nm CW probe beam at (A) nanosecond, (B) microsecond, and (C) millisecond timescales for HD and LD samples shown in orange (curves (i)) and blue (curves (ii)), respectively.
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We report on the spectroscopic characterization, absorption saturation, and excited-state dynamics of GR1 centers in synthetic diamonds. The non-linear optical measurements reveal an efficient bleaching of the GR1 center’s ground level under ns-pulsed 633 nm excitation. The maxima of absorption and emission cross sections were estimated to be 4.5 ×...
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The optical properties of defects in Ib diamond prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) and High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) methods are studied by photoluminescence in a temperature range of 77~297 K. The temperature dependence of color centers in diamond of 2.65 eV center, NV⁰, NV⁻, SiV⁻, 3H is studied. The zero-phonon line (ZPL) shift,...
... This process is facilitated by a high-numerical-aperture (NA) oil immersion objective lens (NA = 1.45, ×100), which focuses the laser beam onto the working plane (Supplementary Sections I-III). The emitted fluorescence from these storage units shows a distinct zero phonon line at 741 nm, consistent with the GR1 spectral feature 35 (Supplementary Sections IV and V). The long-term fluorescence stability of GR1s, even under continuous irradiation by a high-power-density reading laser (Fig. 1b), ensures their reliable reading and long-duration storage capabilities in our study (Supplementary Section VI). ...
In the era of digital information, realizing efficient and durable data storage solutions is paramount. Innovations in storage capacity, data throughput, device lifespan and energy consumption are pressing necessities for the continuous progression of practical digital data storage technologies. Here we present a diamond storage medium that exploits fluorescent vacancy centres as robust storage units and provides a high storage density of 14.8 Tbit cm⁻³, a short write time of 200 fs and an estimated ultralong maintenance-free lifespan on the scale of millions of years. High-speed readout through plane and volume imaging is demonstrated with a high fidelity exceeding 99%, showing that the approach addresses the practical demands of digital data storage and provides a promising solution for future storage requirements.
... The combination of near-field optical intensity enhancement and charge sensitivity of the GeV antenna allows us to resonantly manipulate V C charge states. Under far-field optical illumination, the V C can cycle between the neutral and negatively charged state [19][20][21] , analogous to charge cycling commonly observed in other semiconductor defects 22,23 . Alternatively, the intense optical near-field in proximity to a resonantly illuminated GeV can provide a local energy source to drive charge cycling (Fig. 2c). ...
... In this condition, subsequent resonant GeV excitation creates measurable photoluminescence at the GR1 wavelength, as shown in the lower figure of Fig. 2e. This marks the first experimental observation of fluorescence from individual GR1s, which are challenging to resolve due to poor quantum efficiency and metastable shelving states 19 . Furthermore, these measurements confirm FRET between the GeV and V C . ...
A resonantly excited atomic optical dipole simultaneously generates propagating (far) and evanescent (near) electromagnetic fields. The near-field component diverges in the limit of decreasing distance, indicating an optical antenna with the potential for enormous near-field intensity enhancement. In principle, any atomic optical dipole in a solid can serve as an optical antenna; however, most of them suffer from environmentally induced decoherence that largely mitigates field enhancement. Here we demonstrate that germanium vacancy centres in diamond—optically coherent atom-like dipoles in a solid—are exemplary antennas. We measure up to million-fold optical intensity enhancement in the near-field of resonantly excited germanium vacancies. In addition to the rich applications already developed for conventional nanoantennas, atomic antennas in the solid state promise to yield interesting new applications in spectroscopy, sensing and quantum science. As one concrete example, we use germanium vacancy antennas to detect and control the charge state of nearby carbon vacancies and generate measurable fluorescence from individual vacancies through Förster resonance energy transfer.
... After dissolving the metallization with acids, we noticed that the irradiation produced darker areas in the diamond (green spots in Figure 9), which may indicate the presence of color-centers with no modification of the defect structure. A Raman spectroscopy confirmed the presence of neutral mono-vacancies (GR1 centers) [15] [16] in the irradiated areas and their absence outside of these areas. Figure 10 shows the spectra obtained scanning the diamond sample from the center of the irradiation spot on the bottom left to the one on the bottom right until exiting the sample. ...
... The remaining PL spectrum shows the clear signature of neutral vacancies [V 0 , zero phonon line (ZPL) at 741 nm], namely, GR1 centers (yellow). 36,37 This indicates that the presented method can not only be used to create F correlated color centers but also that a parasitic effect of neutral vacancy generation is induced. In the following analysis, this allows us to differentiate between these two defects using spectrally resolved PL measurements. ...
A common technique for color center creation in wideband gap semiconductors employs ion implantation and a subsequent thermal annealing. In general, this annealing process is conducted in an vacuum oven. Here, we exploit the annealing based on femtosecond laser pulses. For that purpose, we implant fluorine ions at 54 keV and chlorine ions at 74 keV in diamond and perform micrometer precise annealing using focused femtosecond laser pulses at 800 ± (30) nm with different pulse numbers and repetition rates. In this way, we were able to create shallow spots with color centers of varying brightness.
... After dissolving the metallization with acids, we noticed that the irradiation produced darker areas in the diamond (green spots in Figure 9), which may indicate the presence of color-centers with no modification of the defect structure. A Raman spectroscopy confirmed the presence of neutral mono-vacancies (GR1 centers) [15] [16] in the irradiated areas and their absence outside of these areas. Figure 10 shows the spectra obtained scanning the diamond sample from the center of the irradiation spot on the bottom left to the one on the bottom right until exiting the sample. ...
... By recording the probe spectra of each pulse at random pump-probe delays repeatedly, the whole time delay trace can be reconstructed [14]. One simple approach is to employ a pump pulse and a monochromatic continuous-wave (CW) laser as a probe and gather the transient probe transmission with a high-speed photodetector and pump-triggered digitizer [15][16][17][18][19][20]. The time resolution, in this case, is determined by the rise time and fall time of the detection instruments, e.g. ...
Time-resolved spectroscopy and, in particular, transient absorption methods have been widely employed to study the dynamics of materials, usually achieving time resolution down to femtoseconds with measurement windows up to a few nanoseconds. Various techniques have been developed to extend the measurement duration up to milliseconds and beyond to permit probing slower dynamics. However, most of these either demand complicated and expensive equipment or do not provide broadband spectral coverage. This paper proposes a transient absorption technique in which an ultra-short pulse laser and a broadband incoherent continuous-wave light source are employed as pump and probe, respectively. Detection of the transient probe transmission is performed in a time-resolved fashion with a fast photodiode after a monochromator and the data is recorded with an oscilloscope. The time resolution is determined by the electronic bandwidth of the detection and acquisition devices and is ∼1 ns, with a measurement duration window of up to milliseconds and a spectral resolution of <2 nm covering from 0.4 to 2 µm. In addition, the setup can be employed to measure time- and spectrally-resolved photoluminescence.
... Viele dieser Farbzentren lassen sich daher durch einen möglichst sauberen Syntheseprozess im Vorfeld ausschließen, was erneut die Bedeutung des im vorherigen Abschnitt besprochenen CVD-Verfahrens hervorhebt. Eines der bekanntesten Farbzentren in Diamant ist jedoch die ungeladene Fehlstelle, die auch als GR1-Zentrum oder neutrale Vakanz bezeichnet wird [185,209]. Als Defekt ohne Einbindung eines Fremdatoms ist dieses Farbzentrum auch in hochreinen Diamanten präsent und kann künstlich durch die Bestrahlung eines Diamanten mit Ionen oder Elektronen erzeugt werden. Bei der auch in dieser Arbeit verwendeten Ionenimplantation zum gezielten Einbringen einzelner Fremdatome in hochreine Diamanten werden daher auch Fehlstellen in großer Zahl erzeugt, wie in Kapitel 4.2 genauer ausgeführt wird. ...
... The distance a defect can diffuse can be approximated by taking the square root of the product of the diffusion coefficient and the annealing time [155]. Annealing works by a random walk of the dopant and hence will produce a stochastic Poissonian yield of colour centres if a dopant atom is within the radius of diffusion during an anneal [160]. In addition, other conglomerate defects such as di-vacancies can form, also stochastically, and reduce the probability of forming the desired centre [156]. ...
... In addition, other conglomerate defects such as di-vacancies can form, also stochastically, and reduce the probability of forming the desired centre [156]. Strain within the material will lead to a preferential diffusion direction, a full analysis of diffusion would require knowledge of the strain in the material [160]. ...
Colour centre defects in diamond are promising candidates for many quantum technologies because they act as isolated two level systems in the solid-state that can be controlled and read-out through photonics [1][2][3]. Realisation of these technologies requires the placement of many highly coherent centres in a regular array with high positional accuracy and high fabrication yield [4]. Previous fabrication techniques have lacked the ability to produce high yields with high positional accuracy without causing irreparable damage to the lattice which reduced the quality of the spin and optical properties [5]. Ultra-fast laser writing has been shown to produce highly coherent nitrogen vacancy (NV) colour centres within the diamond lattice with positional accuracies of order hundreds of nanometers and a stochastic yield. In this case, the yield and positional accuracy is held back by the need to thermally anneal the diamond within a furnace to convert laser generated defects into colour centres; a fabrication step in which there is little to no control over individual site [6]. In this thesis, the ultra-fast pulsed laser writing technique is broached in detail from both a theoretical and experimental standpoint. The theory behind the highly non-linear light-matter interactions is studied and a hypothesis is developed for the energy transfer between photo-excited carriers and the lattice via the non-radiative recombination of self-trapped multi-excitonic states [7]. In addition, this thesis presents an expansion on the laser writing of colour centres through broaching the generation of different colour centres that have some preferential properties over the NV [8], and the development of a new engineering technique involving a local laser anneal [9]. The yield of generated centres is increased from stochastic to deterministic by replacing the global thermal anneal with the local laser anneal in combination with a fluorescence feedback mechanism. In addition, the use of the laser to locally anneal generated centres leads to a factor of five improvement in the positional accuracy due to the highly non-linear interaction of the laser with the material. These results culminate in a key step forward in the development of a large scale quantum device and improved understanding of the highly dynamical processes that occur upon femtosecond laser interaction with a wide bandgap material.
... Y. Sato and T. Taira presented a detailed study of the specific heat of YAG vs. temperature [1] while S. Subedi et. al. investigated the spectroscopy of GR1 centers in synthetic diamond [2]. E. Brown and coworkers did spectroscopic characterization of Er:BaF 2 as a host material for mid-IR lasers [3] while C. Brandus and others investigated Nd:LGSB with Cr 4+ :YAG as a self-doubling, passively Q-switched green laser [4]. ...
This Joint Issue of Optics Express and Optical Materials Express features 15 articles written by authors who participated in the international online conference Advanced Solid State Lasers held 13–16 October, 2020. This review provides a summary of the conference and these articles from the conference which sample the spectrum of solid state laser theory and experiment, from materials research to sources and from design innovation to applications.
... Y. Sato and T. Taira presented a detailed study of the specific heat of YAG vs. temperature [1] while S. Subedi et. al. investigated the spectroscopy of GR1 centers in synthetic diamond [2]. E. Brown and coworkers did spectroscopic characterization of Er:BaF 2 as a host material for mid-IR lasers [3] while C. Brandus and others investigated Nd:LGSB with Cr 4+ :YAG as a self-doubling, passively Q-switched green laser [4]. ...
This Joint Issue of Optics Express and Optical Materials Express features 15 articles written by authors who participated in the international online conference Advanced Solid State Lasers held 13–16 October, 2020. This review provides a summary of the conference and these articles from the conference which sample the spectrum of solid state laser theory and experiment, from materials research to sources and from design innovation to applications.