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The game-based empowerment-related patient education and gender differences. ***p < .001; **p < .01; *p < .05

The game-based empowerment-related patient education and gender differences. ***p < .001; **p < .01; *p < .05

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Based on behavioral science assumptions, the main purpose of this study is to validate a theoretical model of the relationship between serious game play, patient empowerment and health-related behaviors. We first hypothesized that serious games for health enhanced patients’ empowerment-related education; second, we expected that gender may influenc...

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STEAM is a serious game developed as a medium for helping teachers to experience multimodality for teaching and learning. A design-based paradigm is adopted to elucidate how in-game design elements coupled with learning may visualize in-game multimodal representations. Multimodality is experienced as a process of creating meaning though connecting...


... Nineteen studies included individuals exclusively aged 14 years and older [22,23,[27][28][29]31,37,40,43,46,51,56,58,59,63,68,73,78,79], six of which included individuals exclusively aged 16 years and older [23,29,31,58,63,78]. Thirty-four studies provided an age range including both individuals aged 13 years and younger as well as individuals aged 16 years and older [21,26,30,[32][33][34][35][36]38,41,42,44,49,50,[52][53][54][55]57,60,62,[64][65][66][67][69][70][71][72][74][75][76][77]80]. A full breakdown of participant age range included in each study can be found in Supplementary Table S2A. ...
... The country of publication of the original research studies included the United States (n = 21, 34.4%) [27,[31][32][33]39,46,48,49,53,[56][57][58]60,61,63,66,69,72,77,78,81], the United Kingdom/Sweden (n = 6 each, 11.8%) [21][22][23]29,40,45,50,54,55,67,76,80], Netherlands/Australia (n = 4 each, 7.8%) [24,26,30,44,64,71,74,75], Canada (n = 3, 5.9%) [51,52,68], Norway/South Africa/Romania/Brazil/Multi-country (n = 2 each, 3.9%) [25,28,34,35,37,38,42,65,73,79], and North India/Italy/Poland/Israel/Iran/Portugal/ Kuwait (n = 1 each, 1.6%) [36,41,43,47,59,62,70]. ...
... The types of conditions/disabilities represented in the studies included type 1 diabetes (n = 10, 16%) [21,36,38,52,57,59,65,70,73,79], intellectual disability (n = 10, 16%) [30,34,35,43,49,56,58,74,75,77], neurobehavioral disorders (n = 8, 13%) [24,27,28,32,33,39,61,78], multiple disorders (n = 8, 13%) [41,51,55,62,66,68,76,80], neuropsychiatric disorders (n = 5, 8%) [31,40,53,64,67], neuro/neuromuscular disorders (n = 4, 7%) [37,44,47,48], did not specify (n = 4, 7%) [25,29,50,72], cardiovascular (n = 2, 3%) [22,23], gastrointestinal (n = 2, 3%) [26,45], renal (n = 2, 3%) [42,71], respiratory (n = 2, 3%) [46,81], autoimmune (n = 1, 2%) [69], deafness (n = 1, 2%) [60], cancer (n = 1, 2%) [54], and other (n = 1, 2%) [63] (Figure 3). ...
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Background/Objectives: Empowerment has been associated with several positive outcomes in healthcare; however, there is limited insight on empowerment levels within the adolescent population of those with a chronic condition/disability. The aim of this scoping review was to identify gaps in the existing literature on empowerment levels within this population. Methods: Five databases (MEDLINE [Ovid], EMBASE [Ovid], PsycINFO [Ebsco], CINHAL [Ebsco] and Web of Science [UBC]) and grey literature were searched. Results: A total of 67 studies were included and used for data extraction including descriptive numerical analysis followed by a narrative review. Extracted data were divided into demographic characteristics (e.g., ethnicity/ancestry), type of disability/condition (e.g., type 1 diabetes), interventions used to increase empowerment or empowerment-adjacent elements, quantitative and qualitative tools used to measure empowerment (e.g., questionnaires and/or interviews), domains/outcomes associated with empowerment (e.g., self-control), and review articles. Several interventions were shown to have positive effects on empowerment levels in adolescents with a chronic condition/disability. Conclusions: Gaps were identified in the consideration of ethnicity/ancestry and socioeconomic status, demonstrating a need for future research in this space to focus on the intersection of disability, ethnicity/ancestry, and socio-economic status and the implementation of interventions promoting empowerment.
... The participants highlighted that the anonymity provided by the tool allowed them to freely express themselves, connect with others who shared similar experiences, and feel empowered in offering support to fellow participants. Regarding the design, four studies [80,82,85,94] employed randomized or a quasirandomized controlled trials (RCTs), four [81,87,90,92] used a longitudinal cohort or prepost design, three [83,86,91] utilized qualitative methods, three were mixed-methods studies [88,89,93], and, finally, one [84] used a cross-sectional design. ...
... In terms of geographical area, the studies were carried out in diverse and distant countries, distributed over almost all continents. Six studies [82,84,86,87,90,93] were conducted in Europe, two [80,85] in the United States, two [81,89] in Central or South America, two [83,91] in Australia (Oceania), one [88] in East Africa, and, finally, one [92] involved participants from various regions of the world. ...
... For age, six studies [80,82,[87][88][89]93] Regarding gender, two studies [81,86] involved entirely female samples. In eight studies [80,84,85,87,90,[92][93][94] the majority (>60%) of the participants were female. In three studies [82,88,93] the percentage of males and females was almost the same (from 47% to 53% of females). ...
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Gender inequalities continue to pose a significant issue across various aspects of life, adversely impacting the well-being of both females and males. These disparities often stem from the ingrained gender stereotypes passed down to young individuals through parental guidance, educational systems, and media portrayal. For this reason, within the psycho-pedagogical field, various intervention models have been developed in recent years, leveraging digital tools to combat stereotypes and enhance well-being among adolescents. The aim of this systematic review is, therefore, to identify studies employing digital tools, particularly serious games, to promote well-being from a gender perspective. The review was conducted using the PRISMA guidelines and collected articles from four databases: Scopus, the Web of Science, PubMed, and PsycInfo. The screening process culminated in the selection of 15 articles. The findings reveal a proliferation of platforms, applications, and programs aimed at promoting well-being by addressing emotional, cognitive (or mental), physical, and sexual health dimensions. Some contributions emphasize nurturing positive attributes within individuals or fostering empowerment as a precursor to well-being. Additionally, certain articles delve into the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the well-being of young men and women; in particular, the authors investigated the effect of using an app to improve well-being before and after the pandemic. This systematic review aims to expand the knowledge base on technology-based interventions for social change. It endeavors to empower educators and advance the creation of innovative, evidence-based digital tools that can enhance positive mental health, promote gender equality education, and foster the well-being of young people.
... A criação do jogo "CuizGiver" como uma estratégia que auxilia o EEER na capacitação do cuidador, ao nível da aquisição de conhecimentos específicos e dicas de cuidados, pode ser utilizado como um complemento e não como uma substituição da intervenção deste profissional. A gamificação, através do jogo sério, é um excelente recurso para estruturar a transmissão e aquisição de conhecimentos e desenvolvimento de competências, pois reforça a ligação entre a teoria e a prática (16) . Para a criação do jogo sério, elegeu-se o quiz por ser facilmente integrado numa aplicação para smartphone, sendo um instrumento relativamente acessível na sociedade atual e que permite o uso em qualquer lugar ou momento por um utilizador (11) . ...
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Introduction: Spinal cord injury (SCI) translates into a critical event that results in significant changes to the lifestyle of an individual, family, caregiver. This article describes different stages of development of a digital game for the training of caregivers of SCI patients focusing on the intervention of rehabilitation nurses. It aims to describe usability and acceptance of “CuizGiver” game by experts. Methodology: This process develops in 3 phases. Firstly, an integrative literature review was performed to identify the needs of caregivers of SCI patients. In the second phase, a game was designed to further instruct the caregivers. Lastly, a group of experts validated the android application. Results: In first step, was identified knowledge needs about SCI and associated health problems (neurogenic bladder management; prevention of urinary tract infections; neurogenic bowel management; prevention of respiratory infections; prevention of pressure ulcers; acting on autonomic dysreflexia and/or or spasticity; medicines management or adequate nutrition). In view of these needs, a game was created, which was evaluated and tested by 23 experts. Feedback regarding its use to further instruct caregivers and address their queries, was positive and relevant and marked as educational and appealing. Conclusion: The requirements regarding caregivers preparation and knowledge are predominant in the rehabilitation nurse intervention process. Gamification is a significant and innovative strategy. “CuizGiver” game was appreciated by experts, giving positive and relevant feedback in the use for training caregivers, allowing to identify their doubts and being educational and appealing. Nonetheless, its effectiveness in this audience requires further investigation.
... Trainers as a form of technology-based learning media have several essential advantages, namely 1) enhance the understanding of students concerning the material provided due to changes in viewpoints, patterns of reasoning, and behavior [12], 2) can increase active participation and the academic performance of students compared to the traditional material delivery format [13], 3) increase creativity more deeply in the related curriculum [14], and 4) assist students in concretizing abstract and conceptual material [15], [16]. Therefore, it indirectly realizes learning activities that involve all aspects owned by students through cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects 2 Method ...
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This research develops a phase-shift RC Oscillator trainer kit that can be used to give undergraduate students an understanding of one of the materials related to analog circuit practicum. The Oscillator is one of the essential subtopics to be examined thoroughly by electrical engineering students. Furthermore, the Resistor and Capacitor modules were provided separately to be connected to the trainer through jumper cables. The phase-shift RC circuit in the trainer kit used a single Op-Amp 741 while the Network model utilized an Inverting Amplifier to determine the gain which must be ≥ 29 times, therefore, Rfeedback ≥ 29 Rgain (Rfeedback = 30 kΩ and Rgain = 1 kΩ). Two tasks in this learning media were completed by students, namely measuring the output frequency and observing the phase shift. The output signal on this trainer kit was observed using only an Oscilloscope and a frequency counter. The phase inverter of the phase-shift RC Oscillator adjusts the output signal by 180o and sends feedback to the input, therefore, there is positive feedback. Meanwhile, the trainer kit had an output frequency specification of ~649 Hz (C = 100 nF, R = 1 kΩ) and it shifts the phase by 60o on each RC network. Using 2 and 3 R-C networks, the phase shifts were 120o and 180o, respectively. The trainer kit was packaged in a box made of acrylic with dimensions l x w x h = 20 cm x 28 cm x 5 mm. Through a questionnaire consisting of 13 criteria, this trainer kit was declared valid, namely r count > 0.2960 (5%) and reliable (Cronbach's alpha > 0.60, which was 0.732) to be used as a learning media based on user responses, namely students (N = 35). In the context of technical education, this trainer kit also supports the efficient implementation of practicum without compromising the learning objectives due to the ease of operation (plug & play through jumper cables) compared to fully assembling the circuit using a project board.
... São inúmeras as vantagens e impacto destas estratégias relatadas na investigação disponível sobre o tema aos mais diversos níveis da saúde, designadamente promover a atividade física, melhorar funções físicas e cognitivas, melhorar a qualidade de vida e independência (Zhang & Kaufman, 2016), melhorar o equilíbrio, força, fadiga, emoções, cognição, dor (Tough et al., 2018), controlo de sinais e sintomas, entre muitas outras (D'Aprile et al., 2019). Acresce ainda a possibilidade de potenciar o sentimento de volição e capacitação para o autocontrolo, assim como promover, relacionamentos de apoio com cuidadores e profissionais de saúde (Tough et al., 2018). ...
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1-Introdução Não é novidade, que com os avanços da Medicina, muitas das situações de doença grave passaram a ser controladas e deixaram de ser uma ameaça de morte. Os progressos da ciência e da tecnologia, assim como das condições de vida e de saúde pública, conduzem um somar de anos à vida das pessoas. No entanto, viver mais tempo pode ter como consequência viver com doença crónica progressiva e avançada, em situação de fragilidade, por multimorbilidade, dependência para as atividades de autocuidado e declínio cognitivo até ao momento da morte. A investigação tem mostrado que as pessoas em fim de vida sofrem, porque, vivem perdas múltiplas em dimensões relevantes do ser humano. Perdas estas, no domínio físico, psicológico, social e espiritual. Os cuidados paliativos surgem no sentido da resposta abrangente e integrada às necessidades complexas das pessoas com doença crónica avançada e irreversível e com prognóstico limitado de vida, bem como, no acompanhamento de familiares e cuidadores durante as suas perdas e após o luto. Isto porque a necessidade de alívio do sofrimento e angústia severa, relacionados com condições de saúde que ameaçam ou limitam a vida são um imperativo global de saúde e de equidade (Knaul, Farmer, Krakauer, De Lima, Bhadelia., Kwete, 2017). Os cuidados paliativos são cuidados de saúde com o desígnio de ajudar a viver e a reduzir o sofrimento em circunstâncias extremas de fim de vida, diligenciam o acompanhamento centrado na pessoa e suas famílias, otimizando a qualidade de vida, o desenvolvimento do bem-estar humano e maximizando a dignidade dos cuidados. Devem ser prestados por equipas multidisciplinares e em diferentes contextos de saúde, porque lidar com o sofrimento envolve cuidar de questões que vão para além dos sintomas físicos. Os cuidados paliativos são consensualmente considerados um direito humano básico (Radbruch, De Lima, Lohmann, Gwyther & Payne, 2013). Devem fazer parte da oferta de serviços de qualquer sistema de saúde no sentido de garantir um apoio para que a pessoa possa viver o mais ativamente possível até à morte. O cliente alvo de cuidados paliativos pode ser identificado por um conjunto de sintomas ou fatores, incluindo a condição de doença crónica avançada, conjetura limitada de vida e necessidade de prevenção e alívio de qualquer tipo de sofrimento: físico, psicológico, social e espiritual, vivenciado por adultos ou crianças (WHPCA, 2014, 2020).
... São inúmeras as vantagens e impacto destas estratégias relatadas na investigação disponível sobre o tema aos mais diversos níveis da saúde, designadamente promover a atividade $sica, melhorar funções $sicas e cognitivas, melhorar a qualidade de vida e independência (Zhang & Kaufman, 2016), melhorar o equilíbrio, força, fadiga, emoções, cognição, dor (Tough et al., 2018), controlo de sinais e sintomas, entre muitas outras (D'Aprile et al., 2019). Acresce ainda a possibilidade de potenciar o sentimento de volição e capacitação para o autocontrolo, assim como promover, relacionamentos de apoio com cuidadores e profissionais de saúde (Tough et al., 2018). ...
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Na abordagem a este tema, importa destacar os recursos tecnológicos eHealth e mHealth, apps e jogos. Salienta-se a importância da promoção da capacitação do outro para o seu autocuidado, através destes diversos recursos, que potenciem a motivação, facilitem a participação ativa do sujeito, fornecendo materiais educacionais. Ao recorrer ou prescrever estas intervenções, os enfermeiros precisam de adequar a sua adequabilidade destas intervenções ao contexto do indivíduo. Estes recursos têm e terão implicações na transformação dos cuidados de enfermagem, que devem ser estudados e equacionados num cuidado que poderá ser denominado de “Cuidado híbrido”. Estas ferramentas são projetadas para melhorar a vigilância da saúde, gestão do sistema de saúde, educação em saúde, tomada de decisão clínica e para apoiar mudanças comportamentais relacionadas às prioridades de saúde pública e gestão de doenças (WHO, 2016). Além disso, são promotores da transformação digital potenciando a qualidade na prestação de cuidados com foco nas necessidades das pessoas. Em suma, a adoção destes recursos tecnológicos possibilita que as organizações de saúde possam tomar decisões mais eficientes, perante um desafio ou oportunidade. Por outro lado, a implementação destas soluções digitais permite que os profissionais apostem na melhoria contínua, acrescentando valor aos cuidados de enfermagem. E por fim, permitem que os utentes se tornem mais ativos na autogestão da sua doença, promovendo o autocuidado em diferentes contextos de doenças crónicas.
... São inúmeras as vantagens e impacto destas estratégias relatadas na investigação disponível sobre o tema aos mais diversos níveis da saúde, designadamente promover a atividade física, melhorar funções físicas e cognitivas, melhorar a qualidade de vida e independência (Zhang & Kaufman, 2016), melhorar o equilíbrio, força, fadiga, emoções, cognição, dor (Tough et al., 2018), controlo de sinais e sintomas, entre muitas outras (D'Aprile et al., 2019). Acresce ainda a possibilidade de potenciar o sentimento de volição e capacitação para o autocontrolo, assim como promover, relacionamentos de apoio com cuidadores e profissionais de saúde (Tough et al., 2018). ...
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Face às constantes mudanças no panorama de saúde dos portugueses e nas necessidades em cuidados urge uma exaustiva avaliação dos resultados da sua implementação. É o momento de avaliar o seu impacte e agilizar os procedimentos necessários de melhoria das práticas assistenciais nesta área (Vilela, 2018). Têm surgido novas propostas de melhoria da tomada de decisão e organização do processo de cuidados, como a de Lopes que sugere a inclusão do “percurso de cuidados integrados à pessoa dependente” (2021, p. 220). O objetivo é melhorar a qualidade do atendimento em todo o continuum de cuidados, melhorando os resultados na pessoa, promovendo a sua segurança, aumentando a satisfação e otimizando o uso de recursos. Os cuidados em casa, parecem ser o futuro dos cuidados de longa duração, pois são menos onerosos para os Estados (Filipe, 2015). Acresce ainda que é nas suas próprias casas, que as pessoas, caso tenham os cuidados necessários e as condições, preferem ficar. Por isso, apostar em cuidados domiciliários profissionais, em substituição de aumentar as camas de internamento na rede, será o caminho e a resposta mais efetiva.
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Serious games offer an innovative blend of entertainment and learning in medical education. This chapter examines the technological underpinnings, challenges, and potential future developments in this domain. Drawing from publications between 2018 and 2023, this systematic review highlights the role of technologies such as web and mobile applications, game engines, augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality, and artificial intelligence in personalizing and enhancing the learning experience. However, the use of serious games in medical education also faces several challenges, including the need for adequate technological infrastructure, complex effectiveness assessments, and integration into existing curricula. Moreover, this chapter outlines projections for further research. The authors reveal how serious games have the potential to transform medical education to be more engaging, interactive, and effective, and inspire future research in the development of innovative technologies and learning methods.
Background Serious games, which are gaming applications used for purposes beyond entertainment to educate users on, and address, specific issues, may present a timely approach to promote healthy diabetes management behaviors among children with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). The lasting benefits associated with these serious games encompass improved patient education; enhanced glycemic control; the reinforcement of bonds within the community of people with diabetes; the facilitation of meaningful dialogues with caregivers, especially within the familial setting; and a significant reduction in the economic burdens associated with subsequent complications. Objective This paper primarily aims to provide a detailed overview of the iterative design process and the associated evaluation methods used in the development of the educational game. Furthermore, this study aims to enhance motivation for sustained and extended engagement with the game over time. The MyDiabetic game design aims to educate children on various aspects, including the connections among food, insulin, and physical activity. Furthermore, it seeks to impart knowledge related to the operation of a glucometer and an insulin pen, as well as more advanced technologies such as administering glucagon, measuring ketoacidosis, and continuous glucose monitoring. Methods The co-design methodology was applied, involving interviews, design workshops, and prototype feedback sessions. A combination of several approaches, such as tailoring, observational learning, social and family support, decision-making practice, and reward systems, was used to support children’s compliance. Moreover, incorporating the literature, guidelines, and current practices into the design ensured that the game was aligned with established health care pathways and included relevant information and best practices for diabetes management. Results The game was tested on 32 children in 3 iterations. Positive responses were received from children who tested the game as well as their parents. The game was also presented to 5 schoolmates of children with T1DM who appreciated a better understanding of the disease and the opportunity to support their friends more efficiently in T1DM compensation. The involvement of children and clinicians in participatory co-design contributed to to the game's high acceptance. With regard to the game’s impact on education, 1 week of testing revealed an enhancement in educational outcomes. Conclusions The game is especially suitable for children newly diagnosed with T1DM because it acquaints them in a fun way with new terminology; for example, they can try to measure glycemia levels in an interactive way. The game also caters to children who still need to develop reading skills by including an audio guide. The guide ensures that children of all literacy levels can benefit from the game’s educational content and interactive experiences. The game is available for download on Google Play and the Apple App Store.