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The estimated annual C inputs into soil with above-and belowground parts of vegetation (arable crops, perennial grass) in cases for which no data was collected in this study.
Source publication
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from drained organic soils used for agriculture contribute significantly to the overall anthropogenic greenhouse gas budget in land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector. To justify the implementation of climate change mitigation measures on these lands, it is important to estimate at least the regional va...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... C stock in harvested products was calculated using a harvest index (HI, Table 2), which is the ratio of harvested product to total aboveground biomass ( Palosuo et al., 2015), resulting in Eq. (2): í µí°´í µí±í µí±í µí±¢í µí±í µí± í µí° ¶ í µí±í µí±í µí±í µí±¢í µí±¡ í µí°´í µí°ºí µí°µí µí°»í µí± = í µí° ¶ í µí± í µí±¡í µí±í µí±í µí± í µí°´í µí°ºí µí°µ − (í µí° ¶ í µí± í µí±¡í µí±í µí±í µí± í µí°´í µí°ºí µí°µ × í µí°»í µí°¼), ...Context 2
... Annual C inputAGBHR is annual C input from aboveground harvest residue (t C ha -1 yr -1 ), C stockAGB is C stock in total 210 aboveground biomass (t C ha -1 ), HI is harvest index (Table 2). ...Context 3
... cropland, C input from belowground harvest residues was assumed to be equal to the C stock in the measured belowground biomass. The assumptions of annual C input into soil with belowground biomass litter are summarized in Table 2. For study sites where data on above-and/or below-ground biomass was not available, theoretical values summarized in Table 2 were used. ...Context 4
... assumptions of annual C input into soil with belowground biomass litter are summarized in Table 2. For study sites where data on above-and/or below-ground biomass was not available, theoretical values summarized in Table 2 were used. 215 For grassland, it was either assumed that the C input into soil with aboveground parts of vegetation equalled the C stock in 220 aboveground biomass in the end of vegetation season, or the C input was calculated using harvest index (Table 2), depending on study site and management practices. ...Context 5
... study sites where data on above-and/or below-ground biomass was not available, theoretical values summarized in Table 2 were used. 215 For grassland, it was either assumed that the C input into soil with aboveground parts of vegetation equalled the C stock in 220 aboveground biomass in the end of vegetation season, or the C input was calculated using harvest index (Table 2), depending on study site and management practices. The C input into soil with belowground parts of vegetation was calculated assuming that the root turnover rate is 0.41 according to Palosuo et al. (2015). ...