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The effect of primed and measured thinking orientation on preference for using quantitative versus qualitative research methodology Usefulness of Quantitative to Qualitative Methods
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This research aims to investigate how preference for marketing research methodology (quantitative vs qualitative) is contingent on the thinking orientation (analytic vs holistic) of the researchers.
Thinking orientation was measured and then manipulated in laboratory experiments. Cross-cultural evidence was soug...
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The purpose of the study is to apply the Technology Acceptance Model to investigate the intention to use e-health among,, and users in Indonesia. The study is a quantitative approach and use convenience sampling, and use SEM data analysis technique. Future research will test the hypotheses of the conceptual framework. This paper is a theoretical framework, and future research will examine the conceptual framework. Keywords-TAM, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, intention to use, e-health. 1. Introduction The development of smartphones, which is rapidly expanding its use throughout the world, makes our daily lives entirely dependent on the various functions of these devices. Smartphones usually have multiple applications with multiple purposes, such as communication (chat and video calls), social media, entertainment (music and video), business (email, office, banking, etc.), and not a few who install health applications. It has recorded by IQVIA that in 2017 more than 10 million smartphones have health applications installed. Health is one of the fields chosen by many parties to be developed in Indonesia because it has good potential, so it is sought after by many startups who are involved in this health field. It is seen from the emergence of many health-based startups that offer convenience, both in finding information about health and accessing health services. According to IQVIA, a joint industry of information technology and health reported the number of health applications circulating in the world was more than 318,000 in 2017, where the value achieved has continued to increase to nearly double the number of health applications in 2015. Health or electronic health (e-health) application is a collection of software that has the function as a tool to process and communicate about health services electrically [7]. It is a crucial instrument for both public and health providers [2]. The use of this health application has many benefits that can maximize profits, save costs, improve quality, provide better health services, and can increase the participation of patients in their health [14]. Health applications can provide information on health reports, health education, and other services [36]. Meanwhile, the primary function of the health application consists of consultation on health, hospital registration, and other location-based services. Several studies on e-Health adoption in developing countries show that e-Health can be one of the solutions to provide access to better health facilities for patients. It is also a solution for doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel to improve the quality of services and increase collaboration between related parties [18]. As is generally the case with other technological innovations, people have different responses, the ability to adapt or use health applications also varies [5]. Some are easy to accept and use, but not a few are also unable to use the technology. This health system is a complex social system consisting of several stakeholders with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and values. About the adoption of a health app, it is necessary to understand the perspective of the user [18]. Therefore, it is essential
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It is often taken for granted that the right products will be available to buy in retail outlets seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. Consumer perception is that of a simple service requirement, but the reality is a complex, time sensitive system - the retail supply chain (RSC). Due to short product life-cycles with uncertain supply and demand behaviour, the RSC faces many challenges and is very vulnerable to disruptions. In addition, external risk events such as BREXIT, extreme weather, the financial crisis, and terror attacks mean there is a need for effective RSC risk management (RSCRM) processes within organisations. Literature shows that although there is an increasing amount of research in RSCRM, it is highly theoretical with limited empirical evidence or applied methodologies. With an active enthusiasm coming from industry practitioners for RSCRM methodologies and support solutions, the RSCRM research community have acknowledged that the main issue for future research is not tools and techniques, but collaborative RSC system wide implementation.
The implementation of a cross-organisational initiative such as RSCRM is a very complex task that requires real-world frameworks for real-world practitioners. Therefore, this research study attempts to explore the business requirements for developing a three-stage integrated RSCRM framework that will encourage extended RSC collaboration. While focusing on the practitioner requirements of RSCRM projects and inspired by the laws of Thermodynamics and the philosophy of System Thinking, in stage one a conceptual reference model, The 𝑃6 Coefficient, was developed building on the formative work of supply chain excellence and business process management. The 𝑃6 Coefficient reference model has been intricately designed to bridge the theoretical gap between practitioner and researcher with the aim of ensuring practitioner confidence in partaking in a complex business process project. Stage two focused on a need for a standardised vocabulary, and through the SCOR11 reference guide, acts as a calibration point for the integrated framework, ensuring easy transfer and application within supply chain industries. In their design, stages one and two are perfect complements to the final stage of the integrated framework, a risk assessment toolbox based on a Hybrid Simulation Study capable of monitoring the disruptive behaviour of a multi-echelon RSC from both a macro and micro level using the techniques of System Dynamics (SD) and Discrete Event Simulation (DES) modelling respectively.
Empirically validated through an embedded mixed methods case study, results of the integrated framework application are very encouraging. The first phase, the secondary exploratory study, gained valuable empirical evidence of the barriers to successfully implementing a complex business project and also validated using simulation as an effective risk assessment tool. Results showed certain high-risk order policy decisions could potentially reduce total costs (TC) by over 55% and reduce delivery times by 3 days. The use of the 𝑃6 Coefficient as the communication/consultation phase of the primary RSCRM case study was hugely influential on the success of the overall hybrid simulation study development and application, with significant increase in both practitioner and researcher confidence in running an RSCRM project. This was evident in the results of the hybrid model’s macro and micro assessment of the RSC. SD results effectively monitored the behaviour of the RSC under important disruptive risks, showing delayed effects to promotions and knowledge loss resulted in a bullwhip effect pattern upstream with the FMCG manufacturer’s TC increasing by as much as €50m. The DES analysis, focusing on the NDC function of the RSC also showed results of TC sensitivity to order behaviour from retailers, although an optimisation based risk treatment has reduced TC by 30%. Future research includes a global empirical validation of the 𝑃6 Coefficient and enhancement of the application of thermodynamic laws in business process management. The industry calibration capabilities of the integrated framework application of the integrated framework will also be extensively tested.
... Analytic thinking correlates with quantitative research designs. That is involving detaching the object from its context and focusing on attributes of it regarding assigning it to categories and using rules about the categories for explaining and predicting the object's behavior (Murshed & Zhang, 2016). Holistic thinking correlates with qualitative research designs that involve orientation to the field or context as a whole. ...
... Holistic thinking correlates with qualitative research designs that involve orientation to the field or context as a whole. Which includes attention to correlations between the field and a focal object, and preferences to explain and predict events based on such a correlation (Murshed & Zhang, 2016). The personal thought orientation is analytical instead of holistic; thereby, there is a preference to rate quantitative research designs more favorable. ...
... That is more favorable than qualitative research designs. (Murshed & Zhang, 2016). Hence, the justification of the choice of either quantitative or qualitative research designs for investigating a research topic is a result of an analytical thinking orientation. ...
The degree of quality that research studies possess is scientific merit, and when it is high, it contributes valuable, valid, and meaningful information that is justifiable, logical, and consequential to scientific disciplines (Chen, Contreras, & Roberts, 2016). The goal of researchers when using both quantitative and qualitative research designs is that their research has scientific merit. One dimension of scientific merit is that research has an obligation of providing information that will advance the field of study’s knowledge base. Another dimension is that research must provide new insight or evidence that will advance theory. One other dimension is that research must contribute value and possess a logical methodology foundation (Chen et al., 2016). This scientific merit evaluation and justification paper will evaluate the advancement of the knowledge base, contribution to theory, and hallmarks of good research proposed by a quantitative and qualitative research design for similar topics. This paper will also provide justify the choice of research design for investigating research topics.