Figure 5 - uploaded by Bulcsu Szekely
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The development of volumes of rail, road and waterway freight transport over the period of five years in terms of tonne-kilometres covering both domestics and international cargo data (see online version for colours)

The development of volumes of rail, road and waterway freight transport over the period of five years in terms of tonne-kilometres covering both domestics and international cargo data (see online version for colours)

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This paper reveals the quality and type of market entry problems and the types of market entry strategies onto the rail freight transport markets in the EU, and in Hungary, in particular. Significant market entry problems in the EU are inadequate investments, bureaucracy, and unfavourable settings of market structure. Empirical examination shows th...

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... similar manner when looking at tonne-kilometres, the difference is even clearer: Rail managed to grow only by 12.8% from 8749 to 9874 thousands tonne-kilometres, whereas road transport indicated an increase of 73.5% from 20,598 to 35,743 thousands tonne-kilometres. These numbers show that over this five-year period companies opted for road to carry more volumes for longer distances ( Figure 5). In the light of the above, it can be expected that further subsidiaries of MAV Ltd. will be aimed to be sold to foreign investors. ...


... It has been acknowledged that the services supply chain is something of an enigma, with no clear management model (Ellram, et al, 2004;Bhamu, et al., 2013;Brito & Botter, 2012;Bulcsu, 2011;Cao &, Schniederjans, 2004;Carvalho, et al., 2012). However, when you specifically hone in on the marketing industry, the duty of a purchaser is not to be envied. ...
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The service sector and what is termed “service spend” (i.e., the actual amount spent on services) continues to drive the economy, yet the outsourcing of service activity receives little formal attention from management. This situation produces inefficiencies and missed opportunities to maximize value and, as such, creates dissatisfaction and ultimately failure within the bounds of the outsourcing relationship. With relational transparency, defined and communicated expectations, and a heightened sense of management involvement taken together as a baseline, firms engaging in service outsourcing may begin to see the promised fortunes that have heretofore been elusive.
... Information flows allow the various supply chain partners to coordinate their long-term plans, and to control the day-to-day flow of goods and material up and down the supply chain. SCM flows can be divided into the product flow, the information flow, and the finances flow (Basu & Nair, 2012;Brito & Botter, 2012;Bulcsu, 2011). The product flow includes the movement of goods from a supplier to a customer, as well as any customer returns or service needs. ...
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This chapter details the growth of Samsung Electronics Company in its innovative use of automatic identification and data capture technologies in managing supply chain relationships meet goals of operational efficiency and profitably. Through a combination of web and business literature sources and personal interviews, documentation of the company's successfully implemented supply chain management (SCM) applications as well as technological advancements and development are found in the chapter. SCM systems and IT applications documented at Samsung are designed to help provide assistance to other companies dealing with similar issues.
... Much of the recent literature has suggested that the benefit of adding a service unit to the business of manufacturing has shown improved economic outcomes, customer service and competitive advantage (Basu and Nair, 2012;Brito and Botter, 2012;Bulcsu, 2011;Carvalho et al., 2012;Hamidi et al., 2012;Kumar et al., 2011;Mathirajan et al., 2011). One of the major concerns of creating a service unit is the operational management of services. ...
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The two companies showcased in supply chain integration include Mondolez International, which operates within the consumer packaged goods industry; and Braskem, a global company headquartered in Brazil and an industry leader in creating thermoplastic resins. Thermoplastic resin is a polymer that is a main ingredient in plastics. Both companies operate globally and both companies use their supply chain methods to attempt to gain a competitive advantage within their industry. We will take a look into the quality controls that are employed within their supply chains and look at different techniques that they use to uphold their quality standards. The methods that will be mentioned are through the use of Six Sigma Methodology and processes and lean manufacturing, which are both used by many Fortune 500 global companies. The impact of implementing a SCM program from a financial perspective was reviewed.
... Nevertheless, the freight share of rail transport in Europe is more or less discouraging (Table 1). This is often attributed to the differences in rail infrastructure in EU countries in terms of track conditions, gauge, signalling system, type of current and facilities, but also to other issues such as: road dominance, role of governments and politicians and customer orientation, market entry barriers and willingness to consider railways as a reliable partner in freight traffic (Ghijsen et al., 2007;Bulcsu, 2011;Laisi, 2011). In this paper we explore the developments of the transport sector, railways in particular, in North Germany. ...
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Despite the fact that Germany has a well expanded traffic infrastructure, it confronts a strong growth in freight volumes and it is very likely that in the forthcoming years will not be able to reasonably cope with the increasing demand. The aim of this paper is to explore the developments of the transport sector, railways in particular, in North Germany. More specific, the paper explores whether the railway network could contribute to improved traffic development in North Germany and also whether or not the existing logistics practices are effective enough to cope with the traffic problems in the region. The research based on the Delphi technique, collected, analysed and summarised the opinions of a group of experts in the aforementioned issues. Results indicate that railways could represent the solution to the forecasted growing freight volumes in the next years. In spite of continuous efforts undertaken by the politics and the economy, the existing logistics and freight traffic concepts are not sufficient, financing is too scarce, while emerging issues like sustainability, environment protection and working conditions are taken into little consideration.
... When analysing the situation of European railways, Bulcsu (2011) reports that the main problems with the development of railway infrastructure are insufficient investment, a large bureaucracy for processing contracts and tenders, and an unfavourable market structure. A case study developed by Laisi (2011) found that in Sweden and in Poland, there was also the finding that the main barriers to entry for new railway companies are exogenous, such as a lack of investment, the logistics of purchasing products, and bureaucracy. ...
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The growing demand for products originated from Brazilian sugarcane has created the need to adapt the supply chain by focusing on clients' growing demands for quality, low prices and goods produced sustainably. The sugar market is one of the most important in Brazil and has one of the best organised supply chains in the agricultural sector. Because of the market's high competitiveness, logistics has become a key component. The aim of this paper is to compare roadway and railway modes in the transportation of sugar from the sugar mills to the harbour in Santos. The comparison is mainly based on distance ranges. The results show that the transportation costs for rail were lower than those for roads in all distance ranges analysed.
... However, the achievement of positive effects in any development requires careful analysis of the problems and barriers. Since the deregulation's progression worldwide (see for example, Laisi, 2011;Laisi et al., 2012;Szekely, 2011) railway freight markets' barriers to entry have grabbed researchers' interest. According to recent studies (Laisi, 2009;Ludvigsen and Osland, 2009;Mortimer et al., 2009;Mäkitalo, 2007;Szekely, 2009b) the main entry barriers in railway freight market are acquiring the rolling stock, needed investments and bureaucracy. ...
Railway transport has confronted various changes during the last decades. Although the trend of deregulation spread worldwide in 1990s, Russia belongs to countries which have not totally liberalised market. Russian railway market has developed significantly since 2001 and today there are almost 2,000 companies offering railway services. However, the traction market's deregulation process is still incomplete. The market is confronting notable changes during the coming years. This research's main objective is to evaluate the progression of deregulation in the Russian railway freight market, highlight the confronted market entry barriers and reveal the national peculiarities. Research findings strengthen former knowledge and fortifies the Russian railway freight market has many national characteristics. As the main traits was noted importance of personal relations and close linkage with politics. Although market has many operators, undertakings are mainly leasing companies providing rolling stock for their customers. When considering the barriers to entry, as main hindering factors were regarded rolling stock, bureaucracy and needed capital. These follow the same path which has been noted in previous studies; Although Russian railway freight market has strong national peculiarities, the barriers to entry are the same like in Europe.
Using a qualitative business case-study method, this chapter examines how two Pittsburgh-headquartered firms (i.e., a global manufacturing and a domestic service restaurant chain) used location strategies to take advantage of availability of skilled labor, transportation facilities, tax rates, regulatory environment, real estate tax, and other considerations to expand their operations. Supplier considerations and associated strategies also were essential to the firms' successful expansion plans.
The nature of SCM research is constantly evolving and must address a variety of concerns like poor service, large inventory levels, and friction among suppliers and manufacturers. Analytical databases and techniques in SCM are an important part of this research. Many researchers and practitioners have depended on secondary data, but given the dynamic nature of global competition, more recent and relevant data must be gathered. These efforts need to be geared to the development of properly managed supply chain relationships and corporate sustainability initiatives that ultimately promote broad-based sustainable development objectives for the good of people, plants, and profits (i.e., triple bottom-line).
The nature of SCM research is constantly evolving and must address a variety of concerns like poor service, large inventory levels, and friction among suppliers and manufacturers. Analytical databases and techniques in SCM are an important part of this research. Many researchers and practitioners have depended on secondary data, but given the dynamic nature of global competition, more recent and relevant data must be gathered. These efforts need to be geared to the development of properly managed supply chain relationships and corporate sustainability initiatives that ultimately promote broad-based sustainable development objectives for the good of people, plants, and profits (i.e., triple bottom-line).
Technical Report
Järnvägar är stora kapitalintensiva system bestående av både elektriska och mekaniska delsystem, och följaktligen är dess drift och underhåll omfattande med många intressenter inblandade. Järnvägar och infrastrukturförvaltare utgörs av tekniska och organisatoriska nivåer, mao.: system-, delsystem- och komponentnivå, samt strategisk, taktisk och operativ nivå. Syftet med detta projekt är att ta fram en metod för att underlätta utveckling av system för att mäta och övervaka tillförlitlighet i järnvägar. Modellen ska integrera både tekniska och organisatoriska perspektiv, vertikalt såväl som lateralt. Detta omfattar åtskilliga mål, hundratals indikatorer och parametrar, datainsamling och aggregering av data. Arbetet som har genomförts är enligt följande: • Övergripande kartläggning av Trafikverkets drift och underhåll av järnvägar, genom intervjuer och litteraturstudie (Avsnitt 4.1). • Indikatorer och parametrar för mätning av tillförlitlighet inom järnvägar har kartlagts och jämförts med SS-EN 15341:2007, ’Nyckelprestations-indikatorer’, för att fungera som referens. Ungefär 120 indikatorer och parametrar har identifierats, varav 11 är likartade med nyckeltal i SS-EN 15341 (Avsnitt 4.2 och Bilaga A). • En åtgärds- och effektmodell har tagits fram för att underlätta utveckling och kontinuerlig förbättring av system för att mäta och övervaka tillförlitlighet i järnvägar. Modellen grundar sig på cykeln planera-genomföra-utvärdera-förbättra med betoning på huvudfaktorerna för strategisk planering. En fallstudie på Malmbanan, har gjorts för att verifiera och demonstrera metoden (Avsnitt 4.3). • Inom fallstudien utvecklades ett drift- och underhållsindex baserat på funktionsfel och tågförseningar med lika viktning (Avsnitt 4.3). • Index för drift och underhåll utvecklades vidare som en fortsättning på fallstudien för att även inkludera underhållstider, samt lika viktning, beroendeviktning och viktning från expertomdöme, mao. kvantitativ och kvalitative viktning (Avsnitt 4.4). • Inverkan av kallt klimat på funktionsavbrott i järnvägar har studerats i en annan fallstudie på Malmbanan och Kust-till-kust-banan (Avsnitt 4.5). • En programvara för tillförlitlighet, dvs. RAMS-analys (funktionssäkerhet, driftsäkerhet/ tillgänglighet, underhållsmässighet och säkerhet/underhållssäkerhet), för järnvägar har utvecklats för att demonstrera kostnadseffektiva analyser, datapresentation och simulering (Avsnitt 4.6 och Bilaga B). • Som en förstudie har underhållstid i spår mellan tåglägen simulerats med avseende på den faktiska tiden för underhåll som funktion av kapacitetsnyttjande, uppställnings-/uppröjningstid och erfordrad aktiv tid för reparation (Avsnitt 4.7). Nyckelord: järnvägar, tågförseningar, Malmbanan, drift och underhåll, tillförlitlighet, funktions-säkerhet, driftsäkerhet, tillgänglighet, underhållsmässighet, underhållssäkerhet, säkerhet