Figure 3 - uploaded by Bulcsu Szekely
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The development of the share of high speed rail service out of the total passenger kilometers between 1995 and 2004 (European Commission & Eurostat 2006)
Source publication
During the last ten years railway industry suffered from the negative effects of
globalization and unpredictability of changing business environment. These effects
have been even multiplied by the facts that historically this transport sector has been
fragmented in Europe and was a loss producing business activity for long time. EU
has issued three...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... a ten year perspective, it can be noticed that it might well be the next " big thing" at least in Europe (see Figure 3 above). Additional support for this view can be obtained 13 from the more recent development on the markets: 2007 seemed to be the breakthrough year for high speed railway and more and more countries consider taking on investments within the platform of " Railteam" alliance such as Spain and ...
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During the last ten years railway industry suffered from the negative effects of
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Research background. Railway transportation accounts for about 82% of freight and 50% of passenger traffic in the overall structure of the Ukrainian transport market. Against the background of the high deterioration of rolling stock and outdated infrastructure, there is a curtailment of capital investment programs. As a result, the gradual decline of the industry, a decrease in the share of rail transportation in the overall structure of the transport market, which stimulates the process of restructuring the industry, liberalization of the rail market in Ukraine. Despite the intensification of regulatory significant changes, the market has not yet taken place. This raises the question of identifying the key factors that influence the process of liberalization of the rail market in Ukraine. The hypothesis of the study is presented: the main obstacle to the liberalization of the rail market is not the legislative and political bases, but the joint (conflict) of the interests of the main stakeholders.
Purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is to investigate the problem of railway market liberalization and to predict the scenario of liberalization of the Ukrainian railway market based on the identification of stakeholder interests.
Methods. Stakeholder generalization, comparison, and matrix construction methods (stakeholder positioning) were used to identify stakeholder interests.
Findings & Value added. The experience of European countries in reforming the rail transport market is generalized. Key stakeholders were determined to open the rail market in Ukraine, and their interests were identified. An “area of interest / coverage scale” was constructed, where the area of interest divides business and politics, and the scale covers local (within Ukraine) and global dimensions. Possible ways of resolving existing conflicts and avoiding potential conflicts at the opening of the domestic railway market were offered. The developed stakeholder positioning matrix ("areas of interest / scope of coverage") extends the practice of modern management tools to methodological approaches that can serve as a basis for substantiating strategic directions of the industry's development in general.
Keywords: railway market, stakeholders, liberalization, carriers, independent railway regulator, railway infrastructure operator.
One of the main tasks of the long-term expansion of the Lithuanian railway transport is to ensure, following the European Union legislation, the implementation of a reform of the Lithuanian railway transportation sector so that the competitiveness of the country's railways in the European transport services market is increased. To properly implement the aforementioned objective, it is crucial to understand and to carry out a careful analysis on the existing railway management models (the separated one, the integrated one following the principle of holding and a completely integrated one). Only once all the pros and cons of the railway management models have been analyzed, one can choose the most optimum option for Lithuanian railways. This article will look at the advantages and disadvantages of the integrated model on the basis of the German railways. The article analyses the review of the German railway management model, the structure of the railway system, the criticism of the Deutsche Bahn model is provided in it along with the advantages of the German model.
Albania is a country that aspires to gain candidate status and after that the membership in the European Union. Our country has signed Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU in 2006. From the signing of this agreement derive standards and obligations to be fulfilled, in order to be at the same level or close to the countries that are EU members. Reconstruction of the railway and standardization of their European levels is one of the most important tasks. To this day, in this sector is made little progress that hinders economic development in the country. Member states have already implemented the four guidelines for railways, while in Albania; this kind of transportation is neglected. In this paper we will discuss issues related to the problems that Albania railway system is currently facing, efforts made to their Europeanization and development opportunities in the future.
DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2013.v2n9p511