The deployment of the cross sections along the Humen Estuary.

The deployment of the cross sections along the Humen Estuary.

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The Humen Estuary, one of the largest outlets of the Pearl River, is a long and wide tidal channel with a considerable tidal flow every year. Storm surges, always superposing spring tide, travel from the estuary and endanger the safety of people living around the river. However, little research has quantified the relationship between the hydraulic...

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... parameters of Equations (1)- (3) can be obtained by regression on the topographic data. From the digital elevation model (DEM) of the Pearl River Delta, 54 cross sections were extracted to obtain the cross-sectional area, width, and depth ( Figure 2). Then, the data were used to derive the convergent lengths a, b, and d listed in Table 1. ...

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